Showing posts with label Japanese language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japanese language. Show all posts


Lifestyle based on invisible spirituality, for evolution

Hand power that "ki" came out of the palm, 
healing power to adjust the dissonant parts of the body

Healing power by touching

The Japanese word "te-ate" means treatment, but originally it means healing power by touching, "te" means hand, and "ate" means touching. In other words, treatment was basically touched by hand. The Japanese in the old days may have intuitively knew hand power that "ki" came out of the palm and that it was effective in adjusting the dissonant parts of the body.

Traditional treatment

When my daughter caught a cold when she was young, I warmed my palms to her back and stomach. And I made her drink hot water, sweat her, and change her sweat-soaked clothes. The body temperature rises, and bad things come out with sweat, and it becomes refreshing. I like these primitive methods, not antipyretics.

Advanced Cosmic view based on spirituality rather than materiality

Not just the palm, but the entire skin is more than a physical boundary. Some people can see the aura of people. Even if you can't see it clearly, you can tell if it's shining or dark. This is the spiritual energy that primitive civilizations valued.

According to George Adamski (1891-1965), the skin itself is an organ. Unfortunately, I can't find his English related site. It was the Japanese translation of his book by Mr. Hachiro Kubota that inspired me to learn his ideas. Thanks to Mr. Kubota, I learned about George Adamski's view of Cosmos, which goes beyond preconceived ideas. Until around 2000, I was in Kubota's club to see spaceships, but it broke up with his death. Recently, by chance, I was happy to find a Japanese site by Mr. Kubota's bereaved family.

Kubota has translated many of George Adamski's cosmic view into Japanese, which has broadened my perception: a tree rooted in a cliff knows where to grow and grows in a perfect balance. do. The tree grasps the shape of the cliff without looking at the shape of the cliff. Originally, humans also have such sensing power of this tree on their skin. The skin is not a physical boundary with the outside world, but rather a medium of telepathy that is compatible with the entire universe.

The tree grasps the shape of the cliff without looking at the shape of the cliff.

Technology that coexists with humans

There is a limit to how much human beings can improve science and technology based on materiality. Spirituality and human nature are important for true evolution. Machines do not constrain humans, but we need machines that coexist with humans. For example, CYBERDYNE's product, HAL [Hybrid Assistive Limb], heals the injured body while supporting the injured body's functioning according to the wearer's wishes. It's a technology that coexists with people. It is impressive that Cybernics Treatment has made it possible for people who could not walk due to spinal cord injuries to walk.

Jomon, Spirituality and the Age of Aquarius

Jomon is the spirituality and culture that was cherished in ancient Japan. Spiritual-based cultures have disappeared not only in the Jomon period, but around the world, and material-based civilizations have become mainstream. But now, humanity is at the turning point of the times. It's the Age of Aquarius. We would like to improve the spiral by fusing technology that coexists with people.

Values are changing from Pisces to Aquarius for the first time in 2000.


Whether it is medical treatment or science and technology, we will spiral up based on spirituality rather than substance. That is the flow of the Age of Aquarius. It awakens the spirituality of ancient primitive civilization in a more sophisticated way. The important thing is invisible to the eye. Now is the time to awaken spirituality.

The important thing is invisible to the eye.


Japanese 1000 years ago

Japan is also pronounced "ni-ppon" and "ni-hon". 

In fact, this difference comes from the transition of the Japanese ha line (ha, hi, hu, he, ho).

Old Japanese is pronounced differently from modern Japanese

The biggest difference between old and modern languages ​​is pronunciation. In particular, the change in pronunciation of "ha line" is remarkable.

Until the Nara period, the Japanese ha line (ha, hi, hu, he, ho) was pronounced "pa, pi, pu, pe, po."

But in the Heian period it was pronounced "fa, fi, fu, fe, fo.” 

And it gradually became the pronunciation of "ha, hi, hu, he, ho" as it is today.

Japanese "ha" used to be sound "pa."

Japan, land of happy kotodama

Japan has been designated as a country where happiness is brought about by the power of Kotodama

Kotodama is a spiritual power that is generally believed to reside in words in Japan. 

This is reminiscent of the words of the Bible.

In the beginning was the Word, and 
the Word was with God, and 
the Word was God.

