
Hemp culture in Japan and its Possibilities

Recently I made a mask with hemp cloth. It wrinkles when washed, but there is no problem in using it. It feels very nice and I like it. Because hemp cloth is soft and easy to breathe.  

So I decided to find out about hemp.

Originally Japanese people have been familiar with hemp, but nowadays it is hard to get Japanese hemp cloth. In addition to hemp, plant fibers composed of cellulose include ramie, linen, jute, and manila hemp.  In Japan, hemp rope has been excavated at the Torihama (Fukui Prefecture) about 10,000 years ago, and its history spans about 10,000 years (reference: "hemp today Japan"  https://hemptoday-japan.net/1167/).  

In Japan, cotton has been popular since the early Edo Period (1603-1868), and many cloth products for daily use, such as clothing, nets and bags, were made from hemp and ramie. 

Hemp, Shinto and Purification

Cannabis hemp is not only used as clothing in Japan, but also has a deep relationship with Shinto rituals. It is also used for worship at shrines and ropes tightened by Yokozuna in sumo. The shimenawa of Ise Jingu is made of hemp. The name of "ofuda” that you can get at Ise Jingu is called Jingu Cannabis, and the name of the tool used in the shrine also comes from hemp. 

Cannabis has been a clean plant since ancient times. It cleanses bad things and burns them to create a clean space. In the old days, they planted tall hemp in their garden in Japan.

Hemp in life

The most utilized hemp is the "stem." Peeled and honed fibers of stems are used for cloth, rope, paper, building materials and shrines. The stem core can also be used as a bonfire, bonfire, ikebana material, fertilizer and dehumidifier. It is used as a base for thatched roofs of the world heritage "Shirakawa-goGassho-zukuri." The black grains in the typical Japanese spice mix, Shichimi pepper, are hemp nuts.

Shichimi Pepper

Industrial hemp: You can fully utilize stems, leaves, seeds, and roots 

Hemp can utilize all parts such as stem (fiber part, wood part), seed, leaf, spike and root for industrial use. 

They are excellent properties as a recyclable material. For example, the fiber portion of the stem serves as a raw material for clothing, paper, heat insulating materials and plastics, the core portion of the stem serves as the bedding and construction material for livestock, and the hemp seeds (fruit) are used for food, food oil, cosmetics, biofuels, etc. They are tremendously valuable as they have possibility of solving energy problems from building materials, without the need for agricultural chemicals for cultivation.

Hemp cultivation is friendly to the global environment 

Hemp cultivation has a very low impact on the global environment, and rather works positively.
Hemp does not require pesticides or chemical fertilizers and is highly resistant to harmful insects.

Very fast growing

It grows to about 3-4m in 100-120 days and can be collected. It grows faster than weeds, eliminating the need for herbicides.

Rotation is possible

It can be grown in a crop rotation system such as wheat or corn. There is no increase in environmental load due to monoculture (large-scale monoculture).

Soil is improved

Hemp spreads all over the roots, so the soil after harvest becomes fluffy. In Japan, hemp has long been planted to improve poor land.

Grows in bad soil

Hemp grows with a little water. In some cases, it could be cultivated even on a land with an annual rainfall of 100 to 200 mm, and it is attracting attention as it has the potential to contribute to the greening of the desert. Not only that, good hemp grows in hillsides, wastelands, and soils that contain salt (alkaline), which are usually called bad soil that is not suitable for growing crops. Therefore, it is expected that the land that has been abandoned without any use will be effectively used.

Can be grown on any land

It can be cultivated in a wide range of land from cold to temperate and tropical, from lean to fertile land. Double cropping is possible in warm regions.

Hemp seed contains all 9 essential amino acids 

Hemp seeds have been gaining attention as a superfood in recent years. Foods that consume amino acids include animal protein and vegetable protein. But it is hemp seeds that contain more, and more, comparable proteins.

Proteins are composed of amino acids

There are 20 types of amino acids that make up the human body, 9 of which cannot be synthesized in the body. These nine types are called essential amino acids and must be taken from food. Hemp seed contains all nine essential amino acids.

