Showing posts with label Fortune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fortune. Show all posts


May 5th: Children's Day in Japan, featuring Kashiwamochi

The traditional food on May 5th is "kashiwamochi, a sweet rice cake wrapped in oak leaves.

May 5th, also known as "Children's Day" or "Tango no Sekku", is a special day in Japan where families celebrate the health and happiness of their children. Boys' families may decorate their homes with traditional carp streamers and samurai dolls. Another important part of this holiday is Kashiwamochi , a traditional food. It is a sweet rice cake wrapped in oak leaves.

Kashiwamochi  is considered to be a lucky charm, and is the embodiment of the proverb "everything is good." It is customary to eat it during the new green season to feel the arrival of spring and to pray for good health.

Nutritionally, Kashiwamochi  contains nutritious white bean paste and tofu. However, since it contains a lot of sugar, it is important to eat in moderation. By eating in moderation, it becomes a healthy snack that considers nutritional balance.

The oak leaf that wraps kashiwa mochi resembles the shape of an oak fruit, hence the name “kashiwa”. Kashiwa is considered a sacred tree in Japan, and its leaves are large and round, reminiscent of the sun.


Early MorningJanuary 1 Shrines in Tokyo

New Year in Tokyo

In Tokyo, the number of visitors during the New Year is very large. For example, this year, Meiji Jingu, the largest shrine in the city, had about 3.1 million visitors. I visit Tokyo Daijingu every year, and this year about 45,000 people visited.

This year, too, we had our annual New Year's visit. I left home in the dark before dawn, and I felt lonely on the way, but the shrine was brightly lit and crowded with many worshipers.

If you want to have a prayer inside the temple instead of a general visit, you will have to pay a tamagushi (ritual offerings) fee of 5,000 yen or more per person. At Tokyo Daijingu, you can get osechi lunch box, in which a traditional Japanese dish served on New Years, as a return gift for a tamagushi fee of 20,000 yen or more.

In prayer, the Shinto priest gives Norito (Shinto ritual player) to those who paid Tamagushi  (ritual offerings) fee. You can also enjoy a performance by two shrine maidens. In addition, you can get your wish and name on a wooden tag after praying. It has become an event for our family to visit the shrine together as a family. Unfortunately, photography is prohibited, so I won't post it on this blog.

I wish the world peace and happiness this year.

At 6 a.m. on January 1st, there were many worshipers 
at Tokyo Daijingu Shrine, 
which is said to bring good luck in marriage. 
The dawning sky is beautiful.

This is a kagami mochi that was in the building of Tokyo Daijingu.
Traditional New Year's decorations,
such as mochi (rice cake), kombu seaweed, and sake,
are arranged like the incarnation of a Shinto ritual.

New Year's flowers are gorgeous. 

New Year's flowers was arranged by Kazuyuki Ishihara, a garden designer. 
The round bamboo means that people who see this flower arrangement 
will be connected in a circle of smiles. 
And the red fruit contains the wish that 2023 will be a fruitful year. 
In addition, the battledore has a wish that it will be a leap year.

This is Yasukuni Shrine, not Tokyo Daijingu.
It is a shrine where the spirits of the heroes are enshrined.


Japanese Hina Dolls as Projection of Happiness

Doll's Festival for daughter's happiness

March 3rd is the Doll's Festival. It's a day for girls. May 5th is a holiday for boys, but for some reason March 3rd is not a holiday. March 3rd is a special day, even if it's not a holiday. In Japan, parents decorate Hina dolls in the hope of their daughter's happiness.

The picture below is the Hina doll set of my home.

Old parents wishing for the happiness of their daughters and their daughters

In some areas, daughters' parents give Hina dolls to their daughters and couples in the hope of their granddaughter's happiness.

When my eldest daughter was born 23 years ago, my parents gave us a doll as a gift. 

Hina doll decoration of my family style

There were many ornaments in the set of Hina dolls. However, due to the compact size of the city, it was not possible to secure a place to store everything. So, the only set I have now is a king, a queen, three lady-in-waiters, and a red cloth.

Hina dolls taken from slightly below

Period to decorate

The period to decorate is about one month. It's usually from Setsubun to the morning of March 3rd. There is a jinx that if you extend the decoration on March 4, your daughter will fail to get married.

Various Types of Hina Doll Sets

There are various types of Hina dolls. There are various sizes and materials, and it is best to choose according to your taste and purpose.

