Showing posts with label Katakamuna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Katakamuna. Show all posts


Noosology, inspired by Pluto

Unique Japanese Channeler and Pluto’s Ocot

There are innumerable "channeling information" in the world. One of them is channeling with Pluto's "OCOT" by Japanese consciousness physicist Kosen Handa. He further develops a cosmology called noosology from the information obtained from this channeling. 

A completely new view of the world: Noosology 

Noosology discusses how our consciousness, space, and dimensions interact to create this world. For example, the world that is really visible is the world of the spirit, and only by such recognition can the world be spiritualized. The material world is just a concept. 

In Noosology, it goes beyond objective and subjective:
To something completely different world that is neither spiritual nor material.
To something completely different life that is neither dead nor alive.
To something completely different sexuality that is neither a man nor a woman.
And to something completely different, neither you nor me. 


            Noos Lecture 2019 Opening Movie

Above such a new view is similar with KATAKAMUNA, in which a physical-mind phenomenon is key to understand the world.


Sometimes it's good to doubt existing values. The completely new view such as  Noosology may actually be true. Our knowledge is really minimal. 


Heresy may be the Truth behind the Authority

Sometimes it's good to consider the possibilities beyond common sense such as heresy. Because heresy may be the truth behind the authority.
Is heresy evil?

Is authority good?

Authority is the power to coerce others into submission. Authority is distinguished from the power to coerce consent and obedience by threats or force, which appears to encourage consent and obedience voluntarily. Those who do not receive approval from authority become heretics. Is heresy evil? Is authority good?

There are many heresies in the world

Katakamuna, a document describing the science, technology and philosophy of ancient Japan
Katakamuna Utahi No.5, 6, 7

Kikuo Chishima (1899 -1978) :  a Japanese medical researcher. The Chishima Doctrine is characterized by a doctrine that is quite different from the conventional wisdom of modern medicine. It is as follows: 
  1. Blood is made from the villi of the small intestine. (In modern medicine, the idea that blood is made from the bone marrow).
  2. Cells are modified red blood cells (modern medicine believes that cells are made from the same cells).
  3. Blood transfusion is dangerous
  4. Bone marrow transplants are dangerous.
  5. Cancer should not be removed. Cancer cells are made up of red blood cells. Even if it is removed, it will metastasize if the root is not addressed. And so on.

Gaston Naessens (1924-2018)  Naessens said a somatid is the tiny living blood particles and described them as part of a complex life cycle. However, his theory as such has not been accepted by the academic community.
New Biology - Gaston Naessens theory of Somatides

Nephilim: Nephilim is the name of a tribe that appears in the Old Testament books of Genesis and Numbers, as well as the Old Testament exoteric (sequel) books of Job and Enoch, commonly referred to as "giants". The name means "the one who came down from heaven".

King Tutankhamun of ancient Egypt was Japanese.
Was Tutankhamun a Japanese boy!?

George Adamski (1891 - 1965)  I enjoyed reading The Complete Works of Adamski (Visitors from Outer Space), translated into Japanese by Kubota Hachiro in the 1980s.

After questioning common sense, let's get back to nature.

I think it's important to question common sense, get enough rest, eat a well-balanced diet, travel to scenic places, take a walk in the woods, listen to good music, look at beautiful flowers and paintings, and make time to truly enjoy yourself. This will increase your sense of well-being and boost your body's immunity. To live smoothly and cooperatively with others.

After all, what is important

May society respect diverse values and personalities and be tolerant of "heretics". 
Good time


Katakamuna Mantra for Releasing Invisible Bondage by Chanting

Katakamuna mantra for releasing invisible bondage by Chanting

Imagine the end of life. How happy you are if you are satisfied with your way of life! However, most of us will not be satisfied with our lives. Because we are under the illusion that the social system itself is the whole world. Invisible bondage is the framework of the social system in which we normally live. Invisible bondage deprives us of our true identity. Katakamuna Mantra release us from the invisible bondage. Free yourself from invisible bondage and practice your own real life purpose. In that case, the Katakamuna mantra is useful. Each of the katakamuna sounds is a sound of the universe. Now free yourself.

Katakamuna Utahi No.5, 6, 7

Benefits of Katakamuna mantra linked to the essence of space-time

The benefits of Katakamuna mantra are abyssal. Language is one of the things that make humans a social creature. It is also one of the major differences from animals. It is no exaggeration to say that our thoughts are controlled by language.

Katakamuna is the language used by ancient Japanese people. It's a pure cosmic language.

Katakamuna consists of 48 phonemes. Because Katakamuna people understood the essence of space-time through intuition and applied various phenomena to 48 phonemes.

Each phoneme has its own meaning and effect. Therefore, by pronouncing the phonemes, you become connected to the essence of the universe and become aware of your true essence.  Those 48 phonemes are in Japanese based on vowels, also affects the structure of the brain.

Chanting Katakamuna mantra for releasing invisible bondage

We live hard in a bond that does not seem unconscious. Does it have an essential meaning? Even if it makes no sense, we keep running. It's like a rat on wheels. 

Kakamuna Utahi is a mantra that frees our minds and thoughts from unconscious invisible bondage. 