Hemp oil contains well-balanced essential fatty acids 

Like proteins, lipids are one of the three major nutrients that make up the human body and play an important role in sustaining life. 

There are also essential fatty acids in lipids that cannot be synthesized in the body and must be taken from the diet. Essential fatty acids include omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid, etc.) and omega-3 fatty acids (linolenic acid). 

Balance between these two is important. For hemp oil from hemp seeds, it's 3:1.

Hemp oil

Hemp oil is free of trans fatty acids and cholesterol

Hemp oil is free of trans fatty acids and cholesterol. There are two types of trans fatty acids, which are present naturally in trace amounts in milk and meat, and those which are artificially made. Of these, the latter trans fatty acid is particularly harmful to human health. Cholesterol is necessary for humans, but it tends to be excessively taken in modern dietary habits, which causes health problems.

Hemp seeds are rich in minerals

Hemp seeds are also rich in minerals, and since the seeds can be eaten whole, it is an effective food for mineral intake. Minerals are essential nutrients for the human body to form the body and regulate their functions, and in trace amounts. However, since it cannot be synthesized in the human body, it must be taken from food.

reference: hemp foods Japan https://shop.hempfoods.jp/html/page26.html

Why is hemp a negative image in Japan?

The image of hemp has become negative in recent decades. Despite the fact that ancient Japanese have made great use of hemp. After the end of the war, the production of cannabis was severely restricted by the "Drug Control Regulations" under the guidance of GHQ. After revision and abolition of the rules, the Cannabis Control Act was enacted in 1948. 

Before the enforcement of the cannabis control law on July 10, 1948, there were 

37,000 hemp farmers, but the number had dropped to 30 now.

Hemp is being used more and more in the world 

There is a move to permit one or both of these for medical use only. In the United States, which brought a hemp ban to Japan, the ban on cannabis for medical purposes has been accelerating state by state in recent years. 

In addition, some states in the United States permit whole cannabis for recreation, which has already been lifted in Colorado and Washington. The appeal of cannabis has been rediscovered in many countries, not only in the United States. Contrary to Japan, hemp is being used more and more in the world.


Hemp has great potential. Hemp usage dates back ancient time in Japan. Until recently, it was widely cultivated here and there in Japan. After the war, however, hemp was banned in Japan, meanwhile the legalization and utilization of hemp are spreading worldwide.

Under the circumstances, I use hemp within the legal range.

Hemp Curtain


A Lot of Inspiration for A Happy Life

Suddenly the inspiration came

Suddenly, the vision of where my amber pendant came to me. The amber pendant is that I lost three years ago.  I looked it for all over the house but didn't find and gave up. 

However, suddenly that vision came to my mind when I was enjoying my morning tea: an amber pendant in a sewing box with jewelry beads. 

To prove that revelation, I explored in the sewing box and pick up the amber pendant. It was like a miracle. 

I was deeply impressed by the wonder of inspiration.

Environment to get inspiration

There is a certain condition to get inspiration, which I learned from my experience. 

Because I had spent these days differently: I enjoyed a short summer vacation with my family at a hotel with a spa in Tokyo. 

Chinzanso Tokyo
Chinzanso Gardern

The quality of the outdoor hot springs seems to have medicinal properties. We also walked a lot in Nature. 

Eggs benedict

The inspiration came to me after such a refresh.  

The process of inspiration

there are four processes that lead to human inspiration:
1) Think through
2) Think until you hit the wall
3) Forget
4) Do unrelated activities

The important step in the path to the inspiration are 
  • to note what is goal and 
  • to forget it. 

Therefore, for inspiration coming to us, it is important to first clarify the goal and then think through it. However, intuition does not work just by thinking. 

Because, the inspiration comes from beyond oblivion. Therefore, large amounts of information and long-term concentration are even harmful.  

In fact, I can't think of any good ideas when I search the Internet for a long time.  

I feel that too much information is blocking my inspiration.  In addition, it is not enough to simply go toward the purpose.  

A wonderful inspiration needs a refresh.