In other words, the word is regarded as the origin of the cosmos or as the cosmos itself.  Therefore, words, sounds, and vibrations are the basis of the world.

Transition of Japanese

The following I found is Lord's Prayer in Old Japanese → Future Japanese language:

 [from Old Japanese]  [to Future Japanese]
0:09 - 5C Pre-Old Japanese
0:59 - 7C Old Japanese
1:52 - 10C Early Middle Japanese
2:44 - 13C High Middle Japanese
3:34 - 16C Late Middle Japanese
4:20 - 19C Early Modern Eastern (Edo downtown) Japanese
5:00 - 21C Modern Japanese
5:33 - 23C Near Future Japanese
6:10 - 27C Future Pidgin Japanese
6:57 - ??C Abh Language


 I don't know how they discovered the old Japanese pronunciation.  To a certain degree, it’s possible to understand how to do it along with the record of other countries though. Therefore, I am skeptical about  any theory in principle.  But there’s possibility they used to speak Japanese differently.

Will Japanese really be far from the origin from now on?

If words have a spiritual power, I don't think that Japanese will change steadily in the future. 

After all, all things return to the perfect cosmos
 of ancient times, traveling like a spiral in the long run. 


Japan has been designated as a country where happiness is brought about by the power of Kotodama.  However, the old Japanese language has changed a lot. Will Japanese continue to change in the future? I want Japanese to return to its original spiritual Japanese.


"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" predicts the near future

There are several oracles in Japan that predict the future. One of them is "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," which is the Sun and the Moon Revelation that came from "Kuni-no-Tokotachi" (the god of heaven and earth creation in Japanese mythology). "

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" predicts the near future

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" was written during World War II, but it was said that Tokyo would become a burnt field and then Japan would undergo a great reconstruction. Rather, what is worrisome is the upcoming changes in the world. 

According to the "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)", a real god appears in the world, reveals the power of the god, helps all the people, and rebuilt the world into an ideal world without any trouble. 

However, before that, humankind must face unprecedented catastrophes and trials. To be saved, we must constantly cleanse, polish and prepare our minds, minds and bodies. 

Even under such circumstances, it is interesting that the way of life for good luck is also written.

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)"

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" was written by Tenmei Okamoto (1897-1963), a scholar and painter, from 1945 to 1959, using an automatic clerk from the high-class spirit "Kuni-no-Tokotachi" (the god of heaven and earth creation in Japanese mythology) ". 

Numbers and symbols rather than letters

The original text consists of numerals, symbols, kana characters, and abstract pictures. Most of the "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" are written in numbers and symbols, but there is a reason for this. 

First of all, when it comes to advanced spiritual people, there are no letters. 

And numbers contain many secret meanings compared to other letters. The people of heaven are true.  therefore, they can convey all by numerals and symbols rather than other letters. 

How to purify the mind and body with a proper diet

One of the main themes of "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" is how to purify the mind and body with a proper diet. The correct diet is to eat small meals, eat grains and vegetables, and not eat meat.

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)", vegetarians and small meals help people get better and cure their illness. Don't eat full. Because it's the way to death. Give 20% of your meal to God first. People who eat a lot are possessed. Therefore, control your diet, in order not be possessed.   

Meaning of "If you hit your right cheek, put out your left cheek"

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  you can hit your cheeks because you have something in your heart that will hit your cheeks. You won't be able to hit the innocent face of a laughing baby. This is the true meaning of non-resistance that leads to peace. Don't be foolish enough to hit your right cheek and then stick your left cheek. 

You won't be able to hit the innocent face of a laughing baby.

Don't worry about tomorrow, thank you for being alive today

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," when you wake up in the morning, thank God for entrusting you with this life today, and live as hard as you can according to God's will. Pray that you can contribute to the prosperity of the world. God will tell you what to do that day, at that time. Don't worry about tomorrow. 

Cataclysms and wars on Earth

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  there have been six cataclysms and wars on Earth. It will be the last for the seventh time in the future. Until now, this was a change only in this world, but this time it will be a cataclysm in all dimensions including the world of God and the ghost world. There are various signs of cataclysm:
  • Cherry blossoms bloom in winter
  • 2-3 suns appear
  • It snows in summer
  • It finally starts from the beach
  • The color of the sun is black and the moon is red
What are the signs of a catastrophe?

