
Shrine in Designed Forest in Tokyo

The original torii was made from an over 1,200-year-old cypress tree
cut down in Alishan National Scenic Area in 
The second 
torii also used a 1,500-year-old cypress tree
found in the Alishan National Scenic Area
 in Taiwan
The current 
torii is made from Yoshino cedar in Nara, Japan.

Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine in Tokyo

Meiji Jingu is a Shinto shrine in Tokyo, Japan. The enshrined deity is Emperor Meiji, and it was built on November 1, 1920, after the death of Emperor Meiji. The site of Meiji Jingu is 73 hectares, most of which is a rare forest in central Tokyo.

There is an approach to the shrine right next to Harajuku Station.

Intentionally naturalized forest in Tokyo

Most of the shrine grounds are forests intentionally converted from artificial forests to natural forests. Leading landscaping scholars gathered to create a new forest in the city center for the construction of the shrine. They considered the placement of broad-leaved and coniferous trees and the timing of planting, and designed a self-propagating forest from various trees gathered from all over Japan (Not only from Japan but also from Taiwan). Thanks to this, besides the Imperial Palace, it is this Meiji Shrine that has a large green space in central Tokyo. Creatures that are not usually seen in central Tokyo continue to live here, making it a very valuable example from the point of view of zoology and entomology. This self-organizing forest concept of Meiji Jingu reminds me of Project by SONY, Synecoculture™ and Augmented Ecosystems. It may be a Japanese idea. In other words, for Japan, shrines are the very relationship with the forest that nurtures nature.

Harajuku Station near the approach is not a big station,
but it has a lively and fashionable atmosphere.
 One of my favorite stations in Tokyo.

The approach leading to the main shrine
is lined with large trees, and it feels good.
The air is especially clean in the morning.

The approach to the shrine is lined with sake barrels
donated by sake breweries all over Japan.
There is a deep connection between sake and God.
It is also a reverence for nature.

Recently, not only sake but also wine has been dedicated to Meiji Jingu.

Meotokusu is a pair of trees that symbolize a happy couple,
symbolizing the close relationship
between the enshrined deity Emperor Meiji and his wife.
From a distance, the branches and leaves
of these two trees overlap and look like one tree.
In fact, when I stood in front of these trees and put my hands together,
I could feel the kindness.

There are also restaurants and cafes on the grounds of Meiji Jingu.
There are also chairs where you can sit and relax,
which is perfect for resting when you get tired from walking.

There are also souvenir shops along the approach to Meiji Jingu.
There are many goods related to shrines.

Tokyo's recommended spot, Meiji Jingu

Meiji Jingu is the best on a sunny morning. I was able to touch something deep in my heart. I will never forget the pleasant feeling of sunlight at that time. The cafe at Harajuku station is also wonderful.

I went back to Harajuku station and entered a cafe.
Sarutahiko Cafe.

The Old Barrel Cafe was delicious.
 I like the smell of rum.

Sarutahiko Cafe in Harajuku has Wifi and a power strip,
so it's very convenient.
The interior is spacious and comfortable.
I also liked that the restrooms were clean.


Noeud.TOKYO, Sustainable Restaurant

Noeud.TOKYO, providing sustainable food

"A sustainable restaurant that harmonizes nature, seasons, and food. Your precious time, not only “delicious”,experience “true deliciousness” for your mind, body, and environment want to provide". (from Noeud.TOKYO's website)

Noeud.TOKYO is a sustainable restaurant that harmonizes nature, seasons, and food. Nœud means "connection" in French. Beginning with food, the circle of nature, society, and people is newly connected and circulated, so that is exactly what Nœud is. Therefore, diners are not only "delicious", but also feel a connection to the mind, body and environment, and feel advanced.

The entrance of Noeud.TOKYO is in an inconspicuous place. 

The entrance of Noeud.TOKYO is under this staircase.

It's an open kitchen, so there's a sense of unity.

According to the restaurant, the business of food is based on various ecosystems and cycles, such as seeds, soil, producers, regions, the natural environment, and our health. At this restaurant, diners can experience the continuous circle drawn by food in all its ingredients, menus, and space.

This is a biscuit made from bread crumbs.
The eating experience itself is the best.

I ordered wine mariage to match the course. 
All of them are delicious.

Just the right amount of softness 
that makes use of vegetable ingredients

Powdered vegetable skins are wrapped around it.

Of course you can't eat stones, 
but it makes you feel strange.
Stone seems to be the main character. 
That's good. If your heart is satisfied

tea and sweets

Eating at Noeud.TOKYO made me feel like I was on another planet. It's an otherworldly experience.
Hillcrest Hirakawacho B1F, 2-5-7 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo


Culinary Art Feeds Soul

Culinary Art Feeds Soul

The culinary arts include relationship with ingredients, health and philosophy. Through the process, culinary art feeds the soul. I choose natural farming ingredients. This is because they are in harmony with the environment. And I make the most of seasonal vegetables and cook them. For example, carrot peels and leaves are also used in cooking. Because they are grown naturally, insects sometimes stick to the vegetables, but that is because they do not use pesticides. Insects are living beings just like humans. Cultivation that eliminates living things will eventually extinguish humans.

