
Tokyo 2020 and Olympic Money

IOC President Thomas Bach says athletes can travel to Tokyo with confidence. As mentioned on the IOC's official website, the Tokyo Olympics seems to start on July 23, 2021. 

However, the number of people infected with COVID-19 is steadily increasing, and many people are worried about the Tokyo Olympics. 

There are signs for Tokyo 2020 all over Tokyo. 

Will TOKYO 2020 be held in 2021?

TOKYO 2020 will be held in Tokyo, Japan for 17 days from July 23 to August 8, 2021. Due to the global epidemic of COVID-19, the event will be postponed for one year from the summer 2020 schedule, and the year of the event will change, but the name of "Tokyo 2020" will not change. 

But will it really be held in 2021? Should it be stopped? 

Activities calling for the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics

If Japan wants to cancel the Tokyo Olympics, huge compensation will be incurred

If the Olympics are canceled, there is a possibility of compensation of 1 trillion yen for breach of contract in the host city, Tokyo.

Japan does not have the authority to decide to cancel The Olympics.  Only IOC has it. Tokyo signed a host city contract, that is, promised to rent the venue. The contract details are published online. If Tokyo refuses to provide the venue, the penalties will be enormous. What an unfair contract! 

Olympics and vaccines

With the Tokyo Olympics ahead, the development of vaccines in Japan is accelerating.  I'm worried that the vaccine will be overwhelmed and approved early, and that it will be given to many people. 

Olympic Money

According to Itsuro Goto's "Olympic Money" (2020), the Olympic Games are a "peaceful festival of sports" held by countries all over the world, and the host country injects huge taxes. 

On the other hand, a lot of Olympic money will be generated, including huge TV broadcasting rights fees. This time, the last remaining quiet area in Tokyo has been redeveloped. From the point of view of Olympic money, the intention to hold the Olympics is only a matter of money. But the reality is that people who have nothing to do with the benefits of Olympic money will make a lot of sacrifices. 
Olympic for Money


Tokyo Olympics seems to start on July 23, 2021 in spite of COVID-19. If Japan wants to cancel the Tokyo Olympics, huge compensation will be incurred. The Olympics are a celebration of world peace, but it is the Olympic money that has an impact on reality. What should the Olympics really be? The Olympics I want are cross-border friendships.


Mysterious May Full Moon Festival in Kyoto (Wesaku-sai)

It is said that on the full moon night of May in the fresh green, strong energy falls from the heavens to awaken everything. On this day, May 26, 2021 (Wednesday) 19: 00- (Japan time), the May Full Moon Festival (Wesaku-sai) will be held at Kurama-dera Temple in Kyoto. Unfortunately, the influence of COVID-19 prevents the general public from participating in this festival.

This festival has been held on Mt. Kurama in Kyoto for a long time. Even in the distant Himalayas, it was found that the Wesaku festival was held in piety in honor of the virtue of Buddha on this night, and after the war, the May full moon festival at Kurama-dera came to be called "Wesaku-sai" ("sai" or "matsuri" means festival in Japanese). 

At this festival in Kurama-dera, people offer water and lights to the full moon and pray for the awakening and peace of all "life."
Kurama-dera Temple in Kyoto

The full moon in May is a super moon with strong power

The full moon night in May seems to be a special day when strong energy is poured from the heavens. In fact, according to NASA, the full moon in May is called the supermoon and looks 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual. The physically large May full moon may also be spiritually more powerful than usual.

the full moon night of May is special

How to avoid the negative effects of an ominous lunar eclipse

My grandmother told me not to see the lunar eclipse because it is ominous. Strangely, the day of the full moon on May 26, 2021 Japan time overlaps with the lunar eclipse. Since the moon is mysterious, there may be secrets that humans do not know. So, according to my grandmother's teachings, I don't see a lunar eclipse.