Katakamuna Utahi consists of 80 songs. The phonation of these phonologies harmonizes the mind with the thoughts. Each song is significant, but especially the 5th, 6th, and 7th are especially important.

Katakamuna Utahi No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7, Meanings, How to Sing

Try chanting the Katakamuna Utahi, the 5th, 6th, and 7th, while experiencing the consciousness of the universe. Singing these is useful to get rid of your thoughts and control yourself. Your mind will calm down and your spirit will become calm.

The rhythm of the song created by the difference in length of each phrase is important. The length depends on the number of phonemes. This is the same as the traditional Japanese poetry, ”waka” resonating with the universe.

The 5th

[hi] [fu] [mi] [yo] [i]   (1 2 3 4 5)

[ma] [wa] [ri] [te] [me] [ku] [ru]  (go around to come around)

[mu] [na] [ya] [ko] [to] (6 7 8 9 10)

[a] [u] [no] [su] [he] [shi] [re]  (know the way to meet God (Creator))

[ka] [ta] [chi] [sa] [ki] (and shape it up)

The 6th

[so] [ra] [ni] [mo] [ro] [ke] [se]   (in the space very full of)

[yu] [ye] [nu] [o] [wo]  (superstrings)

[ha] [e] [tsu] [wi] [ne] [ho] [n]  (generate everything (Transition / circulation that creates and returns to phenomena))

[ka] [ta] [ka] [mu] [na] (based on katakamuna)

The 7th

[ma] [ka] [ta] [ma] [no]    (the center of soul)

[a] [ma] [no] [mi] [na] [ka] [nu] [shi]   (Space God)

[ta] [ka] [mi] [mu] [su] [hi]  (god of the heavens)

[ka] [mu] [mi][mu] [su] [hi]   (earth goddess)

[mi] [su] [ma] [ru] [no] [ta] [ma]  (protect us by torus)

Katakamuna Utahi No.5, 6, 7

reference (only Japanese): 

「日本の上古代文化」アシヤ文化研究会、久保田 覚巳 編著正しい教育を守る会 発行 シーエムシー技術開発株式会社 復刊, 2007, pp.19-26

潜象物理研究相似象学 (access on May 30, 2020)

The reference is all Japanese but google translate is useful to read in your own language.


Ancient Wisdom, Katakamuna, to Enjoy the World

Ancient Katakamuna civilization on principles of relathion between the latent and manifest worlds

If you understand the relationship between the latent world and the manifest world, you will enjoy the world more. 

In order to do so, Katakamuna might be useful. (Katakamuna Mantra is here.)

Because ancient Katakamuna people knew the truth.   

For them everything is fractal phenomena connect with both latent world and the manifest world.  

They understood every phenomena by intuition.  

So, if you live in the way of katakamuna, your mind will be peacefully natural.

What is Katakamuna

Katakamuna is ancient language in Japan 12,000 years ago.  

However, ancient documents created before the transmission of kanji (Chinese characters) are treated as forgery. 

One of such documents is Katakamuna. The characters are composed of simple elements, lines and circles. 

Who discovered Katakamuna

That was Satsuki NARASAKI (1899-1974) who discovered "Katakamuna" in 1949.  

He did his research to measure the earth electricity at Mt. Kinchyo in Hyogo prefecture in Japan.  

Then he met Hira Touji, a hunter. The hunter asked him to stop doing it. Because animals scared of it. 

NARASAKI accepted the reques. 

In token of his gratitude Hira Touji showed him a scroll. 

To his surprise, letters were written in a spiral.  He asked Hira Touji to lend the scroll for 20 days to copy. 

That was how Katakamuna came to appear to this world.

Narasaki had a pure intuition, in addition to scientific knowledge. 

His specialties were mathematics, physics and electrical engineering. His research includes the following:

  • Refining artificial oil made from lignite
  • Manufacture high-quality steel from poor iron
  • "New agricultural technology" at the request of Hoshi Pharmaceutical's founder, Hajime HOSHI

Kakakamuna people's way of understanding the world

Katakamuna people valued intuition. They did not have disturbed by common sense and preconceived ideas. 

In their theory, the origin (God) creates everything.  

Therefore, the universe, humans, animals, and the natural world are the creation of the origin (God).  

Mind (heart) always connects with the origin (God).  

Everything in the world connects with the origin (God).  

All the substances have mind of the origin (God). In other words, the sun, the moon, the earth, and the rocks even the star have mind of the origin (God).

There are infinite amount of primitives called "a ma" behind a phenomenon. 

"A ma" denotes the infinite amount of primitives and the origin of time-space quantity. 

"A ma" is also the quantity of a physical-mind phenomenon.  

That is, there is a natural world behind the objective phenomenon.


Ancient wisdom of Katakamuna leads you to perfect freedom to enjoy both the latent and the manifest world. If you want to feel infinite amount of primitives called "a ma" behind a phenomenon, you will have a new perspective to enjoy the world more.


「相似象会誌」No. 8 "Satsuki Narasaki Memorial Issue"1975

The reference is all Japanese but google translate is useful to read in your own language.

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements What is the significance of the deaths in Japan related to red yeast rice supplements?  ...