
Time from Birth to Death, Ultimate Asset

Free time to truly enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) is blissful happiness

Predict your lifespan from the average lifespan in the world

Knowing how old you are to live is useful for a meaningful life. According to the 2020 World Health Statistics released by WHO,  Japan has the longest life expectancy. I was 84.3 years old. Born, raised and living in Japan, I am likely to live longer. Moreover, my grandmother was born in 1906 and died in 2011 at the age of 105.

The following is based on the CIA_factbook, not WHO data, and gives a visual indication of life expectancy by country:

Comparison of average female and male life expectancy as defined in the 2018 CIA Factbook, with selected bubbles labelled. The dotted line corresponds to equal female and male life expectancy. The apparent 3D volumes of the bubbles are linearly proportional to their population.

Comparison gender life expectancy CIA factbook.svg
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Comparison_gender_life_expectancy_CIA_factbook.svg#/media/File:Comparison_gender_life_expectancy_CIA_factbook.svg  CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Expectancy of life CIA2016Source

De728631, CC BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Life time is the resource of this life game

Lifespan depends to some extent on the environment, but every day is equally 24 hours. 

If life is 80 years,
80 years ✕ 365 days/year = 29,200 days 
80 years ✕ 365 days/year ✕ 24 hours/day = 700,800 hours

How do you allocate the time of your life? 

First of all, it is essential to secure the time that is indispensable for maintaining good health, that is, sleeping, eating, bathing, etc. 

Next, we need time that is indispensable for maintaining the living environment, that is, cleaning, washing, cooking, etc. 

And most people work to earn a living. 

Many traps await in the little remaining free time, that is, addiction. 

Therefore, consciously allocate happy time to your life as much as possible. Otherwise, life would be just a waste.

It is important to make effective use of your free time, but bad habits are fatal.

Habit: What determines the success or failure of life

We tend to forget, but life is finite. In other words, every time we live a day, we approach death. When you take the last breath of your life, you will not want to have regrets in your life.

Bad habits every day waste precious time in your life for 365 years.

Below are some examples of bad habits to stop:
  • Spending on the internet and SNS
  • Socializing with boring people
  • Long commute on a crowded train
  • Eating junk food by inertia
It is very effective to switch your lifestyle so that you can consciously eliminate negative time.

Enrich the lifestyle itself

You can also devise ways to enrich the time required for your life. 

For example:
  • Improve sleep quality with soft linen and incense
  • Improve the quality of daily meals by using carefully selected staple foods, etc.
  • Change to work that does not commute for a long time
  • Change the city you live in
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee from the bottom of my heart
  • Smile to your family

Get real affluence by losing something

Sometimes simplicity is a shortcut to enrichment. 

For example:
  • Dispose of clothes that are out of date or don't wear, and make it easier to spend every day with your favorite clothes.
  • Dispose of documents that are no longer needed to make it easier to organize.
  • Don't eat dinner (actually, food Affects Life and Fate)

  • Break tired relationships
At the end of life, one cannot bring anything to the other world.

What determines the success or failure of life

We tend to forget, but life is finite. In other words, every time we live a day, we approach death. When you take the last breath of your life, you want to have no regrets in your life.


Blue Impulse Air Show for Tokyo Olympic 2020

On July 23, 2021, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force's aerobatics team "Blue Impulse", celebrating the opening of the Tokyo Olympics, drew the Olympic symbol "Five Wheels" in the sky. 

Tokyo Olympics 2020 is thought-provoking in many ways. One of the opening ceremonies, the Blue Impulse air show, was moving and suggestive.  The Blue Impulse reminded me that there is today after overcoming many hardships.

The image below is a video of the rehearsal practice. As it is a practice, the smoke is not colored:

                               Blue Impulse Olympic symbol Training over the base

Even though it was cloudy in Tokyo on July 23 2021, "Blue Impulse" drew five accurate and large perfect circles in the sky.

Olympic flight for the first time in 57 years

Blue Impulse is a team specializing in brilliant aerobatics at Japan's Air Self-Defense Force. The six aircraft colored in blue and white, the undisturbed formation that unfolds in the sky, and the dynamic performance must be a series of surprises. The earth is surrounded by great emotions and joyful voices. Its beautiful, magnificent, splendid and precise flight has been highly acclaimed both inside and outside the country. Blue Impulse also drew the Olympic ring in the sky at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Therefore, this is the first Olympic flight in 57 years.

Significance of domestic airplanes flying in Japan

The first aircrafts of the 1960 Blue Impulse, the F-86F, were provided by the United States. There is a historical reason for this.  From the defeat on August 15, 1945 to the entry into force of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1952, GHQ (General Headquarters: An Allied military agency that implemented an occupation policy in Japan to enforce the Potsdam Declaration following the end of World War II.cut off its wings from Japan. Specifically, regarding aircraft in Japan, the purchase, possession, operation, model making, research, education, experimentation, maintenance, or production facilities of aircraft were all banned. 

