
Japanese Hina Dolls as Projection of Happiness

Doll's Festival for daughter's happiness

March 3rd is the Doll's Festival. It's a day for girls. May 5th is a holiday for boys, but for some reason March 3rd is not a holiday. March 3rd is a special day, even if it's not a holiday. In Japan, parents decorate Hina dolls in the hope of their daughter's happiness.

The picture below is the Hina doll set of my home.

Old parents wishing for the happiness of their daughters and their daughters

In some areas, daughters' parents give Hina dolls to their daughters and couples in the hope of their granddaughter's happiness.

When my eldest daughter was born 23 years ago, my parents gave us a doll as a gift. 

Hina doll decoration of my family style

There were many ornaments in the set of Hina dolls. However, due to the compact size of the city, it was not possible to secure a place to store everything. So, the only set I have now is a king, a queen, three lady-in-waiters, and a red cloth.

Hina dolls taken from slightly below

Period to decorate

The period to decorate is about one month. It's usually from Setsubun to the morning of March 3rd. There is a jinx that if you extend the decoration on March 4, your daughter will fail to get married.

Various Types of Hina Doll Sets

There are various types of Hina dolls. There are various sizes and materials, and it is best to choose according to your taste and purpose.

Authentic Hina doll set has five instrumentalists at the bottom.

Compact Hina dolls made of paper can be placed anywhere

The full-scale Hina doll set has
the king and princess at the top,
and many servants and
household items are lined up underneath.

The wooden hina dolls have a natural taste


The custom of decorating Japanese Hina dolls is in praying for their daughter's happiness. There are various ways to decorate the Hina dolls, so it's best to decorate them as you like.


I Love You, Onochord


Onochord, I love you

Onochord is one of the works of art by avant-garde artist Yoko Ono. LED pen light. The original usage is to send a light signal with light, which is inspired by Morse code. Blinking "i ii iii" (indicating that one minute of i blinks quickly) means "I Love You".

Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono (1933-) is an avant-garde artist, musician and peace movement activist from Tokyo. She married John Lennon (1940-1980), a British singer-songwriter and member of The Beatles, who worked together in peace, music and creativity.

Peace movement with John Lennon

Yoko met John Lennon on November 9, 1966. John, who visited the day before Yoko's solo exhibition "Unfinished Paintings and Objects" in London, was attracted to the work "Ceiling Painting" exhibited there. It was a work in which the audience climbed a white stepladder in the center of the room and used a magnifying glass hanging from the ceiling to find the small letter "Yes" on the canvas attached to the ceiling. The concept is that the actions of the audience complete the work. John thought, "This is the first art exhibition that makes me feel warm." After that, they developed their own "love and peace" activities against the intensifying Vietnam War at that time.

In September 1971, they moved to New York. It was just before the release of the album "Imagine". They participated in rallies seeking bail for anti-war cultural figures and protests against the Northern Ireland conflict. They also actively performed in prison victim relief concerts and children with intellectual disabilities.

“Imagine” has been inspiring to us, which is meaningful for the Age of Aquarius

Husband does housework, the role of a pioneering couple

On October 9, 1975, a son was born on Lennon's 35th birthday. The couple reviewed their roles, with Lennon in charge of childcare and housework, and Yoko in charge of household and business. Their ideas were pioneering at the time.

John's death

In 1980, when Yoko's son turned five, John resumed his musical career. Shortly thereafter, on December 8, John was shot dead in front of his apartments at home. The next day, Yoko issued her statement: "There is no funeral for John. John loved and prayed for the human race. Please do the same for him. Love, Yoko and Sean."

Yoko complained that she couldn't sleep because of the singing voice of a crowd praying outside, and asked them to meet again at Central Park the next Sunday and remain silent for 10 minutes. On December 14, 1980, millions of people responded to Yoko's call in memory of John around the world, offering a 10-minute silent prayer. More than 225,000 people gathered in Central Park, New York, right next to the murder scene. 

Yoko's consistent posture

After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Yoko posted a one-sided advertisement "Imagine all the people living life in peace" in the Sunday edition of the New York Times on September 23, 2001, which is her 13th day. did. In response, the US government has asked broadcasters to refrain from broadcasting "Imagine."

In October 2004, when Yoko was asked at a lecture in Tokyo, "What do you think of al-Qaeda?", She said, "Rather than criticizing or thinking about people, your own. You should think about your health, "she replied. This is a manifestation of her consistent attitude of not being on either side of the battle.


Action for love and peace is important. It can be a small thing. For example, tell people around you I love you on Onochord. Many people have given up on something simple but very important. Maybe John and Yoko, the pioneers of the New Age, have been doing music and peace activities to make them aware of it.


