Showing posts with label Longevity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Longevity. Show all posts


Benefits of long brushing

For brushing, apply the brush obliquely to the periodontal pocket
and gently vibrate it in small increments.
The point is to brush without pain.
When it hurts, use the side of the brush instead of the tip of the brush.

Lost one tooth due to periodontal disease!

I was 30 and had one tooth pulled out. I blamed the dentist for pulling my tooth out when it really didn't need to be pulled out. According to the dentist, the tooth was no more. At that time, I gave birth to my first child, and temporarily had severe gingivitis. The dentist said childbirth was unrelated to gingivitis, but when I gave birth to my second child, my gums also declined. I felt that there was a connection. Every time I went to the dentist, my teeth were scraped, and that triggered the deterioration of my oral health.

Japanese dental insurance system

In Japan, it seems that the treatments covered by health insurance are calculated according to the aspect of cutting. Therefore, the more you go to the dentist, the more your teeth deteriorate. Of course, the deterioration is further accelerated by the level of the dentist.

Ultimate tooth maintenance and brushing

it bled out, but I was wrong. I found it best to brush gently so as not to bleed or hurt. After switching to this method, my gums finally started to improve. The point is, don't use toothpaste. Brushing for a long time produces saliva, so use this saliva to brush. It is safe to swallow.

Tsuneo Katayama, a famous dentist

In fact, the brushing that I arrived at through trial and error is in line with the ideas of Dr. Tsuneo KATAYAMA (1910-2006) , a renowned dentist. In post-war Japan, Dr. Katayama saw the improvement in the condition of children's teeth by teaching them how to brush their teeth.

Tsuneo KATAYAMA (1910-2006) realized 
that brushing was effective in treating gingivitis, 
and was treating periodontal disease with a focus on plaque control.

Is it possible to improve the condition of teeth without going to the dentist? After a lot of research, I found out about tooth brushing. First, brush the periodontal pocket between the tooth and the gum. In addition, massage the gums with a brush. I used to bleed a lot from my gums when I was sick. I was brushing vigorously for over a several hour a day. Not only teeth, it also relates to the condition of the whole body. His view is holistic, as opposed to finding cavities and removing them.

Wonder of Saliva

I don't use toothpaste on my toothbrush. Because saliva promotes healing power. Saliva has healing powers. When animals get hurt, they lick their wounds. It may be a coincidence, but in the movie "Alice in Wonderland", the Bandersnatch, who lost her hostility after having her eyeballs returned, licked and healed Alice's pus-filled wounds. When you brush for a long time, saliva comes out in a good way.

Teeth don't deteriorate with age

TLong brushing convinced me: teeth don't deteriorate with age. In fact, my teeth and gums continue to improve with regular brushing. If you have a toothbrush, you don't need toothpaste. It's very simple. Brushing the front, back, and sides of your teeth takes time, but it's easy to do at home. I think it's basic to do the maintenance of your body by yourself. In order to live a long and healthy life, it is necessary to chew and eat delicious food. I expect that the saliva produced by brushing will keep the plaque in the oral cavity in good condition, which will affect the condition of the intestines and the whole body. I hope that I will be able to convince myself of this as I grow older.


Earthing, unity with Gaia

Walking barefoot on the grass makes a lot of sense.

What is Earthing

Earthing is connecting to the ground. Earthing is easy. Take off your socks and shoes on the lawn and touch the ground directly with your bare feet. You can also touch the ground with your bare hands, or touch the trees and leaves.

Modern Life separated from nature

With modernization, the road surface has become asphalt, shoes are made of artificial rubber, and people are rarely connected to nature in their daily lives. Furthermore, with the advent of mobile phones and home appliances, various electromagnetic waves are flying around us. An increasing number of people are suffering from unexplained fatigue and sleep disorders.

The following video, "down to earth," is about how earthing is important to us:

Like the trees rooted in the earth

The trees are rooted in the earth. Because there is a natural source of energy on the ground. It is as essential as sunlight, air, water and food. Therefore, it is natural for us to connect with the earth, just as trees are rooted in the earth. To connect with nature, you have to connect with the electromagnetics of the earth, not with artificial devices.


Modernization is an anti-natural system. Why not get out of this system for just a little bit? In other words, it awakens us with a sense of connection with GAIA. By Earthing.


