
Bhimrao Ambedkar, Pioneer of the Age of Aquarius Beyond Tradition

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

I was surprised to learn that there are few Buddhists in India, the birthplace of Buddhism. In Japan, Shinto and Buddhism are both deeply rooted in Japanese culture and life to avoid conflict. Buddhism was officially introduced to Japan in the 6th century. Shintoism was originally in Japan. The majority religion in India is Hinduism. I had an intuition that it was similar to Shinto in Japan. It is the sensibility to see God in the universe.

I learned that there was a person who revived Buddhism in such India. The person is Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956).

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) 

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) was an Indian statesman (minister of justice in the Nehru cabinet), drafter of the Indian constitution, and leader of the anti-caste movement. Born into the lowest caste (Dalit) family, he is known for starting a Buddhist revival movement. Between 1927 and 1932, along with his followers, he promoted a non-violent movement demanding confirmation of the rights of untouchables to enter Hindu temples and use public reservoirs and wells. Tens of thousands of untouchables joined the movement as non-violent resisters. It ended in a legal victory for lower caste activists. In addition, Ambedkar, who believed that the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Law Code of Manu, was a major basis for the harsh treatment of untouchables, decided to burn the Law Code of Manu.

all gods are one
 (Narada sees viśvarūpa from wiki)

No religion is 100% correct

It can be said that no religion is 100% correct in the way it is practiced. But all the original ideas were great. Otherwise the pure believers would not have followed. 

About 30 years ago, when I was young, a young German man confessed to me that he was an atheist. To him, the confession was a gamble that might have made him question his humanity, but to me it was a natural understanding. Perhaps for many Japanese, faith meant living modestly in harmony with nature. It is far from the image of an enthusiastic believer. 

Beyond the long tradition

Even if human rights are stripped or precious lives are taken away in the name of religion, is religion still wonderful? Whether it has a long tradition or not. Humanity may have been going in the wrong direction for thousands of years. That's why I sometimes look at it from a cosmic perspective to see if I'm standing in the right position. Beyond the long tradition, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) is great.The Age of Aquarius encourages a break with hierarchy, control, and individual freedom. It will be a good guidepost in a chaotic society.

The hallmark of Buddhist temples is the bell.
This is not in Shinto.
Japanese people are mostly familiar with both Buddhism and Shinto.

When a child is born,
the family visits a nearby shrine and greets the gods.

Statues of Nyorai and Bodhisattva
are enshrined in Japanese Buddhist temples.
During Buddhist ceremonies,
incense sticks are burned, and the bell is occasionally rung
while the sutra is chanted.

Kamidana (home shrine) is a Shinto style.
The object of worship is usually a round mirror.

Shinto shrine gate
There are various materials
such as vermilion painted wood and stone.
Bow here before entering the shrine.

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