Showing posts with label Numerology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Numerology. Show all posts


Synesthesia: World Can be Seen in Many Different Ways

Respecting the sensibilities of infants

Ever since my first child came out of me, I have often been amazed at the wonders of that infant's sensitivity. 

When she was able to speak, she told me about her flying over the room, which I am convinced that true.  

One of the wonders was synesthesia.  


One day a long time ago, my young daughter told me that this string of numbers was a vivid combination. Yes, she has synesthesia. 

When she looks at the numbers, images of colors come together. I was excited to learn that. Synesthesia is the pairing or linking of sensory information, like numbers and words, or sounds and colors, or sounds and tastes, to give the subject a unique perception. 

There are various perceptions though, her way of perception of numbers is following correspondence relations with colors:

  • zero: transparent
  • one: white
  • two: pink
  • three: yellow
  • four: yellow-green
  • five: blue
  • six: purple
  • seven: cream
  • eight: orange
  • nine: brown

World Can be Seen in Many Different Ways

I've found that the world is different for each viewer by knowing her way of understanding numbers. Thanks to this, my imagination has been broadened. 

Similarly, dogs see the world differently, i.e., as a colorless, black and white landscape. 

Furthermore, the color spectrum may also be different for each person. 

If we could see infrared and ultraviolet light, which are usually invisible to humans, the universe might seem more mysterious.

How I respect the sensibilities of infants

In particular, it was Rudolf Steiner's (1861-1925) theory of education that stuck with me at the time as a new mother. I enjoyed eurhythmics, baby yoga, baby massage, English for kids and more with my newborn.  

When we were out, I always spent time with her close in front of me in a carrier strap. I never used a stroller. 

I gave her a set of round tipped crayons in a variety of colors. She drew wonderful pictures before she was a year old. She is left-handed. 

Her grandparents, i.e., my parents, tried to convert her to right-handedness. But, I rejected to do so, based on my own experience; I was once left-handed, too; but my parents corrected me to be right-handed, which has been a traumatic experience for me. 

I believe this helped me to overcome my own childhood trauma. Because I saw my inner child through my daughter. 

The spiritual energy radiating from children is so divine. I believe that adults need to support children just for themselves.


Children is so divine. Synesthesia is the tip of the iceberg. A child's sensitivity is immeasurable. Playing with innocent children heals people.


Chrysanthemum Festival in Japan, the 9th of September

The 9th of September is one of thefive festivals in Japan

It is the most important of the five festivals, but, strangely enough, it is less known than the other four festivals.

The five festivals are

  • January 7th,
  • March 3rd,
  • May 5th,
  • July 7th and
  • September 9th

A deliberately forgotten festival must be a very useful day for the common people.

The 9th of September is an important milestone 

The Yin-Yang theory, which divided all things into "yang" or "yin as follows:

  • the positive and negative
  • the male and female principles
  • the sun and the moon
  • light and shade

It believed that there are also "yang" and "yin" numbers, and odd numbers are considered to be "yang" numbers.  

In yin-yang philosophy, odd numbers are considered auspicious. 

Nine is the largest of the odd numbers. September is the ninth month. Therefore, the 9th of September is the day when the two largest 9s among odd numbers come together.

If there is a mysterious power in numbers, the 9th September festival is the most powerful day.

Purification at the Chrysanthemum Festival 

The 9th of September is also known as the "Chrysanthemum Festival".

Some say that if you cover a chrysanthemum flower with a cotton ball the night before the Chrysanthemum Festival and wipe your body with the cotton ball on the morning of the 9th of September, you will be rejuvenated.

There was also a bath called "Chrysanthemum-bath" in which people put chrysanthemum flowers in a bathtub, and the chrysanthemum, a symbol of longevity, is said to have been highly valued.

Chrysanthemums were believed to have medicinal properties and to ward off evil spirits. Furthermore, the design of the chrysanthemum is also considered to be the imperial emblem. 

The aromatic fragrance of chrysanthemum flowers was believed to ward off evil spirits and prolong life.


Food of Chrysanthemum Festival

Food for the Chrysanthemum Festival includes the following autumnal flavors, which can be used to capture the purification power.

Chestnut rice

Chestnut rice is a representative of the autumnal flavors. Rice cooked in a rice cooker with peeled chestnuts, water and salt. It's easy to make and very tasty.

Chestnut rice

Roasted eggplant

In the old days, it was common to roast and eat eggplant in season. Grilling eggplant on the grill is familiar, but it's easy to make it in a frying pan. Soft, juicy grilled eggplant with a browned, peeled skin is refreshing and delicious. It's even more delicious when you eat it with a little soy sauce.

               Roasted eggplant


Chrysanthemum was also popular as a food. Sometimes people would drink "chrysanthemum wine", which is cold sake with chrysanthemum petals floating on it. Since chamomile is a member of the chrysanthemum family, you can also drink chamomile tea.

chamomile tea


The 9th of September is an auspicious day, so why not be aware of the power of the number 9 spirit and eat foods associated with chrysanthemums and seasonal foods to help you get lucky.

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements What is the significance of the deaths in Japan related to red yeast rice supplements?  ...