Curry restaurant with roots in Sumatra, Tokyo Kanda

Rich Sumatra curry without flour is the best

Tokyo Kanda is full of curry restaurants

"Kyoeidou" in Kanda, Tokyo, has been popular with customers as a Sumatra curry restaurant since its establishment in 1918. Kanda is a downtown area of ​​Tokyo with many second-hand bookstores, and has been a publishing center for a long time. In addition to Kyoeidou, there are many curry restaurants in Kanda such as Indian curry, Thai curry, Japanese curry, etc.

The Sumatra Curry Restaurant, Kyoeidou,
is located on the first basement floor.
Go down the stairs with excitement.

Special curry

Among the various curries, Sumatra curry is by far the most unique. Its unique dark curry sauce, which is close to black, is a condensed flavor of spices, meat and vegetables. It doesn't use any flour. Boil the spices slowly over an hour. The curry made by boiling for hours has a smooth texture but a rich taste. The ingredients are pork, chicken, beef, shrimp, and beef tongue, all of which are simmered separately, so they all have different tastes. The combination with the cream applied just before being served further enhances the taste. I don't usually eat meat, except for the curry here.

Why Sumatra Curry Comes to Japan

The paper napkin is written in Japanese as "Kyoeidou" and
has a picture of palm trees and a house on the southern island.

After the Meiji era (1868-1912), Mr. Yujiro Ito, who explored Southeast Asia widely, returned to Japan and taught how to make curry on Sumatra. Kyoeidou's curry is arranged to suit the tastes of Japanese people. Sumatra is the second largest island in Indonesia after Kalimantan and is the westernmost part of her Republic of Sia in Indonesia, along with the small islands off the west coast. It extends northwest and southeast across the equator. With an area of ​​473,606 square kilometers, it is about 1.3 times as large as Japan, accounting for 25% of the total area of ​​Indonesia. The climate is tropical and rainy, and many of the islands are covered with jungle. Volcanic mountains run through the island from north to south, dotted with more than 50 volcanoes such as Mt. Kerinci and Mt. Murabi. The deep tropical forest in the southern part of the island consists of trees up to 50m in height. How did Mr. Ito enjoy curry in Sumatra, which is rich in nature?

Evolution on tradition

By the way, the name of this Sumatra curry restaurant, "Kyoeidou", means to prosper together. The current owner is the third generation, but the founder's thoughts are still inherited. Moreover, it has been improved as well as traditional. From October to April, there is a baked apple on the side menu. Moreover, the food is delivered quickly, so there is little waiting time.

Baked apples after spicy curry are the best!


The restaurant with a historical background has a scent of culture. It may be because the passion of old people is remembered there. Occasionally I go to eat Sumatra curry in Kanda, Tokyo to get some energy.


Pesticide-free cultivated vegetables enrich the world

Wide repertoire of pesticide-free vegetable dishes

I recently bought natural farming vegetables directly from farmers. The vegetables are pesticide-free, so I'm happy that the cooking repertoire has increased.

Pesticide-free onion peal tea

The photo below is a tea made from onion peal. I don't eat normal onion peal for fear of chemical substance. But pesticide-free onions are special. This is because onion peal is rich in polyphenols called "quercetin." It strengthens capillaries, smoothes blood, increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol.

With safe, pesticide-free onions, you don't have to buy a quercetin supplement. This is because you can easily make herbal tea that you can drink with confidence from the onion peal.

How to make onion skin tea

Simply boil the brown onion skin in a pot and strain it to make onion skin tea. The tea is a very beautiful golden color.

Reasons to buy pesticide-free vegetables even if they are expensive

These natural lifestyles are modest, but good for you, your society, and your natural environment. Pesticide-free vegetables are smaller than fertilizer-fortified vegetables and do not look good. But once you know the true value of small vegetables, you won't care about how they look. 

Microorganisms live in the soil of vegetables grown without pesticides. Since insects are also present, pesticide-free vegetables also have worm-eaten marks. But insects, soil, clean water, and health are all connected.

These pesticide-free vegetables are more expensive than regular vegetables, but really smart consumers will buy pesticide-free vegetables. We are responsible for society through consumer behavior. Buying cheap, ordinary vegetables feels like a good deal in the short term. But in the long run, it's a big loss. It's very important to pay a fair price for what's made right, rather than buying something cheaper.


Pesticide-free vegetables widen repertoire of cooking such as onion peal tea. What's more important, we are responsible for future by choosing them.  


Autumn is best season for reading

Autumn is best season for 

Autumn is best season for reading

In Japan, when we think of autumn, we think of "gourmet food" and "reading." With the spread of SNS these days, there may be few people who read books in their hands.

Even in such an era, my 85-year-old mother does not do SNS. The means of communication is a letter. Last week, my mother sent me an essay collection with seasonal greetings. I read the essay week for the first time in a long time. Not digital information on the web but words in books is very impressive. 