It is necessary to judge whether the word of God is correct

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  even the word of God must not be believed indiscriminately. It's the same as medicine can be poisonous. Don't be foolish, or you will lose track of the true path.

Don't worry about tomorrow

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," when you wake up in the morning, thank God for entrusting you with this life today, and live as hard as you can according to God's will. Pray that you can contribute to the prosperity of the world. God will tell you what to do that day, at that time. Don't worry about tomorrow. 


Purifying the mind and body is important even in difficult times. You can get various hints on how to overcome the difficult situation by reading the mysterious ""Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" in Japan. For the time being, it looks good to have a small meal.


Now Introspection

Forgiveness is ultimate salvation

Forgiving the mistakes of others in Japanese is called "flowing into the water." Water is spiritually meaningful. 

Forgiveness will ultimately save you. I've always suffered from the same disgusting type of person, so I realized the secret. I realized that the unpleasant person in front of me was just a mirror image of my unconsciousness. So I thoroughly checked my memory, remembered each unforgivable event, and forgave it. The situation has changed dramatically since then.  Unpleasant persons no longer appear in front of me.

How to purify unforgivable feelings

In order to purify the unforgivable feelings, we first reveal the negative feelings that we unconsciously dropped. It's a good idea to write it down in a notebook or remember something that has been memorable since you were a child before bedtime. Then I added a series of confessions and forgiveness in my memory. Then, my regrets were purified and my feelings became clear.

All the people in heart are to be good friends 

Unforgivable feelings repeatedly hurt life

Life becomes heavier and more painful when there are many unforgivable feelings. If you don't like a hard life, forgive it thoroughly. This is an era of polarization, and it is especially beneficial to take the time to face it alone and thoroughly purify the unconscious. If you want to live like heaven.

Reconcile in heart

Forgive yourself by yourself

The greatest forgiveness may be to forgive yourself. It may start by forgiving oneself who did not live up to his parents' expectations when he was little. Forgive yourself thoroughly. I deeply forgive me. This saves my soul deeply.

The world is a mirror of the heart

After all, the world is a mirror of the mind. If you have a smile in your heart, you can spend your days laughing. 

A smile on your heart makes your world fun

Now, in the Age of Aquarius, if you want to raise your consciousness, reconcile with the ghosts of the past.


Seven herb rice porridge, perfect for overeat during the New Year

The seven herb rice porridge, good for overeat and good luck

In Japan, people eat the seven herb rice porridge on the morning of January 7th. The rice porridge contains following seven herbs: 

“Seri”:water dropwort
“Nazuna”:shepherd's purse
“Suzushiro”: daikon radish


spring seven herbs

This is a custom that has been handed down in Japan for a long time, and we pray for no illness during the year. Its original intention is to protect ourselves from evil and bring good luck and longevity by eating the seven herbs that can withstand the cold winter. It’s perfect for those who overeat and drink too much during the New Year.

Soup Stock Tokyo’s seven herb rice porridge 

Soup Stock Tokyo is a soup specialty store with the concept of eating soup, which was established in 1999. The seven herb rice porridge is a special menu at Tokyo Soup Stock on January 7th only. I also went there at 7:30 in the morning and took out them for four family members. I bought it at this shop in the same way last year. 
Soup Stock Tokyo’s seven herb rice porridge

Soup Stock Tokyo is a chain store specializing in soups with the concept of "additive-free, eating soup." The stores are open in station premises such as station buildings, restaurants in office buildings, and underground grocery stores in department stores. I often go to the store because I can easily eat the carefully made soup. Soup Stock Tokyo is located all over Japan, and you can easily and easily enjoy a meal of good ingredients by yourself, so if you are unsure of where to eat, I recommend it.

Spring Seven Herbs song

"Spring Seven Herbs song" is a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables, Waka:
Seri Nazuna  (5)
Go gyo u Hakobera (7)
Hotoke no za (5)
Suzuna Suzushiro (7)
Korezo Nana kusa (7)


Spring Seven Herbs song

2017/01/30 · 春の七草を覚えやすくする歌 by firekazusuke

Waka has the hidden power of purification. I also want to purify my mind and body. The author of this waka poem is said to be the Minister of the Left Yoshinari Yotsutsuji (1326-1402. He became Minister of the Left in 1395, when he was 70 years old.), but it is uncertain and there are various theories.