After the war, the Japanese themselves destroyed the planes they owned and were banned from education and research for seven years. From the time when there was no technology or know-how, not just the lack of infrastructure, until Japan began to make domestic airplanes on its own, there were unimaginable difficulties. Considering Japan at that time, when even operating an airplane by Japanese was not allowed, the wonderful flight of Blue Impulse was even more emotional.

The following video is from the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. There is a Blue Impulse flight from 2 minutes after the video:

Know from SCAPINs: How Japan was reorganized after the war
The various directives issued by the GHQ to the Government of Japan (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Directives to the Japanese Government = SCAPINs) can be viewed free of charge in the "Research Navi" of the National Diet Library Digital Collection.  

Regarding the aviation ban, the document is "SCAPIN-301: COMMERClAL AND CIVIL AVIATION 1945/11/18 Commercial and Civil Aviation". The impact of this document was terrible. The following is an excerpt of the document:

On and after 31 December 1945 you will not permit any governmental agency or individual, or any business concern, association, individual Japanese citizen or group of citizens, to purchase, own, possess, or operate any aircraft, aircraft assembly, engine, or research, experi- mental, maintenance or production facility related to aircraft or aeronautical science including working models. 
You will not permit the teaching of, or research or experiments in aeronautical science, aerodynamics, or other subjects related to aircraft or balloons.


The Tokyo Olympics 2020 is thought-provoking in many ways. The degree of humanity increases with the depth of what is reminiscent of superficial events. The Tokyo Olympics 2020 has great implications. It may be good to look back on the past as a turning point of the times. The scenery of the past will differ depending on the viewer, but it is important for each person to grasp the essence behind the superficial event.


Cosmic Implicit Order

If, without exception, there is no chance in this world, how do we find the inevitable law? Modern people who try to analyze theoretically and know the facts are like ants looking at a huge building and recognizing it.

Japan is the world's foetation

Japan is made up of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, and small islands.  
When reposition and resize their land, then, the map of Japan becomes like a world map.

Some have said that the shape of Japan's country is a model of the world.  Honshu is the Americas, Kyushu is the Eurasian continent, Hokkaido is the African continent, and Shikoku is Australia. For example, Australia and Japan's Shikoku are similar in shape.

There are several interpretations of this correspondence: Onisaburo Deguchi (1871-1948), the founder of a new religion in Japan called Oomotosaid in Japan is the world's foetation (Nihon wa Sekai no Ena)” as follows:

I have often said that Japan is the foetation of the world and that the topography of the world is similar to that of Japan. That is, Japan consists of five major islands, and the world consists of five major islands, and the terrain is exactly the same.
Kyushu corresponds to Africa, Shikoku to Australia, Hokkaido to North America, Taiwan to South America, and Honshu to the Eurasian Continent.
Kii is Arabia, Lake Biwa is Caspian Sea, Osaka Bay is Black Sea, Ise Sea is Arabian Sea, Suruga Bay is Bengal Bay, Tsugaru Strait is Bering Strait, Tosa Bay is Australian Great Bay, Noto Peninsula The Scandinavian Peninsula, the Seto Inland Sea correspond to the Mediterranean Sea, and the Kanmon Strait corresponds to the Strait of Gibraltar.These are just a few. If you look up the place names in Kotodama, they are all the same, even in small towns and villages.

In Japan, Oshima (Amami Oshima) in Kagoshima Prefecture is also a microcosm of Japan, and all have similar figures. Also, the various events that occur in those lands also occur in a corresponding manner. Because the human body is similar, not just the land, the five viscera and six continents have a similar shape to the five continents.

Spiritual reflexology experience

Since the reflex area on the sole of the foot corresponds to the internal organs, the internal organs that correspond to the painful part by massaging are weakened. When I received a reflexology treatment in London around 1994, I realized how effective it was. The practitioner was a woman who was familiar with spiritual things. As soon as she touched a point on her sole, my headache disappeared. When she poured energy into the center of my sole, it felt like electricity was running all over my body. She told me that not only the soles of the feet but also the reflex areas of the palms correspond to the internal organs. Every time after her massage, I was cleansed both physically and mentally. And I was able to sleep comfortably and deeply.

Cosmic Implicit Order

Modern people are accustomed to discriminating things with short-sighted eyes. But the reality is more multi-layered and everything is related. There are no enemies or allies, and everything exists as one. For example, we have to realize that if we drive out an enemy, it is hurting ourselves.