There are some stunning hints of life in the dull essay. For example, when you get older, you regret the following:

  • I shouldn't have bothered what others think
  • I should have lived with more happiness
  • I should have done more for others
  • I shouldn't have bothered
  • I should have spent more time with my family
  • I should have said more people-friendly words
  • I shouldn't have lived with such anxiety
  • I should have more time
  • I should have taken the plunge and adventured
Some of above advice may help you.

I think reading a book once in a while will nourish the soul. The library, which had been closed due to Corona, has reopened now. On weekends, I'll go to the library.


Earthing, unity with Gaia

Walking barefoot on the grass makes a lot of sense.

What is Earthing

Earthing is connecting to the ground. Earthing is easy. Take off your socks and shoes on the lawn and touch the ground directly with your bare feet. You can also touch the ground with your bare hands, or touch the trees and leaves.

Modern Life separated from nature

With modernization, the road surface has become asphalt, shoes are made of artificial rubber, and people are rarely connected to nature in their daily lives. Furthermore, with the advent of mobile phones and home appliances, various electromagnetic waves are flying around us. An increasing number of people are suffering from unexplained fatigue and sleep disorders.

The following video, "down to earth," is about how earthing is important to us:

Like the trees rooted in the earth

The trees are rooted in the earth. Because there is a natural source of energy on the ground. It is as essential as sunlight, air, water and food. Therefore, it is natural for us to connect with the earth, just as trees are rooted in the earth. To connect with nature, you have to connect with the electromagnetics of the earth, not with artificial devices.


Modernization is an anti-natural system. Why not get out of this system for just a little bit? In other words, it awakens us with a sense of connection with GAIA. By Earthing.


Lifestyle based on invisible spirituality, for evolution

Hand power that "ki" came out of the palm, 
healing power to adjust the dissonant parts of the body

Healing power by touching

The Japanese word "te-ate" means treatment, but originally it means healing power by touching, "te" means hand, and "ate" means touching. In other words, treatment was basically touched by hand. The Japanese in the old days may have intuitively knew hand power that "ki" came out of the palm and that it was effective in adjusting the dissonant parts of the body.

Traditional treatment

When my daughter caught a cold when she was young, I warmed my palms to her back and stomach. And I made her drink hot water, sweat her, and change her sweat-soaked clothes. The body temperature rises, and bad things come out with sweat, and it becomes refreshing. I like these primitive methods, not antipyretics.

Advanced Cosmic view based on spirituality rather than materiality

Not just the palm, but the entire skin is more than a physical boundary. Some people can see the aura of people. Even if you can't see it clearly, you can tell if it's shining or dark. This is the spiritual energy that primitive civilizations valued.

According to George Adamski (1891-1965), the skin itself is an organ. Unfortunately, I can't find his English related site. It was the Japanese translation of his book by Mr. Hachiro Kubota that inspired me to learn his ideas. Thanks to Mr. Kubota, I learned about George Adamski's view of Cosmos, which goes beyond preconceived ideas. Until around 2000, I was in Kubota's club to see spaceships, but it broke up with his death. Recently, by chance, I was happy to find a Japanese site by Mr. Kubota's bereaved family.

Kubota has translated many of George Adamski's cosmic view into Japanese, which has broadened my perception: a tree rooted in a cliff knows where to grow and grows in a perfect balance. do. The tree grasps the shape of the cliff without looking at the shape of the cliff. Originally, humans also have such sensing power of this tree on their skin. The skin is not a physical boundary with the outside world, but rather a medium of telepathy that is compatible with the entire universe.

The tree grasps the shape of the cliff without looking at the shape of the cliff.

Technology that coexists with humans

There is a limit to how much human beings can improve science and technology based on materiality. Spirituality and human nature are important for true evolution. Machines do not constrain humans, but we need machines that coexist with humans. For example, CYBERDYNE's product, HAL [Hybrid Assistive Limb], heals the injured body while supporting the injured body's functioning according to the wearer's wishes. It's a technology that coexists with people. It is impressive that Cybernics Treatment has made it possible for people who could not walk due to spinal cord injuries to walk.

Jomon, Spirituality and the Age of Aquarius

Jomon is the spirituality and culture that was cherished in ancient Japan. Spiritual-based cultures have disappeared not only in the Jomon period, but around the world, and material-based civilizations have become mainstream. But now, humanity is at the turning point of the times. It's the Age of Aquarius. We would like to improve the spiral by fusing technology that coexists with people.

Values are changing from Pisces to Aquarius for the first time in 2000.


Whether it is medical treatment or science and technology, we will spiral up based on spirituality rather than substance. That is the flow of the Age of Aquarius. It awakens the spirituality of ancient primitive civilization in a more sophisticated way. The important thing is invisible to the eye. Now is the time to awaken spirituality.

The important thing is invisible to the eye.

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