Authentic Hina doll set has five instrumentalists at the bottom.

Compact Hina dolls made of paper can be placed anywhere

The full-scale Hina doll set has
the king and princess at the top,
and many servants and
household items are lined up underneath.

The wooden hina dolls have a natural taste


The custom of decorating Japanese Hina dolls is in praying for their daughter's happiness. There are various ways to decorate the Hina dolls, so it's best to decorate them as you like.


Mysterious May Full Moon Festival in Kyoto (Wesaku-sai)

It is said that on the full moon night of May in the fresh green, strong energy falls from the heavens to awaken everything. On this day, May 26, 2021 (Wednesday) 19: 00- (Japan time), the May Full Moon Festival (Wesaku-sai) will be held at Kurama-dera Temple in Kyoto. Unfortunately, the influence of COVID-19 prevents the general public from participating in this festival.

This festival has been held on Mt. Kurama in Kyoto for a long time. Even in the distant Himalayas, it was found that the Wesaku festival was held in piety in honor of the virtue of Buddha on this night, and after the war, the May full moon festival at Kurama-dera came to be called "Wesaku-sai" ("sai" or "matsuri" means festival in Japanese). 

At this festival in Kurama-dera, people offer water and lights to the full moon and pray for the awakening and peace of all "life."
Kurama-dera Temple in Kyoto

The full moon in May is a super moon with strong power

The full moon night in May seems to be a special day when strong energy is poured from the heavens. In fact, according to NASA, the full moon in May is called the supermoon and looks 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual. The physically large May full moon may also be spiritually more powerful than usual.

the full moon night of May is special

How to avoid the negative effects of an ominous lunar eclipse

My grandmother told me not to see the lunar eclipse because it is ominous. Strangely, the day of the full moon on May 26, 2021 Japan time overlaps with the lunar eclipse. Since the moon is mysterious, there may be secrets that humans do not know. So, according to my grandmother's teachings, I don't see a lunar eclipse.

Enjoy the candlelight instead. I enjoy candlelight not only on lunar eclipses but also on nights when the appearance of the moon is special. The candlelight warms your heart. You can enjoy the candlelight alone, but it will enrich your time with your family and special people.
The flame of the candle made of beeswax is gentle, so I like it 

Also, instead of looking directly at the moon, you can see it by reflecting it on a sake (rice wine) or pond. Even in Japan from ancient times, they enjoyed the sake of the moon reflected upside down. The sake vessel, "sakazuki," is derived from the moon ("tsuki (zuki)") reflected upside down ("sakasa (saka)"). The Book of Heaven (Chapters 2) (


The full moon in May is a super moon. The power of the moon, which shines bigger than usual, is powerful. As my grandmother taught me, I avoid seeing lunar eclipses because of the positive effects of the moon.


Japanese 1000 years ago

Japan is also pronounced "ni-ppon" and "ni-hon". 

In fact, this difference comes from the transition of the Japanese ha line (ha, hi, hu, he, ho).

Old Japanese is pronounced differently from modern Japanese

The biggest difference between old and modern languages ​​is pronunciation. In particular, the change in pronunciation of "ha line" is remarkable.

Until the Nara period, the Japanese ha line (ha, hi, hu, he, ho) was pronounced "pa, pi, pu, pe, po."

But in the Heian period it was pronounced "fa, fi, fu, fe, fo.” 

And it gradually became the pronunciation of "ha, hi, hu, he, ho" as it is today.

Japanese "ha" used to be sound "pa."

Japan, land of happy kotodama

Japan has been designated as a country where happiness is brought about by the power of Kotodama

Kotodama is a spiritual power that is generally believed to reside in words in Japan. 

This is reminiscent of the words of the Bible.

In the beginning was the Word, and 
the Word was with God, and 
the Word was God.

In other words, the word is regarded as the origin of the cosmos or as the cosmos itself.  Therefore, words, sounds, and vibrations are the basis of the world.

Transition of Japanese

The following I found is Lord's Prayer in Old Japanese → Future Japanese language:

 [from Old Japanese]  [to Future Japanese]
0:09 - 5C Pre-Old Japanese
0:59 - 7C Old Japanese
1:52 - 10C Early Middle Japanese
2:44 - 13C High Middle Japanese
3:34 - 16C Late Middle Japanese
4:20 - 19C Early Modern Eastern (Edo downtown) Japanese
5:00 - 21C Modern Japanese
5:33 - 23C Near Future Japanese
6:10 - 27C Future Pidgin Japanese
6:57 - ??C Abh Language


 I don't know how they discovered the old Japanese pronunciation.  To a certain degree, it’s possible to understand how to do it along with the record of other countries though. Therefore, I am skeptical about  any theory in principle.  But there’s possibility they used to speak Japanese differently.