Time from Birth to Death, Ultimate Asset

Free time to truly enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) is blissful happiness

Predict your lifespan from the average lifespan in the world

Knowing how old you are to live is useful for a meaningful life. According to the 2020 World Health Statistics released by WHO,  Japan has the longest life expectancy. I was 84.3 years old. Born, raised and living in Japan, I am likely to live longer. Moreover, my grandmother was born in 1906 and died in 2011 at the age of 105.

The following is based on the CIA_factbook, not WHO data, and gives a visual indication of life expectancy by country:

Comparison of average female and male life expectancy as defined in the 2018 CIA Factbook, with selected bubbles labelled. The dotted line corresponds to equal female and male life expectancy. The apparent 3D volumes of the bubbles are linearly proportional to their population.

Comparison gender life expectancy CIA factbook.svg
Source:  CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Expectancy of life CIA2016Source
De728631, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Life time is the resource of this life game

Lifespan depends to some extent on the environment, but every day is equally 24 hours. 

If life is 80 years,
80 years ✕ 365 days/year = 29,200 days 
80 years ✕ 365 days/year ✕ 24 hours/day = 700,800 hours

How do you allocate the time of your life? 

First of all, it is essential to secure the time that is indispensable for maintaining good health, that is, sleeping, eating, bathing, etc. 

Next, we need time that is indispensable for maintaining the living environment, that is, cleaning, washing, cooking, etc. 

And most people work to earn a living. 

Many traps await in the little remaining free time, that is, addiction. 

Therefore, consciously allocate happy time to your life as much as possible. Otherwise, life would be just a waste.

It is important to make effective use of your free time, but bad habits are fatal.

Habit: What determines the success or failure of life

We tend to forget, but life is finite. In other words, every time we live a day, we approach death. When you take the last breath of your life, you will not want to have regrets in your life.

Bad habits every day waste precious time in your life for 365 years.

Below are some examples of bad habits to stop:
  • Spending on the internet and SNS
  • Socializing with boring people
  • Long commute on a crowded train
  • Eating junk food by inertia
It is very effective to switch your lifestyle so that you can consciously eliminate negative time.

Enrich the lifestyle itself

You can also devise ways to enrich the time required for your life. 

For example:
  • Improve sleep quality with soft linen and incense
  • Improve the quality of daily meals by using carefully selected staple foods, etc.
  • Change to work that does not commute for a long time
  • Change the city you live in
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee from the bottom of my heart
  • Smile to your family

Get real affluence by losing something

Sometimes simplicity is a shortcut to enrichment. 

For example:
  • Dispose of clothes that are out of date or don't wear, and make it easier to spend every day with your favorite clothes.
  • Dispose of documents that are no longer needed to make it easier to organize.
  • Don't eat dinner (actually, food Affects Life and Fate)

  • Break tired relationships
At the end of life, one cannot bring anything to the other world.

What determines the success or failure of life

We tend to forget, but life is finite. In other words, every time we live a day, we approach death. When you take the last breath of your life, you want to have no regrets in your life.


Seven herb rice porridge, perfect for overeat during the New Year

The seven herb rice porridge, good for overeat and good luck

In Japan, people eat the seven herb rice porridge on the morning of January 7th. The rice porridge contains following seven herbs: 

“Seri”:water dropwort
“Nazuna”:shepherd's purse
“Suzushiro”: daikon radish


spring seven herbs

This is a custom that has been handed down in Japan for a long time, and we pray for no illness during the year. Its original intention is to protect ourselves from evil and bring good luck and longevity by eating the seven herbs that can withstand the cold winter. It’s perfect for those who overeat and drink too much during the New Year.

Soup Stock Tokyo’s seven herb rice porridge 

Soup Stock Tokyo is a soup specialty store with the concept of eating soup, which was established in 1999. The seven herb rice porridge is a special menu at Tokyo Soup Stock on January 7th only. I also went there at 7:30 in the morning and took out them for four family members. I bought it at this shop in the same way last year. 
Soup Stock Tokyo’s seven herb rice porridge

Soup Stock Tokyo is a chain store specializing in soups with the concept of "additive-free, eating soup." The stores are open in station premises such as station buildings, restaurants in office buildings, and underground grocery stores in department stores. I often go to the store because I can easily eat the carefully made soup. Soup Stock Tokyo is located all over Japan, and you can easily and easily enjoy a meal of good ingredients by yourself, so if you are unsure of where to eat, I recommend it.