The seven herb rice porridge perfect for overeat during the New Year. Eating it is a traditional Japanese event. There is also auspicious Waka of it.


Plain Living and High Thinking as Your Principle of Life

Plain Living and High Thinking

In times of rapid change, it is good to have a principle and a motto. 

I recommend to have a principle of life, plain living and high thinking. 

This principle is almighty. 

Whatever happens in the real world, it has shown me what action to take. 

There is a nice Japanese idiomatic phrase that combines "plain living" and "high thinking". 

"yu u zu u mu ge"

This is also my favorite motto. 

In this phrase, "yu u zu u" means "being flexible." 

On the other hand, mu ge means unobstructed.

"Yu u zu u mu ge" has various interpretations as follows:

  • Great flexibility and no obstruction exist at all on the behavior.
  • Mutually communicate heterogeneity without any obstacles.
  • Things go smoothly without any obstacles.
  •  Don't stick to one way of thinking, see things freely and deal with them better.

Either way, it teaches us that flexibility matters. 

I am convinced that there is real freedom beyond reason. To do so,

Therefore, I want to value the flexible sensibility that makes it possible.


"Serendipity" suggests that sensitivity is more important than reason 

The force of seizing the chance of good luck is known as "serendipity." 

Serendipity is essentially the same as "yu u zu u mu ge". 

Many scientists and artists prefer this phrase though, "serendipity" is also beneficial to the general public. 

The origin of "serendipity is "The Three Princes of Serendip,'' an old Persian fairy tale dating back over a thousand years.

The point is that if we use our sensibilities every day, there will be unexpected new discoveries other than those predicted, and they will become important in the future. 

If many people exercise their serendipity and generate unexpected ideas and discoveries, it may be possible to create a happier society than expected.


Practice of Plain Living and High Thinking 

The practice of Plain Living and High Thinking is to stop habitual reactions. 

Make sure you don't get involved in messy relationships. This practice is also effective in helping the four families live together. 

Changes in lifestyles due to coronasWe live in urban areas and our living space is more compact than in rural areas, so it is difficult to secure a private space. Finally my two children started a quarrel. 

I tried not to get involved in this messy relationship. 

In front of their serious quarrel, I took a deep breath and intuitively understood what I was supposed to do. I didn't stop the quarrel directly. 

Following my intuition, I began to throw away unnecessary things. Then, I cleaned up and started to create a space. 


In the process, I found foods near their expiration date and used them to cook. 

In the meantime, we invited them and enjoyed the dishes they cooked one by one. Mysteriously, when the living space was prepared, a smiley communication occurred to them.  That is synchronicity. A dynamic absolute harmony, often appears in front of us as synchronicity. 

I realized that the living space was being purified. I worked 100% positively for absolute harmony, even near the battle. 


Plain living and high thinking is a useful principle in a chaotic and rapidly changing world. The practice of this principle requires both flexibility and not losing sight of yourself. In particular, to keep your mind peaceful even if conflicts occur around you. Let's flexibly follow the path of absolute harmony without being bound by reason. There is nothing else.


8-phonic Mantra for Fortune "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me"

The simplest, deepest 8-phonic mantra for Fortune

The simple 8-phonic mantra is "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me". 

According to Hotsuma Tsutae, the unofficial history of ancient Japan, the sons of the founding god, Kunitokotachi, were eight gods. 

These 8 gods correspond to the 8 phonemes in Japanese, "to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," and "me." 

"To ho ka mi ye hi ta me" is a list of the initials of the eight gods. Therefore, chanting these eight phonemes has a special meaning.

Good words invite a good future

Since ancient times, in Japan, it has been thought that "words = events" and that "good words cause a good future, and bad words cause disaster." 

In other words, the words that people speak have energy. Words connect this world and that world.

48 Japanese phonemes and cosmic power

Each of the 48 Japanese phonemes is unique. Those 48 phonemes are in Japanese based on vowels, also affects the structure of the brain. So the mantra is to carefully sing all of the phonemes. 

And to recognize your voice firmly within yourself. 

If you chanted the mantra, you will feel the mysterious power of each phoneme, its vocalization into the space, and the feeling that they surround you.

Only human beings can clearly pronounce each phoneme.

I think that the spiritual power and mysterious function of phonology may be felt in some of the purposes born as human beings in this world. This is because human beings can clearly pronounce each phoneme. 