Naturally cultivated mandarin oranges with edible peels

Naturally cultivated vegetables can be eaten with their outer skins, so even if they are expensive, they are still worth it. It's environmentally friendly and waste-free. Practice is more important. I make a contract with a natural farmer and cook with vegetables that are delivered regularly.

This is a mandarin orange called kabosu. The outer skin is a little harder than ordinary Japanese mandarin oranges. It has a refreshing lemon-like scent. Take the seeds (if I had a garden, I'd like to sow them), cut them into small pieces with the outer skin, add honey and sugar, and put them in a zipper. You can make hot lemon tea just by pouring hot water.

Hot tea made with naturally cultivated mandarin oranges

If you cut kabosu into small pieces together with the outer skin,
add honey and sugar, and put it in a zipper,
it will take 2-3 days in the refrigerator
for the flavors to blend in and the skin to soften.

Face the world in everyday cooking

I don't eat vegetables grown efficiently in large quantities. Many of them are highly efficient for their business. In other words, efficiency is cheap labor, genetically modified, or unnatural. I subscribe to vegetables directly from the farmer for a fair price. They are so delicious, brightly colored, and have vibrant leaves that are incomparable to the pretty vegetables you see in supermarkets. Every day is practice. By making the right choices, I face the world. A small but decisive move. Even intellectuals, politicians, and teachers who talk about ideals are worthless to hear unless they are put into practice.

It is up to the farmer to decide what kind of vegetables will come.
Unlike the vegetables sold at the supermarket,
they are full of energy.
Turnips and carrots also have leaves and stems.
Of course, we also cook and eat them.

Vegetables delivered every week
in cardboard boxes from contracted farmers.


Hamarikyu Garden in Tokyo, where you can cleanse your soul

Autumn scenery in the city center garden

The Metropolitan Hamarikyu Garden, which has been designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and a Special Historic Site in Japan, is a feudal lord's garden with a tide pond that has continued since the Edo period. From mid-November to early December, about 260 trees such as trident maples, wax trees, cherry blossoms, and maples can be enjoyed in their yellow and autumn colors.

The water garden in central Tokyo
is a sanctuary where you can cleanse your soul.
The bridge is a metaphor for another world.
 I feel it strongly here.

You can also enjoy the matcha green tea and Japanese sweets set (charged) at Nakajima no Ochaya. The scenery of the water surface spreading while drinking tea is very tasteful.

Enjoying the waterside and tea is the best.
The combination of raw Japanese sweets and matcha is the best.

While strolling around, I came across a traditional Japanese calico cat. There is a shrine in the park nearby, so maybe it's a god's messenger cat?

A cat that turned when I prayed to look this way. 
Is it a divine beast? This cat has a majestic air about it.


A little thought becomes a seed and bears fruit

A little thought becomes a seed and bears fruit

By chance, I stayed at the hotel I wanted to stay two years ago. At that time, I was interested in how the working style was changing. Zoku is a hotel based on the cutting-edge idea of sharing working spaces and staying while working. I was surprised when I decided to attend the event in Amsterdam. Because the venue was near Zoku.

The common space is spacious and comfortable. 
I enjoyed mint fresh herbal tea and cake.

There was a large table set in the common space.
There is also a seminar space.

The front desk is on the 6th floor.
The sky is wide open and the plants welcome the guests.

The four alphabets at the entrance, ZOKU, are unique.

There is also a veranda to go outside.
If it's warm, it's perfect for a drinking party.

The entrance is on the zero floor.
I couldn't remember which floor the entrance was on,
so I asked for help.

I stayed in room 401 on the stairs.

It's at the end of the stairs.

Look, this is 401. I was happy when I found it. There

It is a type called Bootstrap.
Although it is 12m², it can accommodate up to 2 people.
I liked that there were no unnecessary things like a TV.

Climb the roll curtain rail onto this desk and pull it.
A really well thought out design.

The whole wall is a mirror,
so it gives an illusion that it is wide.

Awareness that the laws of the universe work

By staying at the hotel I was interested in, I realized that the important laws of the universe are functioning. What I thought two years ago stuck with me and influenced my future. This is not a coincidence, it is inevitable. And, as if to prove the trend of the times, the universe took me to a new style hotel. Even if it was just a small choice, it made me make a choice. Everything makes sense.

Bonus photo: A round rainbow is said to be a sign of good luck.
 This is an aerial photo on the way from Doha to Amsterdam.

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