Spring Seven Herbs song

"Spring Seven Herbs song" is a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables, Waka:
Seri Nazuna  (5)
Go gyo u Hakobera (7)
Hotoke no za (5)
Suzuna Suzushiro (7)
Korezo Nana kusa (7)


Spring Seven Herbs song

2017/01/30 · 春の七草を覚えやすくする歌 by firekazusuke

Waka has the hidden power of purification. I also want to purify my mind and body. The author of this waka poem is said to be the Minister of the Left Yoshinari Yotsutsuji (1326-1402. He became Minister of the Left in 1395, when he was 70 years old.), but it is uncertain and there are various theories.


The seven herb rice porridge perfect for overeat during the New Year. Eating it is a traditional Japanese event. There is also auspicious Waka of it.


Simple Morning Routine for Happy Life

Simple morning routines

Since this summer, I have decided on a morning routine and have been implementing it every day. 

Thanks to this, I'm in good shape both physically and mentally.

Here are three of my morning routines:

  1. Drink a glass of water.
  2. Walking for 20 to 60 minutes
  3. Meditate for 10 minutes.

All of the above are easy and I feel comfortable continuing to do so.  And they are very effective.

A glass of water in the morning

A glass of water in the morning improves bowel movement and regulates the autonomic nervous system.


The walks are flexible, 20-60 minutes. You may be sleepy at first, but you'll wake up as you walk. Try to walk on a green path and take deep breaths. When you are walking, try to think about nothing but your breathing.

Meditate for 5-10 minutes.

I think about 10 minutes of meditation is a good amount of time to make it last longer. Of course, if you have more time to spare, you could do a longer meditation. I use my favorite 5-10-minute meditation induction with background music that I found on You Tube. It's a program that incorporates deep breathing. It makes me feel at peace every morning.

5-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere

Morning routines can change your life.

All three of the above morning routines are easy to follow. But they will affect you throughout the day. So, a good little morning routine makes the day more comfortable. It's been three months since I started my morning routine. And I've found that I'm fulfilled in the moment of being here now. Moreover, I find that my morning routine makes my life more fulfilling. Life is surprisingly easy to control.

Be aware of yourself, not others by morning routines

The morning routine is, after all, about being aware of yourself. Relationships with people are often turned around when you change yourself. And letting go of distractions is an opportunity to get to know what's important. It's a small morning routine that can make us happy.


A simple morning routine can turn your life around. For example, drink a glass of water, take a walk, and meditate. A good start to the day makes the whole day easier. As a result, we become more conscious of the good things we do.


Cosmic Rhythms and Old Japanese Clocks from Sunrise to Sunset

Cosmic rhythm and Japanese clocks in Edo Period (1603-1868)

Cosmic rhythm and the rhythm of old Japanese clocks were once the same. Actually, cosmic rhythm is not constant every day. In other words, the daytime time of the day changes according to the season. Therefore, living on a fixed time is not really natural. There was once a mechanical clock in Japan that followed the natural rhythm. In the Edo Period (1603-1868), Japan used the temporal hour system.  Japanese clocks at that time were made based on natural rhythm from sunrise and sunset.  


Japanese clocks in Edo Period (1603-1868) from sunrise to sunset creating the rhythm of the day

Now let's look at how Japanese clocks created the rhythm of the day.  Daytime is from sunrise to sunset. On the other hand, night time is from sunset to sunrise. The time is determined by dividing the daytime and nighttime respectively into 12 equal parts. Daytime is longer in summer and shorter in winter (However, the southern hemisphere is opposite). The location of the clock time changes automatically. It depends on the season (to be exact, on a daily basis).  

In Edo Period (1603-1868), time was decided using Futeijiho (varying length system or unfixed time method). The time system divides seasonally changing sun's celestial objects infestation into 6 equal parts.  However, Japanese clocks are manufactured under Futeijiho requires high technology.