Gentle chaos, the fluctuation of Nature, creates inspiration 

It is the gentle chaos and the fluctuations of Nature that create the inspiration. Inspiration does not come about however we improve our memory or computing skills. 

In other words, inspiration is not compatible with conscious, goal-oriented, or artificial environments. 

Relaxation in Nature, solid wood tables, linen parasols, and organic herbal teas create a gentle chaos and the sway of nature in our minds. 

The natural shape is comfortable, not an artificial straight line. It's asymmetrical and unbalanced design that makes me feel comfortable


Happiness built with wish and inspiration

From the above, making a wish and getting inspiration makes our life happy by the following steps: 

The first step is to sow the seeds of happiness. In other words, writing various wishes. Feel free to list your ideas with a pen. It is important to actually write. 

The second step is to think, think, and think through. However, it is not good to think for a long time or pack too much information. 

The third step is to calm down the calm chaos and nature. Forgetting to do unrelated activities is the shortest distance to "inspiration." 

In the fourth step, spiritual inspiration comes without any warning. 

The fifth step is to actually carry out the inspiration to prove it. 

If you often have good inspiration, your life will be fulfilled. Inspiration is not something that you think in your head, but wisdom that comes from nowhere.


Be happy with inspiration. 
First, write out wishes, inspiration seeds. 
Next, think about how to realize. 
Then forget to spend a rich time in Nature. 
When the inspiration comes, do it.


Switch to Better Network for Happiness and World Peace

Life depends on what kind of network you are connected to

One cannot live alone. In other words, you may be able to define what kind of person you are, depending on what kind of network you are connected to. 

The network here means not only the relationship with people and society, but also the way of interacting with property and nature.


Switch to a better network for happiness and peace

It is important to switch to a better network for happiness and peace. Familiar human relationships are especially important in life. 

If it is not desirable now, it is better to change it to a desirable relationship including separation. In some cases, it may be parents or siblings that separate it.

You can say that your property is part of yourself. It's much easier than relationships to get rid of unnecessary possessions and build a comfortable relationship with what you like. 

If you want to know the current condition, you can take a picture of all clothes. 

You will be able to understand what you do not need and what you lack, and will be able to shop appropriately.

The spiritual meaning of shopping

The manufacturing process of a product affects the soul. 

And, spiritually, how those things were made is also important. 

Owning a product with a background that has caused human rights abuses or environmental damage has a negative impact on the owner.

For the first time last week, I learned that ethnic minorities in the Uighur Autonomous Region were sent to factories around China for forced labor

Surprisingly, Japanese companies were also involved in it. 

As a responsible consumer, I will change the way I buy. 

In other words, I don't buy anything manufactured by human rights abuses. Because you can connect to the network by buying. And it results in encouraging such regimes. 

Global supply chains control manufacturing costs and maximize corporate profits. 

However, if the people involved in the global supply chain are not happy, it is not good to have a relationship through the economic activity of purchasing. 

You can't see it, but it will lead to misery.

It is also important in a better network to buy imported goods that are fair trade.

With regard to poultry, I also want to give up because animal freedom is extremely restricted. 

Vegetarians or vegans may be our ideal diet.


I will switch to a better network for my well-being and world peace. 

To do that, the following are important:
  • Do not own a product with a background that has caused infringement or environmental damage.
  • Buy fair trade items
  • Become a vegetarian or vegan


Fluctuations Between Possibility and Reality

Encounter with Another possible world

It would be fantastic if we could control another possible world. Of course, for a peaceful and prosperous world. 

On August 1, 2020, I and my two daughters saw the same another possible world. It was a sight that my favorite restaurant was closed. We were sorry: in the restaurant industry, many stores have recently gone bankrupt due to the new coronavirus. 

But the next moment, the restaurant was opening as usual. All three of us had the same illusion. By this, I understand that possible worlds are not assertive. 

We saw the store's fluctuations between possibility and reality. 

On the flip side, I'm convinced there is room to control another possible world. Of course, for a peaceful and prosperous world.

Flexible and soft reality

There is no solid real world. 

I think the reality is flexible and soft. Besides, it can be said that the real world is not solid, everything is vibration. 

Even the appearance is different depending on the observer. 