Will Japanese really be far from the origin from now on?

If words have a spiritual power, I don't think that Japanese will change steadily in the future. 

After all, all things return to the perfect cosmos
 of ancient times, traveling like a spiral in the long run. 


Japan has been designated as a country where happiness is brought about by the power of Kotodama.  However, the old Japanese language has changed a lot. Will Japanese continue to change in the future? I want Japanese to return to its original spiritual Japanese.


Imagination to create the world

Sense of time to expand and contract

One second is strictly defined and time looks absolute. But recently I have come to think of time as sensory rather than absolute. Sometimes I think the flow of time is fast, and sometimes I feel that time has passed in a blink of an eye.

Free from the curse of causal retribution

It is often said that good things happen when you do good things, and bad things happen when you do bad things. The law of causal retribution seems absolute. This is as if the future is a stack of the past. But I recently witnessed a vision for the future come true. This is because the sketch I drew in the hope that I would be like this in the future came true a few days later. A few days later, I got a bag that I drew. Therefore, it can be said that time may flow from the future to the present, not the accumulation of the past. I was clearly convinced of the existence of such a time axis.

Create the world by manipulating the time axis

We may be creators in nature. But in general we forget it. The feeling of moving along the time axis with a desirable vision for the future is the same as manipulating the time axis, which is like creating the world. I hope I can better manipulate the time axis and draw a bright future.


Now Introspection

Forgiveness is ultimate salvation

Forgiving the mistakes of others in Japanese is called "flowing into the water." Water is spiritually meaningful. 

Forgiveness will ultimately save you. I've always suffered from the same disgusting type of person, so I realized the secret. I realized that the unpleasant person in front of me was just a mirror image of my unconsciousness. So I thoroughly checked my memory, remembered each unforgivable event, and forgave it. The situation has changed dramatically since then.  Unpleasant persons no longer appear in front of me.

How to purify unforgivable feelings

In order to purify the unforgivable feelings, we first reveal the negative feelings that we unconsciously dropped. It's a good idea to write it down in a notebook or remember something that has been memorable since you were a child before bedtime. Then I added a series of confessions and forgiveness in my memory. Then, my regrets were purified and my feelings became clear.

All the people in heart are to be good friends 

Unforgivable feelings repeatedly hurt life

Life becomes heavier and more painful when there are many unforgivable feelings. If you don't like a hard life, forgive it thoroughly. This is an era of polarization, and it is especially beneficial to take the time to face it alone and thoroughly purify the unconscious. If you want to live like heaven.

Reconcile in heart

Forgive yourself by yourself

The greatest forgiveness may be to forgive yourself. It may start by forgiving oneself who did not live up to his parents' expectations when he was little. Forgive yourself thoroughly. I deeply forgive me. This saves my soul deeply.

The world is a mirror of the heart

After all, the world is a mirror of the mind. If you have a smile in your heart, you can spend your days laughing. 

A smile on your heart makes your world fun

Now, in the Age of Aquarius, if you want to raise your consciousness, reconcile with the ghosts of the past.


Secret to bringing grace to fate

Benefits of Living with flowers

My living space has always been with flowers for the last few years, which makes me happy. Connections with nature are an essential source of nutrition for the soul, especially in the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Hanadouraku is a flower shop in the center of Tokyo. The flower subscription service there is great. With this service, if you open the store for about 3,000 yen in 3 months, you can receive new flowers once a day. 
Hanadouraku is a flower shop in the center of Tokyo
 Flower subscription service wagon


The flowers last for a few days, so I like to line them up in my favorite vases throughout the house.

Type suitable for the city

According to the fortune-tellers I know, there are human types suitable for cities and types suitable for rural areas. According to him, I'm the right type for the city. However, it is said that such a type is not good fortune unless you try hard to connect with nature. Of course it is beneficial to travel to the natural suburbs, but I can't travel that often. That's why the Flower Subscription Service is perfect for urban people like me.