The essence of the spirit of Japanese technology is based on cosmology since ancient time

Japanese watch technology is based on ancient cosmology.  Hisashige Tanaka (1799-1881), TOSHIBA's founder,  was an inventor of Japanese clocks. He learned cosmology from the Tsuchimikado Family. The ancestor is Abeno Seimei (921-1005), a leading onmyōji (A professional practitioner of the Japanese esoteric cosmology) in Heian Period (794-1185 or 792-1192).  Seimei is famous for Yuzuru Hanyu's Figure Skating, Free Programme. 

Hisashige Tanaka completed the mechanical clock Shumisengi, which embodies the Ptolemaic theory. And in 1851, he completed a fully automatic working clock. This watch follows the Old Japanese time system where the length of day and night changes depending on the season.

Why your rhythm is out of tune in a civilized society

However, that old Japanese time system tune with nature has been changed in 1873 in Japan. The natural rhythm since then in Japan has been out of tune in a civilized society. So delicate people may find such a punctual time unnatural.  Because the rapidly developing civilized society is out of tune in Nature.  For example, sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve do not switch well with artificial light in night time.  

In 1882, Edison began sending electricity from a thermal power plant in New York. The reason is that many people use the light bulb that they invented. Thanks to it, we can work even when it was dark after sunset. It has only been about 150 years since humans have been able to extract and use electricity from outlets and batteries.  Science and technology related to electricity have made remarkable progress in the last century or two. Therefore, our rhythm tend to go out of tune. 

Let's bring nature back to your life by setting a rhythm for the day from sunrise to sunset.

You can adjust the rhythm even without a Japanese clock. Just take a deep breath and relax while being aware of the rhythm of the sun.  If circumstances permit, let's get up at sunrise. And relax after sunset. It is the most luxurious life.  


Hidden Super Ancient Records in Japan: Longevity, Truth after Death, Spiritual Power

Hidden Super Ancient Records in Japan on Longevity, Truth after Death, Spiritual Power of Japanese Poetry, etc.

Japan has several records of super ancient times. Unfortunately, they are not officially recognized. Hotsuma Tsutae is one of them. Hotsuma Tsutae is a great textbook to know the depth of Japanese history. It has been stored by prestigious shrines. In fact, Hotsuma Tsutae is older and more detailed and older than Kojiki and Nihonshoki which are officially the oldest. 

Hotsuma Tsutae describes the diverse contents of the founding of Japan and ancient Japanese civilization. For example: The establishment of the Imperial Family of Japan, perpetuity and longevity, proper eating methods, methods of giving birth to wonderful children, funeral methods of ascending the dead to heaven, truth after death, the spiritual power of Japanese poetry. These contents will update your common sense. What's more, you can easily incorporate some of these into your daily life.

48 Phonemes of Japanese Language: Corresponding to the Five Elements of the Universe and Their Energy Streams

Hotsuma Tsutae is written in Hotsuma characters. They are older than Kanji that came from China. The number of Hotsuma characters is 48 regularly arranged. Deeply, their symbolic shapes represent the five elements of the universe, the sky, wind, fire, water, and soil, and their energy streams.  Furthermore, each sound of the 48 Hotsuma corresponds to each factor of the natural world. Therefore, every sound of Japanese is meaningful. Especially in the form of the waka, Japanese poem, seven-and-five syllable meter, enhances the connection with the universe. In other word, waka is important not only in meaning but also in its sound and rhythm. For example, Hotsuma Tsutae also has an episode of singing a poem to drive away the hordes of locusts. I also want to carefully pronounce each of the 48 Japanese sounds in order to adjust the rhythm of life for good luck.

The AWAUTA (あわうたawauta).
Reference to the "Hotsuma Tsutae"
(Manuscripts to OGASAWARA Nagahiro
(小笠原長弘ogasawara nagahiro) March 3, 1900)
Establishment kana to right of the character
(WOSITE jindai moji) awa-no-uta).

Valuable Super Ancient Records: How to Access, Availability in English and French

Hotsuma Tsutae consists of the first part and the second part. The first part is from the chapter 1 to 28 and was edited by Kushimikatama (a minister of Emperor Jinmu). The second part is from the chapter 29 to 40 and was written by Ohotataneko. They are a poem format based on the Seven-and-five syllable meter.  The original text is all Hotsuma characters, so ordinary people cannot be read it. Fortunately, modern Japanese translated books have been published. If I buy it, it costs more than $30 (¥30,000) though, I was able to rent it at the library.  This is quite different from the Japanese history learned at school, and it's exciting. And, thankfully, there are many contents that are useful in daily life.