By phoning the phonology, we feel that the place where we invite God and that we recite becomes a sacred space. 

If you can communicate with the transcendental spiritual energy, you will be extremely happy.

"To ho ka mi ye hi ta me" and the seat map of the heavenly god "hutomani"

According to Hotsuma Tsutae, "hutomani" is a seat map of the god of heaven. A "hutomani" is a circle of five different sizes that overlap at the same center point.

The center circle contains three figures. The three figures mean "a" heaven, God's first breath "u" and earth "wa". 

And, they correspond to the three phonemes of "a wa u". 

They are also God Amemiwoya of the creation of the universe.

8 Phonological mantra and protection from the latent world

Eight figures surrounding the central circle correspond to eight phonemes "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me". 

The eight sons of Kunitokotachi, representing the eight gods. Then, chanting these eight phonemes, "to", "ho", "ka", "mi", "ye", "hi", "ta", and "me" in order, you can draw an octagonal star on this seat. 

When you draw "to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," and "me," the star is drawn counterclockwise on the "Hutomani" diagram. 

This means a lot. Because,  counterclockwise means the latent world.  In other words, by repeatedly chanting "to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," and "me," your unconsciousness connects with your guardian deity of the latent world.

imagine to face the mirror that reflects your higher self in light who protect you

8 Phonological mantra,
"to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," "me,"
on the Hutomani

Points to keep in mind when chanting the mantra

This mantra is very sacred. The followings are points to keep in mind when chanting the mantra:
  1. prepare your breath and calm down
  2. imagine the shining star, "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me," the octagonal star god, in the "hutomani" 
  3. Imagine connecting with your guardian deity in the light 


Katakamuna Mantra for Releasing Invisible Bondage by Chanting

Katakamuna mantra for releasing invisible bondage by Chanting

Imagine the end of life. How happy you are if you are satisfied with your way of life! However, most of us will not be satisfied with our lives. Because we are under the illusion that the social system itself is the whole world. Invisible bondage is the framework of the social system in which we normally live. Invisible bondage deprives us of our true identity. Katakamuna Mantra release us from the invisible bondage. Free yourself from invisible bondage and practice your own real life purpose. In that case, the Katakamuna mantra is useful. Each of the katakamuna sounds is a sound of the universe. Now free yourself.

Katakamuna Utahi No.5, 6, 7

Benefits of Katakamuna mantra linked to the essence of space-time

The benefits of Katakamuna mantra are abyssal. Language is one of the things that make humans a social creature. It is also one of the major differences from animals. It is no exaggeration to say that our thoughts are controlled by language.

Katakamuna is the language used by ancient Japanese people. It's a pure cosmic language.

Katakamuna consists of 48 phonemes. Because Katakamuna people understood the essence of space-time through intuition and applied various phenomena to 48 phonemes.

Each phoneme has its own meaning and effect. Therefore, by pronouncing the phonemes, you become connected to the essence of the universe and become aware of your true essence.  Those 48 phonemes are in Japanese based on vowels, also affects the structure of the brain.

Chanting Katakamuna mantra for releasing invisible bondage

We live hard in a bond that does not seem unconscious. Does it have an essential meaning? Even if it makes no sense, we keep running. It's like a rat on wheels. 

Kakamuna Utahi is a mantra that frees our minds and thoughts from unconscious invisible bondage. 

Katakamuna Utahi consists of 80 songs. The phonation of these phonologies harmonizes the mind with the thoughts. Each song is significant, but especially the 5th, 6th, and 7th are especially important.

Katakamuna Utahi No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7, Meanings, How to Sing

Try chanting the Katakamuna Utahi, the 5th, 6th, and 7th, while experiencing the consciousness of the universe. Singing these is useful to get rid of your thoughts and control yourself. Your mind will calm down and your spirit will become calm.

The rhythm of the song created by the difference in length of each phrase is important. The length depends on the number of phonemes. This is the same as the traditional Japanese poetry, ”waka” resonating with the universe.

