
Why buy natural farming vegetables

Natural farming vegetables purchased directly from farmers

I recently buy natural farming vegetables directly from farmers, not from supermarkets. Because the vegetables in supermarkets are standardized, which is anti-natural.
The perilla in the photo was purchased from a natural farmer in Oita prefecture, Japan.
Delivered with leaves on the stem.

Potato example

The photo above is a machine for arranging potatoes of a certain size. In this way, the farmer arranges the potatoes in the same size and distributes them to the market. Consumers, on the other hand, buy potatoes of the same size in supermarkets. However, when you cook, the potatoes are peeled and cut, so you don't have to make them the same size.

Example of perilla

Perilla leaves are almost the same size in supermarkets. As you can see in the picture, they are wrapped in small rubber pieces, for example, in units of 10.

However, by nature, perilla leaves vary in size in their natural state.

The perilla leaves that I purchase directly from farmers arrive with leaves attached to the stems, so if you soak them in water, the roots will grow. This can be cut out as much as it is used for cooking.

Responsible for how to buy

In fact, each of us participates in the modeling of society through purchasing. For example, purchasing a product made by the exploitation of workers creates a society that exploits the workers. Because we are connected.

Most farm sites are contaminated with soil

Most agricultural sites are contaminated with chemicals, hormones, herbicides, permeable pesticides that kill bees, antibiotics, and nitrate nitrogen (toxins) such as high nitrogen cultivation. These produce is not safe.

On the other hand, there are a small number of sincere farmers in Japan who are serious about natural farming. The basis is soil. Collect grass and leaves from the fields to make vegetation compost. Infinite microorganisms and actinomycetes are constantly purifying and activating the soil. I connect with nature by purchasing crops from such honest farmers.

Live carefully

If each person lives carefully every day, the earth will become heaven. In other words, don't twist the power of nature, don't be unreasonably greedy, just do the obvious things. Avoid unnaturalness and connect with nature. So I buy a well made one. It's hard to put into practice, but it's simple.

How to live in the Age of Aquarius

It is said that the Age of Pisces , which lasted about 2000 years, has now entered the Age of Aquarius. It's a big turnaround. In other words, from the hierarchical and materialistic Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius where people are connected according to their spirituality:
  • Key words for Age of Pisces: "Separation" "Control" "Materialism"
  • Key words for Age of Aquarius: "Integration" "Equality" "Change" "Spirit"
What do you connect with in an increasingly multipolar society?


In the Age of Aquarius, in which values are multipolar, people are connected according to the spirituality of the individual. How about connecting with an ecological mechanism through the purchase of natural farming vegetables?

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