Enjoy the candlelight instead. I enjoy candlelight not only on lunar eclipses but also on nights when the appearance of the moon is special. The candlelight warms your heart. You can enjoy the candlelight alone, but it will enrich your time with your family and special people.
The flame of the candle made of beeswax is gentle, so I like it 

Also, instead of looking directly at the moon, you can see it by reflecting it on a sake (rice wine) or pond. Even in Japan from ancient times, they enjoyed the sake of the moon reflected upside down. The sake vessel, "sakazuki," is derived from the moon ("tsuki (zuki)") reflected upside down ("sakasa (saka)"). The Book of Heaven (Chapters 2) (hotsuma.gr.jp)


The full moon in May is a super moon. The power of the moon, which shines bigger than usual, is powerful. As my grandmother taught me, I avoid seeing lunar eclipses because of the positive effects of the moon.


Japanese 1000 years ago

Japan is also pronounced "ni-ppon" and "ni-hon". 

In fact, this difference comes from the transition of the Japanese ha line (ha, hi, hu, he, ho).

Old Japanese is pronounced differently from modern Japanese

The biggest difference between old and modern languages ​​is pronunciation. In particular, the change in pronunciation of "ha line" is remarkable.

Until the Nara period, the Japanese ha line (ha, hi, hu, he, ho) was pronounced "pa, pi, pu, pe, po."

But in the Heian period it was pronounced "fa, fi, fu, fe, fo.” 

And it gradually became the pronunciation of "ha, hi, hu, he, ho" as it is today.

Japanese "ha" used to be sound "pa."

Japan, land of happy kotodama

Japan has been designated as a country where happiness is brought about by the power of Kotodama

Kotodama is a spiritual power that is generally believed to reside in words in Japan. 

This is reminiscent of the words of the Bible.

In the beginning was the Word, and 
the Word was with God, and 
the Word was God.

In other words, the word is regarded as the origin of the cosmos or as the cosmos itself.  Therefore, words, sounds, and vibrations are the basis of the world.

Transition of Japanese

The following I found is Lord's Prayer in Old Japanese → Future Japanese language:

 [from Old Japanese]  [to Future Japanese]
0:09 - 5C Pre-Old Japanese
0:59 - 7C Old Japanese
1:52 - 10C Early Middle Japanese
2:44 - 13C High Middle Japanese
3:34 - 16C Late Middle Japanese
4:20 - 19C Early Modern Eastern (Edo downtown) Japanese
5:00 - 21C Modern Japanese
5:33 - 23C Near Future Japanese
6:10 - 27C Future Pidgin Japanese
6:57 - ??C Abh Language


 I don't know how they discovered the old Japanese pronunciation.  To a certain degree, it’s possible to understand how to do it along with the record of other countries though. Therefore, I am skeptical about  any theory in principle.  But there’s possibility they used to speak Japanese differently.

Will Japanese really be far from the origin from now on?

If words have a spiritual power, I don't think that Japanese will change steadily in the future. 

After all, all things return to the perfect cosmos
 of ancient times, traveling like a spiral in the long run. 


Japan has been designated as a country where happiness is brought about by the power of Kotodama.  However, the old Japanese language has changed a lot. Will Japanese continue to change in the future? I want Japanese to return to its original spiritual Japanese.


Rich Forests for Soil, Fundamental Solution for Yellow Sand and PM2.5

Perhaps the speed of the collapse of nature in the world is increasing. 

The new coronavirus is well-publicized, but I'm more interested in "yellow sand" and "PM2.5". So I check those updates as much as the weather forecast. 

Tokyo where the air becomes muddy with yellow sand 

Air pollution is now serious all over the world 

Air Pollution in World: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map (access: May 10, 2021)

Difference between "yellow sand" and "PM2.5"

"Yellow sand" is sand and mineral particles that are blown by the wind blowing in the Uighur district, around Mongolia, and in dry areas such as deserts inside China. It will be transported to Japan from February to May by the westerlies. On the other hand, "PM2.5" is a general term for particulate matter with a particle size of 2.5 μm or less that floats in the atmosphere. Both cause health hazards such as runny nose, itchy eyes, fatigue, etc.


Countermeasures include:

  • Check yellow sand and PM2.5 information every day.
  • On days with a lot of yellow sand and PM2.5, go out as short as possible.
  • Do not open the window on days when there is a lot of yellow sand and PM2.5.
  • Dry the laundry indoors, not outside.
  • Use a PM2.5 compatible mask.
  • Immediately after returning home, wash your hands, gargle, eyes, and face.
  • Use a PM2.5 compatible air purifier indoors.
  • Wear glasses when you go out, etc.

