
Russia in Tokyo

"Cafe Russia" in Kichijoji, Tokyo

A 3-minute walk from Tokyo Kichijoji Station, there is a restaurant where you can enjoy authentic Russian cuisine, "Cafe Russia". The cafe is located on the first basement floor. Although it is a cafe, it is a full-fledged restaurant. As soon as you step inside, you hear a lot of Russian.

When it comes to Russian cuisine, 
the first thing that comes to mind is borscht.
 I am glad that it is reasonable at 700 yen. 
Best of all, it's delicious. It has a rich taste.

Cafe Russia entrance

The shop is on the first basement floor. It's a little confusing, but when you go down the stairs, you'll find a reddish-purple wall. That's Cafe Russia.
The cafe is just down the stairs.

The wall colors and decorations are exotic designs. 
The menu at the entrance of the shop is cool in Russian.

Russian tea comes with plenty of rose jam.
Very fragrant.

Beef stroganoff (1,000 yen)
One of the must-try menu items.

Recommended appetizer, "herring in a fur coat" (600 yen).

Serves both Russian and Georgian cuisine

Cafe Russia serves both Russian and Georgian cuisine. Georgian wine is also recommended. 
Padrajani: Georgian roasted eggplant with spicy walnut paste. 
There are 4 in one plate. 
Recommended appetizer.(700 yen)

Recommended appetizer, "Salmon wrapped in blini" (600 yen).

Georgia pizza.
There is plenty of cheese inside. 
(1,000 yen)

Coffee fortune telling

I had a coffee fortune-telling with Georgian coffee after dinner. Georgian coffee is made by boiling powder and sugar together, so you can tell fortunes by looking at the patterns on the bottom of the cup. 
This is how coffee fortune-telling works. It's in the menu.

The pattern looks like a bearded man,
but I don't know what it means.

Desert wine kagor (JPY350)


The menu book also includes information on how to pronounce Russian. "It was delicious," I told the staff in Russian. It was nice to hear "thank you" in Russian.


I forgot the name of the menu, but everything is really delicious. By all means, if you go to Tokyo, I would like to recommend Cafe Russia in Kichijoji. It's a popular restaurant, so it's best to make a reservation.

Thankfully, as a bonus, the cake provided for free.

Address: 1-4-10 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino City, Tokyo Nine Building B1F

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