Night view of Tokyo 

Countryside landscape 

Secret to bringing grace to fate

Isn't some kind of natural element the secret to bringing grace even to fate? If we were to work in an artificial and inorganic building surrounded by high-tech equipment, or to eat plants that grow in sterile rooms, people would no longer be natural and would be ruined by themselves. 

Even if you can succeed in the short term, the unnatural way of life will not last long. Therefore, it is important to be natural. 


It's Time for Transformation of Consciousness

Establish a new routine-for a good night's sleep

The coronavirus has changed my living environment. I came up with the idea of changing my daily routine, which doesn't match the new environment. That's because I realized that consciousness didn't match the times.
Life is for a good night's sleep

What to focus on

Thanks to covid19, I have been facing myself more time. And I came to think that the rhythm of one day is a lifetime. Especially for me, the quality of life depends on the quantity and quality of sleep. So I decided to live for a better sleep. What I value in my life is sleep for me. An expression similar to this is to live to die better. One day is also a life. Live cherishing every day. It's the same as getting a better night's sleep. Getting a good night's sleep may mean that you can have a better death. Of course, there is no screen time before going to bed.
The end of a happy life is due to a healthy daily sleep 

For Pure Sleep

Pillowcases and sheets should be washed frequently. Because they absorb negative thoughts while sleeping. For a good night's sleep, I don't eat for 3 hours before bedtime. After taking a bath, I dry my hair well with a hair dryer, and then I go to bed. The new routine is preparing to sleep better. That is, to sleep well, walk moderately, enjoy the natural scenery, eat less, take a bath, and spend less screen time. All to sleep well. 

Transformation of the sense of time

Time is changing for me because of my sleep-focused life. The real world has become softer. It's a feeling I've never felt before. It's a very comfortable and peaceful world. It may mean entering the world of the Age of Aquarius

I want to spend time with the sun shining in the clear blue sky 


Get out of the unconscious false self-image

Lunar deception

According to Japanese astrologist Mademoiselle Ai, in astrology, the moon means a defect. To be precise, please refer to the original on the Mademoiselle Ai's site (Japanese only). On the birthday chart, you can see how the moon is located in which constellation and how it affects it. To find out about the moon constellations, look at your birth chart (Horoscope). Lunar deception is deficiency in astrology like an unconscious habit that makes life painful. For example, my moon constellation Capricorn. The Moon constellation Capricorn makes me to misunderstand that social recognition is as if it were true my most important life goal. However, this is an opposite goal, which control me at the unconscious dimension. Therefore, I spent my long time unaware of it.

The moon gives off a mysterious glow. 

Unconscious false self-image

Everyone has an unconscious belief, but it is difficult to recognize a false self-image. Especially, at the unconscious dimension.  But to be happy, the first thing to do is to notice the gap between unconscious beliefs and real wish. That is the first step to really make yourself happy.

The mask you are wearing is not you. 

12 moon constellations and unconscious self-image

Unconscious false self-image differs depending on what the moon constellation is. For example, people in the moon constellation Taurus unknowingly think that their ego is strong, but that is wrong. The relationship between each of the 12 moon constellations and the unconscious self-image is as follows:

Moon constellation: false self-image
  • Moon Aries: Strong ego
  • Moon Taurus: Material abundance
  • Moon Gemini: Witty
  • Moon Cancer: Sensitivity of sympathy
  • Moon Leo: Full of confidence
  • Moon Virgo: Diligent and well-mannered
  • Moon Libra: A sense of balance
  • Moon Scorpio: Deep insight
  • Moon Sagittarius: High exploration power
  • Moon Capricorn: Socially recognized
  • Moon Aquarius: Genius 
  • Moon Pisces: Gentle
From the above moon constellations, you can understand the fake self-image. Deepening one's false understanding leads to overcoming it. 

How to overcome a false self-image

To overcome the false self-image, it is better to act like the opposite constellation of the Moon constellation. For example, in my case, it is the moon constellation Capricorn, so I just have to embody the opposite, Cancer-like, homely and gentle image of myself. Strangely, I was finally able to feel as if my shoulders were off.