For example, the world is black and white for dogs. 

Even with the same observer, the world changes depending on what he sees and what he looks at. 

Even weight is one-sixth in a low gravity month. 

So the reality is flexible and soft. 

And, in the real world, there are adjacent fluctuations between possibility and reality.

Seeing the ideal reality in the possibilities

I think that what one really desires is that it can happen. 

In other words, I think that the world you want already exists on the invisible dimension. 

To put it another way, the world we can imagine is likely to come true.

Therefore, the following two points are shortcuts to happiness:
  • Picking up the ideal reality from various possibilities, and
  • Looking at it with a relaxed feeling

Enjoy the ideal reality, habitually

Some people are customarily good at enjoying the ideal reality. 

Such people are always cheerful and straightforward. Moreover, they are lucky. 

In human knowledge, such a causal relationship is immeasurable. It doesn't seem to have a direct causal connection, but the following three points are great for happiness:
  1. Small meal,
  2. Cleaning, and
  3. Meditation
Practicing the above three points on a daily basis eliminates the negative habits of the mind. 

And from various possibilities, it makes it easy to pick up and see the ideal reality. And every day comes with peace and abundance.

Regarding small meals

Mizuno Namboku (1760 to 1834) advocated the theory that fate can be improved by eating little food. 

Regarding cleaning

Interior advice based on Feng Shui also say that it is good for good luck by maximizing your space and harmonizing your environment. If you organize the environment around you, your thoughts will become clear. 

Regarding Meditation 

Meditation is useful in terms of cognitive control, emotional control, and positive thinking, as can be inferred from the practice of many power elites. 

Why not make use of meditation to make your life more meaningful? 

I feel that the real world has become so flexible and happy that I have grown accustomed to waking up and meditating before going to bed.


We live in the fluctuation between possibility and reality.

For happiness see the real world as flexible by small meals, cleaning, and meditation. 


 “Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit,” Nikolajs Hartmanis(1882-1950) ,1938


Age of Aquarius Changes How to Live: Time to Choose Favorite Lifestyle

Age of Aquarius changes how to live

Now is Age of Aquarius. The modern era has just entered the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces.  This shift makes drastic changes on the world from hierarchy dominant to  individual voluntary networking. 

The idea that the era is divided into 12 constellations and the present is the age of Aquarius originates from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato

Age of Aquarius changes how to live. For example, "Workation". 

"Workation" is a coined word that combines “Work” and “Vacation” made in the United States in the 2000s. 

At last in Japan, telework is almost forcibly promoted by the influence of the new coronavirus, and the way of working called "Workation" is beginning to attract attention. 

Especially in the past few days in Japan, "Workation" has been featured in a morning TV program.

"Workation" refers to a type of work where a remote work is also performed in a place where the environment is generally good, such as a resort. 

In other words, it's like going to work even though you're traveling.

Example of Japan Airlines (JAL)

In Japan, Japan Airlines (JAL) started a trial in 2017 and introduced it in the following year.  It was a very early case for a large company. 

Workation days are counted as work days. 

With the introduction of "Workation" , Japan Airlines (JAL) is said to have achieved an improvement in the paid acquisition rate and a reduction in overtime hours. 

Vacation named Workation

In the future, "Workation" may become even more common in Japan, and it may become normal. Of course, there may be some jobs that are difficult to introduce. 

Japanese people do not have the habit of enjoying long stays and vacations.

However, if the "Workation" spreads, the habit of enjoying long-term resort stays may become common.

I also want to stay for a long time in a cozy space where Wi-Fi is maintained while working at a reasonable price. 

I do want to enjoy real vacation like a French. 

There are many secondary merits by "Workation:" easing urban concentration, increasing the rate of paid leave taken, revitalizing regions, etc.

Small is Beautiful

Age of Aquarius may transform lifestyle into mobility, miniaturization, and regional regression. 

Economist E F Schumacher (1911-1977) advocated "Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People mattered" (1973), and "Small is Beautiful" is a slogan for people who seek a new society. It has become as Schumacher anticipates that the 21st century will shift lifestyles, shrink in size, and return to the region. 