Countermeasures for yellow sand and PM2.5

What is a Fundamental solution?

Deforestation is said to contribute to air pollution. From another point of view, forests have an air purification function that absorbs harmful pollutant gases and detoxifies them, and dust is adsorbed by leaves.

So how can we regenerate the forest abundantly? 

Small insects and microorganisms decompose the fallen leaves to enrich the soil. Most of tree-planting activities, which are common environmental protection activities, are unfortunately wrong. Because they plant cypress that does not fall leaves.

Rich forests made by fallen leaves enrich the soil, store water in the soil, run clean rivers and join the sea. Therefore, forests are closely related to the environment of rivers, the sea and the atmosphere. In other words, we will see the beautiful sea and know the rich forest.

Rich forests made by fallen leaves enrich the soil,
store water in the soil,
run clean rivers and join the sea.
Insects and microorganisms decompose
the fallen leaves to enrich the soil

Forest in Japan now

The forest area of Japan is about 25 million hectares, and 67% of Japan's land and two-thirds of the land are forests.  Even in Japan, which is said to have many forests, large-scale logging and planting of remote forests has been carried out in the last 100 years for economic reasons. 

As a result, it has destroyed a large amount of the original nature. In unhealthy plantations with only coniferous trees such as cypress, the function of storing water and biodiversity are reduced, and weather damage such as fallen trees and collapses is likely to occur.

Autumn leaves are a sign of the richness of the soil. 

What I hope when the sky becomes muddy

One thing I can't help but hope when the sky becomes muddy. It is a rich forest.


Recently, yellow sand and PM2.5 have begun to afflict us. Perhaps the speed of the collapse of nature in the world is increasing.  The fundamental solution is to expand the forest where the fallen leaves enrich the soil. Rich forests enrich the sky, rivers, seas and the earth. 


"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" predicts the near future

There are several oracles in Japan that predict the future. One of them is "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," which is the Sun and the Moon Revelation that came from "Kuni-no-Tokotachi" (the god of heaven and earth creation in Japanese mythology). "

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" predicts the near future

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" was written during World War II, but it was said that Tokyo would become a burnt field and then Japan would undergo a great reconstruction. Rather, what is worrisome is the upcoming changes in the world. 

According to the "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)", a real god appears in the world, reveals the power of the god, helps all the people, and rebuilt the world into an ideal world without any trouble. 

However, before that, humankind must face unprecedented catastrophes and trials. To be saved, we must constantly cleanse, polish and prepare our minds, minds and bodies. 

Even under such circumstances, it is interesting that the way of life for good luck is also written.

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)"

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" was written by Tenmei Okamoto (1897-1963), a scholar and painter, from 1945 to 1959, using an automatic clerk from the high-class spirit "Kuni-no-Tokotachi" (the god of heaven and earth creation in Japanese mythology) ". 

Numbers and symbols rather than letters

The original text consists of numerals, symbols, kana characters, and abstract pictures. Most of the "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" are written in numbers and symbols, but there is a reason for this. 

First of all, when it comes to advanced spiritual people, there are no letters. 

And numbers contain many secret meanings compared to other letters. The people of heaven are true.  therefore, they can convey all by numerals and symbols rather than other letters. 

How to purify the mind and body with a proper diet

One of the main themes of "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" is how to purify the mind and body with a proper diet. The correct diet is to eat small meals, eat grains and vegetables, and not eat meat.

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)", vegetarians and small meals help people get better and cure their illness. Don't eat full. Because it's the way to death. Give 20% of your meal to God first. People who eat a lot are possessed. Therefore, control your diet, in order not be possessed.   

Meaning of "If you hit your right cheek, put out your left cheek"

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  you can hit your cheeks because you have something in your heart that will hit your cheeks. You won't be able to hit the innocent face of a laughing baby. This is the true meaning of non-resistance that leads to peace. Don't be foolish enough to hit your right cheek and then stick your left cheek. 

You won't be able to hit the innocent face of a laughing baby.

Don't worry about tomorrow, thank you for being alive today

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," when you wake up in the morning, thank God for entrusting you with this life today, and live as hard as you can according to God's will. Pray that you can contribute to the prosperity of the world. God will tell you what to do that day, at that time. Don't worry about tomorrow. 