Books about Hotsuma Tsutae 


The hidden ancient records are precious. Particularly recommended is Hotsuma Tsutae, a super ancient Japanese record. There are also sites where you can read the full text in English and French. I recommend you to enjoy Hotsuma Tsutae, depending on your interest level. How about updating your common sense?

reference:鳥居 礼「完訳秀真伝 上下巻」八幡書店, 1988


Best Food Ever for Longevity, What to Eat and What Not to Eat to Return to Heaven

Food and Life

What to Eat

Hotsuma Tsutae, un-official Japanese historical record, writes in great detail about what to eat and what to avoid. 

First, the best food is a crop that grows by receiving the energy of the sun and of the moon. Specifically, they are rice and vegetables.  

Rice grows by the spirit of the sun. On the other hand, the root vegetables such as carrot or turnip grow by the spirit of the moon. 

Therefore, if you eat rice and root vegetables, you will be able to receive the protection of the Sun-Moon gods while you are alive. Furthermore, you will be able to return to Heaven, the Sun-Moon Palace, even after you die.

Barely Good Food

Barely good are scale fish. But don't eat eels, catfish, crabs, shrimps, squid, or octopuses. Because they have no scales. But if you eat a fish with scales, you have to keep eating vegetables for three days to cleanse yourself. 

What to Avoid: Eating Meat Shortens Lifespan, Makes you a Beast after Death

Basically, you shouldn't eat meat, according to Hotsuma Tsutae.  Because eating meat increases nature of fire. What is worse, the spirit also changes impure. Therefore, after death, the soul will not return to the original world. 

And it will seek the seed of the beast. And finally, the dead are reincarnated as beasts. 

Meat eater's soul will lose the soul's string and will not be able to return to heaven. 

Hotsuma Tsutae Lecture on Correct Diet to Return to Heaven while Enjoying Longevity

In Hotsuma Tsutae, Amateru gives a lecture on the correct diet. Amateru is Amaterasu Omikami, who is said to be the goddess of the sun in Nihonshoki, but appears as a god in Hotsuma Tsutae. 

The contents of the lecture are as follows:  

"The best food is rice and field crops. Next is a scaled fish. Meat is bad.  If you eat meat, your body's flesh becomes stiff, gains weight, loses oil, and you will die quickly. 

So if you eat meat, eat radish for two and a half months.  

If you eat meat by mistake, your soul's code will be cut off, and your soul will not be able to return to the original heavenly palace.
After death, you will wander the ground while suffering, seeking for the seeds of the beast, and finally becoming a beast.  

On one hand, rice has the spirit of the sun. And the center of the heart responds to the spirit of the sun.
On the other hand, root vegetables have the spirit of the moon. And the leaves of the heart that derive from the heart respond to the spirit of the moon. Therefore, if you eat a meal with the spirit of the sun and the moon your soul will return to the Sun-Moon Palace after you die.  

I (Amateru) have always eaten a grass called "chiyomikusa" which is 100 times more bitter than the usual young rape.
"Chiyomikusa" is a long-lived herb. Thanks to this, I am 240,000 years old this year, but still young. Therefore, I think that the million-year-old will be able to live.  
Life is precious. If you die after longevity, you can enjoy to return to heaven.
Also, if you eat properly, you will smell like a chrysanthemum when you die. The corpse will soon turn into a god."

The above is a part of the lecture on food by Amateru in Hotsuma Tsutae.

What to Do if You Eat Meat

Fortunately, Hotsuma Tsutae has what to do if you eat meat. In other words, even if you eat meat, you can cleanse your mind by continuing to eat detoxified foods.

Effective detoxified foods:
  • Radish 
  • Beetroot
  • White bean grass (”seri”) 
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Ginger
  • Salt (crystals), roasted salt

The Period Required for Detoxification

The time to keep eating detoxified foods for detoxification is as follows:
  • Three days for fish
  • Twenty-one days for waterfowl
  • Two-and-a-half months for the meat of Japanese three-letter animals such as raccoon "" dogs "ta nu ki" and foxes "ki tsu ne" 
  • Three years for Japanese two-letter animal meats such as venison "shi ka", pork "bu ta" and beef "u shi" 

Best Food Ever: Chrysanthemum, National Flower of Japan

Since chrysanthemum is a plant that has both the spirit of the sun and of the moon, if you eat it, you will become sensitive to both the spirit of the sun and of the moon. 