The 5th

[hi] [fu] [mi] [yo] [i]   (1 2 3 4 5)

[ma] [wa] [ri] [te] [me] [ku] [ru]  (go around to come around)

[mu] [na] [ya] [ko] [to] (6 7 8 9 10)

[a] [u] [no] [su] [he] [shi] [re]  (know the way to meet God (Creator))

[ka] [ta] [chi] [sa] [ki] (and shape it up)

The 6th

[so] [ra] [ni] [mo] [ro] [ke] [se]   (in the space very full of)

[yu] [ye] [nu] [o] [wo]  (superstrings)

[ha] [e] [tsu] [wi] [ne] [ho] [n]  (generate everything (Transition / circulation that creates and returns to phenomena))

[ka] [ta] [ka] [mu] [na] (based on katakamuna)

The 7th

[ma] [ka] [ta] [ma] [no]    (the center of soul)

[a] [ma] [no] [mi] [na] [ka] [nu] [shi]   (Space God)

[ta] [ka] [mi] [mu] [su] [hi]  (god of the heavens)

[ka] [mu] [mi][mu] [su] [hi]   (earth goddess)

[mi] [su] [ma] [ru] [no] [ta] [ma]  (protect us by torus)

Katakamuna Utahi No.5, 6, 7

reference (only Japanese): 

「日本の上古代文化」アシヤ文化研究会、久保田 覚巳 編著正しい教育を守る会 発行 シーエムシー技術開発株式会社 復刊, 2007, pp.19-26

潜象物理研究相似象学 (access on May 30, 2020)

The reference is all Japanese but google translate is useful to read in your own language.


Ancient Wisdom, Katakamuna, to Enjoy the World

Ancient Katakamuna civilization on principles of relathion between the latent and manifest worlds

If you understand the relationship between the latent world and the manifest world, you will enjoy the world more. 

In order to do so, Katakamuna might be useful. (Katakamuna Mantra is here.)

Because ancient Katakamuna people knew the truth.   

For them everything is fractal phenomena connect with both latent world and the manifest world.  

They understood every phenomena by intuition.  

So, if you live in the way of katakamuna, your mind will be peacefully natural.

What is Katakamuna

Katakamuna is ancient language in Japan 12,000 years ago.  

However, ancient documents created before the transmission of kanji (Chinese characters) are treated as forgery. 

One of such documents is Katakamuna. The characters are composed of simple elements, lines and circles. 

Who discovered Katakamuna

That was Satsuki NARASAKI (1899-1974) who discovered "Katakamuna" in 1949.  

He did his research to measure the earth electricity at Mt. Kinchyo in Hyogo prefecture in Japan.  

Then he met Hira Touji, a hunter. The hunter asked him to stop doing it. Because animals scared of it. 

NARASAKI accepted the reques. 

In token of his gratitude Hira Touji showed him a scroll. 

To his surprise, letters were written in a spiral.  He asked Hira Touji to lend the scroll for 20 days to copy. 

That was how Katakamuna came to appear to this world.

Narasaki had a pure intuition, in addition to scientific knowledge. 

His specialties were mathematics, physics and electrical engineering. His research includes the following:

  • Refining artificial oil made from lignite
  • Manufacture high-quality steel from poor iron
  • "New agricultural technology" at the request of Hoshi Pharmaceutical's founder, Hajime HOSHI

Kakakamuna people's way of understanding the world

Katakamuna people valued intuition. They did not have disturbed by common sense and preconceived ideas. 

In their theory, the origin (God) creates everything.  

Therefore, the universe, humans, animals, and the natural world are the creation of the origin (God).  

Mind (heart) always connects with the origin (God).  

Everything in the world connects with the origin (God).  

All the substances have mind of the origin (God). In other words, the sun, the moon, the earth, and the rocks even the star have mind of the origin (God).

There are infinite amount of primitives called "a ma" behind a phenomenon. 

"A ma" denotes the infinite amount of primitives and the origin of time-space quantity. 

"A ma" is also the quantity of a physical-mind phenomenon.  

That is, there is a natural world behind the objective phenomenon.


Ancient wisdom of Katakamuna leads you to perfect freedom to enjoy both the latent and the manifest world. If you want to feel infinite amount of primitives called "a ma" behind a phenomenon, you will have a new perspective to enjoy the world more.


「相似象会誌」No. 8 "Satsuki Narasaki Memorial Issue"1975

The reference is all Japanese but google translate is useful to read in your own language.

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements

Japanese death linked to red yeast rice supplements What is the significance of the deaths in Japan related to red yeast rice supplements?  ...