Conversion to the opposite constellation of each of the 12 moon constellations

    • Moon Aries: Strong ego → Libra: Sense of balance
    • Moon Taurus: Material abundance → Scorpio: Deep insight
    • Moon Gemini: The rotation of the head is fast → Sagittarius: High quest power
    • Moon Cancer: Sensitivity of sympathy → Capricorn: Socially recognized
    • Moon Leo: Full of confidence → Aquarius: Genius
    • Moon Virgo: Diligent and well-mannered → Pisces: Gentle
    • Moon Libra: Sense of balance → Aries: Strong ego
    • Moon Scorpio: Insight → Taurus: Material abundance
    • Moon Sagittarius: High exploration power → Gemini: Rich in wisdom
    • Moon Capricorn: Socially recognized → Cancer: Sensitivity of sympathy
    • Moon Aquarius: Genius → Leo: Full of confidence
    • Moon Pisces: Kindness → Virgo: Diligent and careful
The opposite of the moon constellation is the real feeling. 

How to overcome my moon constellation

With the moon constellation Capricorn, I'm a tough person who, according to my daughters, prioritizes work over family. I can say that the moon constellation is captured by the illusion of Capricorn. Most of the clothes I wore were dark suits. So I tried to wear feminine dresses and cardigans, conscious of Cancer, which is the opposite constellation of Capricorn. Also, when communicating with people, I try to be conscious of kindness and empathy. Thanks to that, I'm definitely more happy than before.
The image of Cancer is the kindness of motherhood 

Is Astrology Taboo?

Sometimes astrology is taboo. There are various reasons for this, such as distrust of God and weakening the power to live. I once wondered how to understand this. But now, I see astrology as a highly accurate piece of information, out of a lot of information. I think that the truth may be an obstacle in faith. Therefore, I will continue to deepen my understanding of astrology in order to be truly happy.


Mademoiselle Ai's interpretation of the moon constellation in astrology is unique and informative. The moon constellation is an unconscious self-image. To be happy is to overcome that false self-image.


Essence of Happiness

Sensitivity to Happiness 

At the beginning of the year, I made a detailed spending plan for our household. However, sooner or later, I began to feel constrained by my budget. And I realized that by cutting spending and prioritizing efficiency, I was losing sight of the essentials. So I focused on happiness. For example, a small dinner out with the family, or enjoying the seasons in the suburbs without transportation costs. I realized that I had been focusing only on what was lacking. But what is really important is the sensitivity to feel happiness.

Make a plan with happiness

Happiness of yours, of your loved ones, and of everyone.

The first thing that is important is your own happiness. Next is the happiness of your loved ones. Next is the happiness of everyone. When this order is reversed, people usually lose their sensitivity to happiness.  This is because happiness that sacrifices oneself for the sake of others is difficult to achieve.  For example, when my daughters were young, I was busy raising them. At that time, I wasn't happy anymore. I hated raising them even more. But by making and savoring chamomile tea for myself every day, I began to feel happier. And I became more tolerant of my young daughters. And I started to feel happy in my relationship with my children. What I have learned from this experience is that I alone am responsible for my own happiness.

You and others are the same organism.

It doesn't matter what happens to others as long as I am happy. This is because it is an illusion that others are separate organisms from you. In other words, my hands and feet are part of the same body. If your hand hurts your foot, you will not be able to walk.

Happiness and Nature

We tend to forget that we are kept alive by nature. However, without oxygen, we would soon die out. Moderate temperature and air pressure are also important factors for our survival. I once stayed in a hotel where I could see the fresh air rising up from the forest like a sea of clouds in the early morning. It was then that I realized what a great blessing the forest is to us humans. And as I took an early morning stroll in the nature-rich garden, I was deeply moved from the bottom of my soul.


Cherish the sensitivity to happiness. The priority of happiness is first yourself, then your loved ones, then everyone, and it must not hurt others.


Seven herb rice porridge, perfect for overeat during the New Year

The seven herb rice porridge, good for overeat and good luck

In Japan, people eat the seven herb rice porridge on the morning of January 7th. The rice porridge contains following seven herbs: 

“Seri”:water dropwort
“Nazuna”:shepherd's purse
“Suzushiro”: daikon radish


spring seven herbs

This is a custom that has been handed down in Japan for a long time, and we pray for no illness during the year. Its original intention is to protect ourselves from evil and bring good luck and longevity by eating the seven herbs that can withstand the cold winter. It’s perfect for those who overeat and drink too much during the New Year.