It's the same with my own body, and it's the same in the world and in the universe. We may need training to see the essence from a holistic point of view.


Whether it's a ridiculously non-theoretical story or an alternative history, it might make sense. This is because a lot of information is flooded, both intentionally and unintentionally. In any case, it is useful to look at things from the perspective that there is no chance in the world. For example, it's reflexology in every dimension.


Man-made disasters like natural disasters

Human forest development, not heavy rain, caused disasters

July 3, 2021 Heavy rain struck Japan. However, it was not natural but shallow human greed that caused serious damage. Debris flow occurred  in Atami City, Shizuoka: About 80 households were washed away.

It was a large amount of debris flow that struck Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture on the weekend of July 3. It is water mixed with a large amount of earth and sand that flows on the slope with terrifying momentum. 

Atami is one of Japan's leading tourist destinations, where you can enjoy beautiful views of Mt. Fuji, hot springs, and fresh seafood dishes.

At first glance, it looks like a disaster caused by heavy rain, but it is a disaster caused by human forest development.  

Eighty households have been washed away, nine dead have been found, and nearly 20 are still missing.

The company that illegally dumped a large amount of industrial waste on the mountain has already gone bankrupt. 

The video below is explain how the company that illegally dumped a large amount of industrial waste on the mountain has already gone bankrupt. Therefore, the person who created the cause of the disaster is not punished. The darkness is deep. You can choose subtitles in your native language:

Industrial waste and forest development and the darkness of business

The video below is a cartoon depiction of such a business. You can choose subtitles in your native language:
Humanbug univ _ dark cartoon


The darkness of industrial waste, forest development and business is deeply linked. As long as the rules of social games are the pursuit of capitalism, it is difficult to protect the rich forests. 

There are man-made disasters such as natural disasters. It is important to know the facts at least. I wish each person good sense.


History repeats itself, but do we know history?

History repeats itself, but do we know history? 

The world is in the covid-19.  Society is trying to overcome it by letting us mask and vaccinate. Last week I also received vaccination information from the local government. It reminds me of the Spanish flu 100 years ago.

source: 1919FluVictims_Japanese_Poster
This poster was issued by the Japanese government in 1919 to encourage the public to see a doctor as soon as possible. 

In Japan, the death toll from the Spanish flu was 380,000 in three years, and the death toll from the Great Kanto Earthquake was 100,000. (3.1 million people died in World War II) 

What was the Spanish flu? 

The Spanish flu is a popular name for influenza that was pandemic worldwide from 1918 to 1920 during World War I. It is estimated that 500 million people, one-third of the world, will be infected and the death toll will be 50 million or more than 100 million. 

source: Emergency hospital during Influenza epidemic, Camp Funston, Kansas 

The lungs of the infected person were severely damaged, and fluid accumulated in the alveoli, which reduced the oxygen level in the patient's blood and turned the skin and mucous membranes purple.

Spanish flu and aspirin

The treatment for the Spanish flu was aspirin, a historic synthetic antipyretic analgesic (NSAID) first launched in Germany in 1899. There is also a theory that high doses of aspirin increased the mortality rate of the Spanish flu. 

Here's how to cure my cold:

  • Get fever and go to bed,
  • Drink hot water, sweat,
  • Change your sweaty nightwear.

In other words, leave it to the natural healing power. It is also the best healing moment. Holistic medical care is my favorite. 


Values of happiness in a new era

It doesn't look like the world is getting better now. Still trying to find hope in the future. The Japanese have experienced such a past many times long ago. How can the Japanese overcome the greatest crisis this time?

Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan,
is an object of Japanese reverence and a source of culture though,
 the eruption is powerful enough to change the history of Japan.

The past when the Japanese overcame the drastic population decline

How humanity has overcome its hardships can be glimpsed in the history of the shrinking population turning to increase. 

According to Hiroshi Kito, a historical demographer of Sophia University who is familiar with the changes in Japan's population, around 2300 BC, 260,000 people lived in Japan. However, in the late Jomon period (around the 10 century BC), the population of 260,000 fell to 80,000. 

In Japan, external factors such as the weakening of the nation, famine due to climate change, and the outbreak of smallpox have been triggered by a set of psychological brakes that have no hope for the future.

Hiroshi Kito, Professor of Economic History anHiroshi Kito, 
Professor of Economic History and Historical Demography, Sophia University
d Historical Demography, Sophia University

Anxiety about the future that Japanese young people have

Japan's population peaked at 128.08 million in 2008 and began to decline. According to forecasts, Japan's population will shrink to one-third in less than 100 years due to the declining birthrate. It can be said that Japanese young people are under a psychological brake that they have no hope for the future. Most people don't think society will improve.