Exactly as he predicted, the world system may be reorganized.

Services for using various types of transportation on a monthly basis

If the lifestyle becomes mobile, transportation is indispensable. 

Actually, there is already "Whim" that allows you to use multiple transportation methods such as trains, buses, and taxis with a fixed monthly fee. 

It is now available in Japan, but to a limited extent.


Fusion of home sharing and co-work, ZOKU

Opened in June of this year in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a completely new type of hotel that combines an office and a house, also called "WorkZoku". 

The origin of Zoku is "ka zoku (family)" in Japanese. The concept is that people who stay there and work will form a family-like community.

In addition to each guest's room, Zoku also has a social space where guests can interact with each other. 

Guests can also relax and interact with other guests while having a meal or table tennis.

For people practicing new work styles regardless of time or place, "WorkZoku" must  be an ideal environment. 

If local communities around the world, called Zoku, are connected by lines across national borders, a new global community may be created there. I hope such a society will be realized.


Age of Aquarius transforms our lifestyle. 

As economist E.F. Schumacher has advocated, Small is Beautiful ​​are firmly established to change our lifestyles. 

I want to enjoy a lifestyle that suits me.


Age of Aquarius: Key Concepts for Great Transition from Age of Pisces

Great Transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius: where we go heading for?

With the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, our values ​​are bound to change. 

The Age of Pisces lasted 2,000 years. The structure of our society has been built on the Age of Pisces. 

But now we are at a turning point from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. 

The Age of Pisces is, as symbolized by two fish moving in different directions, with their tails tied together. 

In other words, there is a conflict structure. 


On the other hand, the keywords of the Age of Aquarius are "transformation", "invention", "technology", "freedom", "individualization", "network", "information", etc. 

Social transformation based on these keywords will respond to changes in collective consciousness. 

The following are the keywords for adapting to the times:
  • From "management" to "stewardship"
  • From "hierarchy" to "networks"
  • From "strategy" to "harmony"

From "management" to "stewardship"

What does "management" mean to "stewardship"? “Management” is now a common concept and is like an organizational management strategy. 

On the other hand, it may seem strange that "stewardship" replaces "management." 

However, "stewardship" is considered to become the basis for organizing an organization in the Age of Aquarius. 

The noun "steward" means "housekeeper" and the noun "ship" means "quality". 

"Stewardship" means "asset management" with the nuance of "quality that a house manager should have".

“Stewardship” is more proactive and comprehensive than “management” in that it is responsible for the resources shared by all living things on earth. 

We don't own any part of the earth, we have a stewardship, a fiduciary responsibility to manage what we hold. So in the Age of Aquarius, the concept of ownership may disappear.

From "hierarchy" to "networks"

A “hierarchy” is an organizational structure that is convenient for a small number to efficiently control the large number. 

But this structure creates differentiation, disparity, and rich and poor. 

The limits have come to many hierarchical, rigid tissues. 

As if it had been planned, the IT information revolution in a timely manner is accelerating the shift from "hierarchy" to "networks." 

Every organization will be individualized and purposed based on "networks". 

After all, the Age of Aquarius is matched by a flat organization "networks" where freedom and individuality are respected. 

Individuals will become the mainstream in the future by building networks and relationships of trust with like-minded people. 

From "strategy" to "harmony" at Anthropocene

The Age of Pisces was an age that emphasized superiority in superior strategy. 

And for the 2,000 years of the Age of Pisces, every mechanism has been streamlined with excellent strategy. 

However, the earth is now at risk of environmental destruction and destruction by highly developed scientific weapons. 

The Earth is now considered to be in the geological era division of "Anthropocene". Paul Jozef Crutzen (1933-), Nobel laureate, atmospheric chemist, popularized the term "Anthropocene'' to describe a proposed new era when human actions have a drastic effect on the Earth.

The word combines "anthropo," meaning "human" with "cene," meaning "epoch." "Anthropocene" defines Earth's most recent geologic time period as earth system processes are now altered by humans.

At Anthropocene, humankind must not compete with each other. 