Therefore, in Japan, cherish chrysanthemums. (By the way, I drink chamomile tea because chamomile is chrysanthemum. )

According to Hotsuma Tsutae, “Chrysanthemum has both the seed of the spirit of the sun and the spirit of the moon. So if you eat it, your eyesight will become clear. Then the light and shadow in your mind will harmonize, and you will seek God”.

Flower arrangement with chrysanthemum

Ornamental chrysanthemum
Edible chrysanthemum

Best Food Ever for Longevity: Herbs that are almost unavailable

The best food is "chiyomi kusa". Eating it will prolong 1,000 years of life according to Hotsuma Tsutae.   The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang(259 BC–210 BC)ordered him more than 2,200 years ago, to come Japan to search for the elixir of life. The herbs are almost unavailable. Then, where is it growing now?


Food Affects Life and Fate, How to Get Good Luck, Long Life

Accumulate your virtues and improve your luck

The idea is to pile up virtues to improve your fortune. Charity donations and animal welfare don't add to the virtue. To pile up the virtues, you control the strongest “eating” desire among human desires, halving the amount of your daily meal and returning the other half to heaven.

Mizuno Namboku (1760 to 1834), who Improved his Destiny by Eating Less

Mizuno Namboku (1760-1834) is the person who advocated the theory that fate can be improved by eating little food. Nanboku lost his parents at an early age, and since he was a child (10 years old), he has learned to steal alcohol and has had a fight with gambling. He was put in a prison at the age of eighteen. He noticed the bad looks of the people in the prison there. And he found that there was a correlation among the facial features, food and the fate of a person.

Facial Features and Fortune

After leaving the prison, a physiognomist told Nanboku that he would die in a year from facial features and advised him to become a monk for a fate. So Nanboku asked the temple to become a monk. However, the priest told him that Nanboku's look was so bad that he would "disciple if he continued to eat only barley and soybeans for a year." He continued to eat as he was told. And finally, not only did his face disappear, but his fortune improved.

This triggered him to go physiognomy. For the first three years he studied head shape at a barber's. For the next three years he observed nude in a bathhouse. For another three years he observed the bones and bodies of the dead at the crematorium. He cut open the corpse and find that unlucky people have bad internal organs, especially the color, luster and remnants of their stomach and intestines.

Mizuno Namboku's Theory of Fate by Eating Less

From these experiences, the north and south became the leading physiognomist. He began to advocate the theory of fate by eating less. Some of his teachings are:
  • People who eat and drink less than the limit are long-lived and happy in later years.
  • People who eat and drink more than the limit are unhappy in their later years, even though they have a good appearance.
  • People who eat different amounts at different times always have a lot of ups and downs in their lives.
  • People who are fat and eat a lot of alcohol and meat are unhappy in later years.
  • You can eat as much green vegetables as you like.
  • Do not eat unless you have a good appetite.
  • Try to get up early.

Luigi Cornaro(1464-1566)who Improved his Destiny by Eating Less

Luigi Cornaro(1464-1566) was influential aristocrat of the Republic of Venice (also a politician).  He was a rich and gourmet, as opposed to Mizuno Namboku. However, his way of gaining of longevity, health, intelligence and rich relationships is same as Mizuno Namboku to reduce food intake.  In the case of Cornaro, he drank about 400cc of wine a day in addition to his meal. 

A short meal changed him from a short-tempered and irritable personality to a cheerful and gentle personality. Also, his mood was always filled with joy. In addition, he was able to sleep more comfortably and always had fun dreams. Moreover, even after the age of 80, he was fine, riding a horse, climbing mountains, devoting himself to public works and writing, and was never tired. 

Control your Diet for your Happy Later Years

Mizuno Namboku experienced various jobs, met various people, and discovered the rules common to happy people. On the other hand, Italy's Cornaro ate a small amount of food with a menu that suits himself, and achieved perfect happiness later in his life. Their teachings are practical and full of know-how. 

By all means, why not try to control your diet for your happiness in your later years? The following are the suggestions:   

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements What is the significance of the deaths in Japan related to red yeast rice supplements?  ...