Cataclysms and wars on Earth

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  there have been six cataclysms and wars on Earth. It will be the last for the seventh time in the future. Until now, this was a change only in this world, but this time it will be a cataclysm in all dimensions including the world of God and the ghost world. There are various signs of cataclysm:
  • Cherry blossoms bloom in winter
  • 2-3 suns appear
  • It snows in summer
  • It finally starts from the beach
  • The color of the sun is black and the moon is red
What are the signs of a catastrophe?

It is necessary to judge whether the word of God is correct

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  even the word of God must not be believed indiscriminately. It's the same as medicine can be poisonous. Don't be foolish, or you will lose track of the true path.

Don't worry about tomorrow

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," when you wake up in the morning, thank God for entrusting you with this life today, and live as hard as you can according to God's will. Pray that you can contribute to the prosperity of the world. God will tell you what to do that day, at that time. Don't worry about tomorrow. 


Purifying the mind and body is important even in difficult times. You can get various hints on how to overcome the difficult situation by reading the mysterious ""Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" in Japan. For the time being, it looks good to have a small meal.


Sealed mysterious goddess, Seoritsu-hime

Watching anime is interesting. Especially when thinking about the source of the author's imagination. 

"Akira" and 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Japanese animation is often a mysterious work inspired by inspiration. For example, "Akira" is a manga depicting Tokyo in 2019 more than 30 years ago, which had described that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics have been cancelled. How did the author, Katsuhiro Otomo, get a vision of the future more than 30 years from now?
(C) 1988マッシュルーム/アキラ製作委員会

"Your Name" and Mysterious goddess 

The movie "Your Name" directed by Makoto Shinkai is a work in which spiritual metaphors are studded in many ways. One of them is the heroine named "Mitsuha". "Mitsuha" is said to have been referred to by director Makoto Shinkai, the goddess of water called "Mitsuhame no Kami". "Mitsuhame no Kami" is another name for the goddess Seoritsu-hime

Seoritsu-hime was a very powerful god in ancient times, and she was a god who was enshrined and respected at shrines all over the country. The god who had such power does not appear in Japanese official history "Nihon Shoki" and "Kojiki" at all. 

Sealed mysterious goddess, Seoritsu-hime

What I pay attention to in this story is the rewriting of the timeline. The heroine Mitsuha was destined to die when she was a high school student, but that is rewritten. Through this story, I felt as if the public experienced the resurrection of Seoritsu-hime. I cannot help feeling the influence of the mysterious goddess that was sealed in ancient times. 

"Jomon Goddess from Sirius, Seoritsuーhime and Mu resurfaced"  suggests the existence of an ancient civilization that has disappeared from history. Even if the record is erased, the ancient memories will appear in the form of anime and manga in the form of anime and manga in front of modern people. Seoritsu and Sirius have very similar pronunciations. I think it may have been the same originally.  

There is a lot of information and inspiration around us right now. Which one you access is up to you. I wonder why but I want to connect with Seoritsu-hime. Because she is the Goddess of Purification, cosmic, and harmonious. I intuitively see that she is a goddess of erased civilization and history. 


Noosology, inspired by Pluto

Unique Japanese Channeler and Pluto’s Ocot

There are innumerable "channeling information" in the world. One of them is channeling with Pluto's "OCOT" by Japanese consciousness physicist Kosen Handa. He further develops a cosmology called noosology from the information obtained from this channeling. 

A completely new view of the world: Noosology 

Noosology discusses how our consciousness, space, and dimensions interact to create this world. For example, the world that is really visible is the world of the spirit, and only by such recognition can the world be spiritualized. The material world is just a concept. 

In Noosology, it goes beyond objective and subjective:
To something completely different world that is neither spiritual nor material.
To something completely different life that is neither dead nor alive.
To something completely different sexuality that is neither a man nor a woman.
And to something completely different, neither you nor me. 


            Noos Lecture 2019 Opening Movie

Above such a new view is similar with KATAKAMUNA, in which a physical-mind phenomenon is key to understand the world.


Sometimes it's good to doubt existing values. The completely new view such as  Noosology may actually be true. Our knowledge is really minimal. 

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements What is the significance of the deaths in Japan related to red yeast rice supplements?  ...