The most important thing is not the excellent strategy, but how to harmonize with others.

Past period, Jomon, that should serve as a model for the Age of Aquarius

The past period that should serve as a model for the Age of Aquarius is the Jomon period. 

The Jomon period lasted nearly 20,000 years in an ancient period with requirements for "stewardship", "networks" and "harmony". 

That is the Jomon period. Jomon people had no concept of ownership or class and never had a war. 

Jomon also possessed advanced cosmic knowledge. 

However, it is classified as a "pre-historical period". 

Because "History is written by the victors". For the victors, the conquered past is rewritten for convenience.


We are now at the turning point. In other words, it is a big shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The long 2000 years of the Age of Pisces are over. New age needs new values. They are "stewardship", "networks" and "harmony". We can learn a lot from the peaceful jomon period that has lasted for nearly 20,000 years in humanity. Pay attention to Jomon.


Seven Points of Theory by Mizuno Namboku (1760-1834): Eat little and Improve Fate

Mizuno Namboku's unique dietary theory is not limited to human thinking, but affects fate.

Mizuno Namboku (1760-1834) is the person who advocated the theory that fate can be improved by eating little food. He was insightful as a genius in reading people's physiognomy.

From a scientific point of view, we are what we eat. 

Source: Better brain health | DW Documentary

Mizuno Namboku's unique dietary theory is not limited to human thinking, but affects fate.

Mizuno Namboku inspired more than 200 years ago a revolutionary idea for Japanese food culture through his thorough human observation. The ultimate conclusion of his view of life is "how humans should live and die.

Here are seven points about his conclusions, the relationship between luck and food:

1. “Small food” centered on grains and vegetables is the best

People get unlucky if they eat wrong. That is, if you eat too much, you will be disproportionately positive and become obese. Also, if you eat unbalanced food, you will be biased in the shadows, and you will lose weight and become malnourished. For that purpose, "small meals" centered on grains and vegetables that are consistently distributed are the best.

2. Obesity reflects on facade, and downfall

Too much fat causes obesity, and a greedy (human) "karma" that is the original of human beings appears, becoming selfish and unlucky. Therefore, his personality is intimidating, arrogant, and arrogant. 

When such a character comes to the surface, it has the implication of falling. It appears in the facade, and when "deep nasolabial folds" flow toward the "corners of mouth," it has the implication of business failure or life depression.

3. Unbalanced diet ruins life

Unbalanced diet leads to malnutrition and a lean body shape (the limbs are thin but the belly is swollen), and the cheek skin is no longer resilient. 

Such people become reluctant, altruistic, overused by others, and have a marked lack of desire, trust, popularity, and independence.

4, Moderate diet is the best

Moderate diet is the best. Therefore, a person's body shape is an ideal body shape with the best middle-medium and medium-height.
well balanced meal

5. Thorough small meals overcome the adverse effects of fate

Generally, it is called "Eat until you're 80 percent full", but this idea warns of overeating by dedicating "20%" to the god and eating the remaining "80%". But even "80 percent full" is over-eating.

Therefore, "Eat until you're 60 percent full" is ideal. The body can move and work even with enough "hermit food".

People who thoroughly eat small meals will not be adversely affected even if they go in an ominous direction. 

That is, such a person will not be adversely affected by fate. 

Those who are affected by fortune-telling and fate studies are either obese or lean. 

Nourishment must take not only food but also clean Qi from nature. This is called “Food and Qi are same origin”.

6. The secret of destiny

A person who adheres to "Food and Qi are same origin" will never be upset by any circumstances. Moreover, such a person can turn disaster into good fortune, weak fortune and good fortune.

7. Breathing method

There is an emphasis on consciousness of the inner part of the lower abdomen, just beneath the navel.

A person who breathes by focusing on the emphasis has a cosmic consciousness established for himself.

Thus, such a person has no boundaries between himself and others, and has a mind and body that are united with nature, and when he approaches a bad direction, the intuition automatically comes in. 

Even if he approaches such a bad place, he is rarely affected. Even if there is a sign of disaster, it can be bounced back without being affected by it because it is protected by the cause of life.

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements

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