Soup Stock Tokyo’s seven herb rice porridge 

Soup Stock Tokyo is a soup specialty store with the concept of eating soup, which was established in 1999. The seven herb rice porridge is a special menu at Tokyo Soup Stock on January 7th only. I also went there at 7:30 in the morning and took out them for four family members. I bought it at this shop in the same way last year. 
Soup Stock Tokyo’s seven herb rice porridge

Soup Stock Tokyo is a chain store specializing in soups with the concept of "additive-free, eating soup." The stores are open in station premises such as station buildings, restaurants in office buildings, and underground grocery stores in department stores. I often go to the store because I can easily eat the carefully made soup. Soup Stock Tokyo is located all over Japan, and you can easily and easily enjoy a meal of good ingredients by yourself, so if you are unsure of where to eat, I recommend it.

Spring Seven Herbs song

"Spring Seven Herbs song" is a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables, Waka:
Seri Nazuna  (5)
Go gyo u Hakobera (7)
Hotoke no za (5)
Suzuna Suzushiro (7)
Korezo Nana kusa (7)


Spring Seven Herbs song

2017/01/30 · 春の七草を覚えやすくする歌 by firekazusuke

Waka has the hidden power of purification. I also want to purify my mind and body. The author of this waka poem is said to be the Minister of the Left Yoshinari Yotsutsuji (1326-1402. He became Minister of the Left in 1395, when he was 70 years old.), but it is uncertain and there are various theories.


The seven herb rice porridge perfect for overeat during the New Year. Eating it is a traditional Japanese event. There is also auspicious Waka of it.


New Year's resolutions to spend one year in line with the natural rhythm

Have a good image at the beginning of the year and have a good year.

2021 has begun. New Year's Day was celebrated while imagining myself enjoying the year in line with the rhythm of nature. Let's spend a year on the rhythm of nature. For that purpose, it is good to feel the relationship between the sun and the earth throughout the seasons.

The rhythm of nature for one year flows as follows:

Around February 4, winter is the day when the signs of spring begin to rise. 

Around March 21st, the spring equinox, is said that the length of the day and the length of the night are almost equal. In Japan, it is a holiday called Vernal Equinox Day (national holiday).

Around May 5th is the day when spring is at its peak and the signs of summer begin to rise. In Japan, frogs start crying and bamboo shoots grow.

The summer solstice is around June 22, and most of Japan is in the rainy season. This day is the longest day and the shortest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Around August 8th, the day when summer is at its peak and the signs of autumn begin to rise.

Around September 23, the autumn equinox, is said that the length of day and night will be almost equal.

Around November 6th, the day when autumn is at its peak and the signs of winter begin to rise. In Japan, it's time to see the autumn leaves in many areas.

At the winter solstice around December 22, the sun has the lowest mid-south altitude in the Northern Hemisphere, with the shortest day and the longest night of the year. In Japan, it is customary to eat simmered pumpkin at the winter solstice.

How to spend the year this year is a stack of small choices. I want to steer firmly for a year.

Daytime activities for the best sleep at night.

The basic rhythm of nature is to ensure sufficient sleep. The New Year's aspiration is to get a good night's sleep for eight hours every day. I want to devote one-third of the day to cleaning the subconscious. In order to do so, I do not eat dinner. I also only look at the screen with a predetermined program and time to minimize screen time. This is my case, though. 

May everyone have a calm and happy year.
Sleep is an important element of life.


Nature Evolves in a Spiral in the Rhythm of Nature

The days will be getting longer and longer now after the winter solstice

The winter solstice of this year was December 21, 2020 (Monday). On the day of the winter solstice, the "shadow" is filled to the limit, so in Japan, we put yuzu Citrus) in the bath and eat pumpkin on this day. 
At the winter solstice, it is said that if you take a bath with Yuzu (Japanese Citrus), you will not catch a cold.

I enjoyed Yuzu (Citrus) and pumpkin at home. This winter solstice was more restless than usual. To warm my feelings, on the night of December 21, I lit a candle made of honey wax on the table and watched the flicker of the flame slowly. The candle flame is beautiful and mysterious. After the winter solstice, the element of "light" increases until the summer solstice. In other words, the days will be getting longer and longer until June 21st (Monday), the summer solstice of 2021.