World Population Trends from 1950 to 2100

The following site is the population transition forecast of each country from 1950 to 2100. I don't think the accuracy is high, but it is interesting to be able to select and see various countries. By the way, it seems that the world population will reach more than 10 billion in 2100.

The trials that will come

In March 2021, the hazard map of the eruption of Mt. Fuji in Japan was updated, expanding the expected impact of the eruption. Due to the westerlies, the damage to the west from Mt. Fuji is so great that it completely surrounds Tokyo.

Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, is an object of Japanese reverence and a source of culture (by the way, it was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013). However, the eruption is powerful enough to change the history of Japan.

Mt. Fuji has not erupted since it erupted in 1707, about 300 years ago, and it is feared that the eruption will soon be triggered.

The eruption of Mt. Fuji 300 years ago stagnated Japan's steadily increasing population. This is because the earthquake and the eruption of Mt. Fuji, as well as the oppression and no relief of the Shogunate, have afflicted the people.

Mt. Fuji eruption, December 16, 1707

Around 10 am on December 16, 1707 (solar calendar), Mt. Fuji erupted from the southeastern slope, and the eruption rose to 20,000 m above the sky. It did not get hot in the summer after the eruption of Mt. Fuji, so rice did not grow. At that time, rice was the main economic axis, so Japan was hit hard by both food and the economic crisis at that time. 

Even in such a situation, there was no relief from the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Tokugawa Shogunate declined while afflicting the people over 150 years, and finally the dawn of a new era in 1868, Japan entered the Meiji Restoration.

In 1868, Japan revives as a modern nation. Regardless of whether the Meiji Restoration is really good for people, the Tokugawa Shogunate has ended. And Japan's population started to increase again.

Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation) tells Mt. Fuji eruption

Hituki Shinji, an oracles in Japan that predict the future, tells us that the climax of hardship will pass with the eruption of Mt. Fuji. 
”Endure anything until Mt. Fuji moves. It's hard to starve. But no matter what, don't rush to death.” 

Values of happiness in a new era

The next eruption of Mt. Fuji may be powerful enough to change the history of Japan, which will encourage the Japanese to value the happiness of a new era. 

I hope that people will find happiness that fits into the optimal population for an economic system that is in harmony with the environment.

May new values such as cooperation rather than competition, sharing rather than ownership, and harmony rather than conquest become commonplace.


Tokyo 2020 and Olympic Money

IOC President Thomas Bach says athletes can travel to Tokyo with confidence. As mentioned on the IOC's official website, the Tokyo Olympics seems to start on July 23, 2021. 

However, the number of people infected with COVID-19 is steadily increasing, and many people are worried about the Tokyo Olympics. 

There are signs for Tokyo 2020 all over Tokyo. 

Will TOKYO 2020 be held in 2021?

TOKYO 2020 will be held in Tokyo, Japan for 17 days from July 23 to August 8, 2021. Due to the global epidemic of COVID-19, the event will be postponed for one year from the summer 2020 schedule, and the year of the event will change, but the name of "Tokyo 2020" will not change. 

But will it really be held in 2021? Should it be stopped? 

Activities calling for the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics

If Japan wants to cancel the Tokyo Olympics, huge compensation will be incurred

If the Olympics are canceled, there is a possibility of compensation of 1 trillion yen for breach of contract in the host city, Tokyo.

Japan does not have the authority to decide to cancel The Olympics.  Only IOC has it. Tokyo signed a host city contract, that is, promised to rent the venue. The contract details are published online. If Tokyo refuses to provide the venue, the penalties will be enormous. What an unfair contract! 

Olympics and vaccines

With the Tokyo Olympics ahead, the development of vaccines in Japan is accelerating.  I'm worried that the vaccine will be overwhelmed and approved early, and that it will be given to many people. 

Olympic Money

According to Itsuro Goto's "Olympic Money" (2020), the Olympic Games are a "peaceful festival of sports" held by countries all over the world, and the host country injects huge taxes. 

On the other hand, a lot of Olympic money will be generated, including huge TV broadcasting rights fees. This time, the last remaining quiet area in Tokyo has been redeveloped. From the point of view of Olympic money, the intention to hold the Olympics is only a matter of money. But the reality is that people who have nothing to do with the benefits of Olympic money will make a lot of sacrifices. 
Olympic for Money


Tokyo Olympics seems to start on July 23, 2021 in spite of COVID-19. If Japan wants to cancel the Tokyo Olympics, huge compensation will be incurred. The Olympics are a celebration of world peace, but it is the Olympic money that has an impact on reality. What should the Olympics really be? The Olympics I want are cross-border friendships.

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements What is the significance of the deaths in Japan related to red yeast rice supplements?  ...