
Time from Birth to Death, Ultimate Asset

Free time to truly enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) is blissful happiness

Predict your lifespan from the average lifespan in the world

Knowing how old you are to live is useful for a meaningful life. According to the 2020 World Health Statistics released by WHO,  Japan has the longest life expectancy. I was 84.3 years old. Born, raised and living in Japan, I am likely to live longer. Moreover, my grandmother was born in 1906 and died in 2011 at the age of 105.

The following is based on the CIA_factbook, not WHO data, and gives a visual indication of life expectancy by country:

Comparison of average female and male life expectancy as defined in the 2018 CIA Factbook, with selected bubbles labelled. The dotted line corresponds to equal female and male life expectancy. The apparent 3D volumes of the bubbles are linearly proportional to their population.

Comparison gender life expectancy CIA factbook.svg
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Comparison_gender_life_expectancy_CIA_factbook.svg#/media/File:Comparison_gender_life_expectancy_CIA_factbook.svg  CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Expectancy of life CIA2016Source

De728631, CC BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Life time is the resource of this life game

Lifespan depends to some extent on the environment, but every day is equally 24 hours. 

If life is 80 years,
80 years ✕ 365 days/year = 29,200 days 
80 years ✕ 365 days/year ✕ 24 hours/day = 700,800 hours

How do you allocate the time of your life? 

First of all, it is essential to secure the time that is indispensable for maintaining good health, that is, sleeping, eating, bathing, etc. 

Next, we need time that is indispensable for maintaining the living environment, that is, cleaning, washing, cooking, etc. 

And most people work to earn a living. 

Many traps await in the little remaining free time, that is, addiction. 

Therefore, consciously allocate happy time to your life as much as possible. Otherwise, life would be just a waste.

It is important to make effective use of your free time, but bad habits are fatal.

Habit: What determines the success or failure of life

We tend to forget, but life is finite. In other words, every time we live a day, we approach death. When you take the last breath of your life, you will not want to have regrets in your life.

Bad habits every day waste precious time in your life for 365 years.

Below are some examples of bad habits to stop:
  • Spending on the internet and SNS
  • Socializing with boring people
  • Long commute on a crowded train
  • Eating junk food by inertia
It is very effective to switch your lifestyle so that you can consciously eliminate negative time.

Enrich the lifestyle itself

You can also devise ways to enrich the time required for your life. 

For example:
  • Improve sleep quality with soft linen and incense
  • Improve the quality of daily meals by using carefully selected staple foods, etc.
  • Change to work that does not commute for a long time
  • Change the city you live in
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee from the bottom of my heart
  • Smile to your family

Get real affluence by losing something

Sometimes simplicity is a shortcut to enrichment. 

For example:
  • Dispose of clothes that are out of date or don't wear, and make it easier to spend every day with your favorite clothes.
  • Dispose of documents that are no longer needed to make it easier to organize.
  • Don't eat dinner (actually, food Affects Life and Fate)

  • Break tired relationships
At the end of life, one cannot bring anything to the other world.

What determines the success or failure of life

We tend to forget, but life is finite. In other words, every time we live a day, we approach death. When you take the last breath of your life, you want to have no regrets in your life.

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