Natural rhythm that controls the unconscious 

The natural rhythm that controls the unconscious is unobtrusive but certain. The rhythm of nature certainly affects our consciousness, our lives, and our society. The intervals between natural rhythms range from short to long. The rhythm of the day is day and night. The rhythm of the year changes the length of the day between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. Jupiter and Saturn approach each other in a cycle of about 20 years, but this is the first time since July 17, 1623, and it is the first time in 397 years. There is no way to know how this overlapping celestial event in Aquarius, where Jupiter and Saturn are the constellations of the wind, will affect society. After December 22, 2020, most great conjunctions will occur in the wind element.
Live in natural fluctuations

From the age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, which lasted about 2160 years

Now, for the first time in 2160 years, the era of Pisces has entered the era of Aquarius. Entering the Aquarius era, we will change to an era in which we can live freely and with originality. The intention of Aquarius is a network of independent individuals, indistinguishable freedom and peace.
The boy of aquarius, Ganymēdēs, is a first man to become a god in mythology.

Nature evolves in a spiral in the rhythm of nature.

The technology of managing people with AI, which would have been valid in the old days that brought about the class society and the gap between rich and poor, should not feel like it will become a technology for free and independent individuals to network. And anything that goes against nature will be eliminated by nature.

Natural light fills our heart


Let's entrust ourselves to the rhythm of nature. The limit of darkness is the turning point to light. Hold the light of hope.


Spirited Cleaning for a Good New Year

Year-end cleaning

In Japan, cleaning at the end of the year is an important event for every household. It is important to keep the house clean on a regular basis, but to make the new year a great year, we clean the whole house carefully. To make the new year shine, every part of the house is cleaned: closets, shoe closets, drawers, sinks, bathrooms, toilets, balconies, under beds, etc.

A house is so important to its inhabitants.

Get rid of unnecessary things before the end of the year.

2021 will be a year of rapid change. That's why I'll be cleaning up at the end of 2020 with more energy than ever. This is because a good state of affairs in the present will project into the future. A drastic action at the end of the year will bring a wonderful new year. If you are vague, it may be difficult to maintain good vibes in the midst of all the various disturbances in the world. It is wise to avoid painful news and topics, especially at the end of the year.
Organizing is a refreshing mood

To end the year beautifully and welcome the next year beautifully 

It's the end of the year, and you want to end the year on a high note, don't you? The end of the year and the beginning of the new year are important times of milestones. We especially want to have rich thoughts. It may be difficult to maintain good vibes among the various vibrations. It is important to take drastic actions in order to project the present good conditions into the future. That is disposal.
Good year end and great new year

Organize your closet before you clean it

But actually, there is a trick to cleaning. First, get rid of unnecessary items. Thoroughly. Clothing and shoes are especially important. This is because good clothes and shoes will take you to a place worthy of them. Also, get rid of any clothes that you don't wear at all. Clothes that are not worn at all should be thrown away, because clothes that are not worn will envy their owners. My daughter and I went through our closets last week. More than two-thirds of the clothes in the closet had not been worn in over a year. We got rid of three large plastic bags of clothes. I noticed that the space was now completely clean.
Organize your closet before you clean it

Empty out all drawers and shelves once and for all

Once you've emptied out all the drawers and shelves, wipe the bottoms and check for unnecessary items. This is also a ritual to clarify things that you have been putting off for some reason. For shoes, clean the backs of the shoes with wet wipes. Throw away any shoes you don't wear. Your living space is a part of you. A new, clean space will cleanse your life. Strangely enough, my mind became clearer and I suddenly remembered a procedure I had forgotten. It helped me to get rid of difficulties that might have occurred in the future.
Empty and wipe all drawers

Imagine that polishing various things is like polishing your soul

After throwing them away, polish the mirror, the faucet, the shower head, the table, the balcony railing, and many other things. Polish them with the intention of making your soul shine. You might want to wear rubber gloves to prevent your hands from getting rough. It is an act of polishing yourself, not for anyone else. It's also about taking care of yourself. Polish your daily living space with love. I believe that a house is like a living organism, and the people who live in it are part of that organism and are influenced by higher dimensions. That is why a house is so important to its inhabitants. If you build a good relationship with your house in a true sense, you will be happy.

After cleaning, fill the room with fragrant vibrations

Music and Scents to End the Year on a Beautiful Note 

It's the end of the year, and we want to end the year on a high note, don't we? After cleaning up, tuning forks, music, and scents may be effective in maintaining good vibrations, and I would like to enjoy Joy to the World or other seasonal music with my family and loved ones.

[Official Video] Joy To The World – Pentatonix


Manners to end the year beautifully: disposal, cleaning, and finishing with music and scents. A good year-end makes the following year happy.

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