
Values of happiness in a new era

It doesn't look like the world is getting better now. Still trying to find hope in the future. The Japanese have experienced such a past many times long ago. How can the Japanese overcome the greatest crisis this time?

Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan,
is an object of Japanese reverence and a source of culture though,
 the eruption is powerful enough to change the history of Japan.

The past when the Japanese overcame the drastic population decline

How humanity has overcome its hardships can be glimpsed in the history of the shrinking population turning to increase. 

According to Hiroshi Kito, a historical demographer of Sophia University who is familiar with the changes in Japan's population, around 2300 BC, 260,000 people lived in Japan. However, in the late Jomon period (around the 10 century BC), the population of 260,000 fell to 80,000. 

In Japan, external factors such as the weakening of the nation, famine due to climate change, and the outbreak of smallpox have been triggered by a set of psychological brakes that have no hope for the future.

Hiroshi Kito, Professor of Economic History anHiroshi Kito, 
Professor of Economic History and Historical Demography, Sophia University
d Historical Demography, Sophia University

Anxiety about the future that Japanese young people have

Japan's population peaked at 128.08 million in 2008 and began to decline. According to forecasts, Japan's population will shrink to one-third in less than 100 years due to the declining birthrate. It can be said that Japanese young people are under a psychological brake that they have no hope for the future. Most people don't think society will improve.

World Population Trends from 1950 to 2100

The following site is the population transition forecast of each country from 1950 to 2100. I don't think the accuracy is high, but it is interesting to be able to select and see various countries. By the way, it seems that the world population will reach more than 10 billion in 2100.

The trials that will come

In March 2021, the hazard map of the eruption of Mt. Fuji in Japan was updated, expanding the expected impact of the eruption. Due to the westerlies, the damage to the west from Mt. Fuji is so great that it completely surrounds Tokyo.

Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, is an object of Japanese reverence and a source of culture (by the way, it was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013). However, the eruption is powerful enough to change the history of Japan.

Mt. Fuji has not erupted since it erupted in 1707, about 300 years ago, and it is feared that the eruption will soon be triggered.

The eruption of Mt. Fuji 300 years ago stagnated Japan's steadily increasing population. This is because the earthquake and the eruption of Mt. Fuji, as well as the oppression and no relief of the Shogunate, have afflicted the people.

Mt. Fuji eruption, December 16, 1707

Around 10 am on December 16, 1707 (solar calendar), Mt. Fuji erupted from the southeastern slope, and the eruption rose to 20,000 m above the sky. It did not get hot in the summer after the eruption of Mt. Fuji, so rice did not grow. At that time, rice was the main economic axis, so Japan was hit hard by both food and the economic crisis at that time. 

Even in such a situation, there was no relief from the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Tokugawa Shogunate declined while afflicting the people over 150 years, and finally the dawn of a new era in 1868, Japan entered the Meiji Restoration.

In 1868, Japan revives as a modern nation. Regardless of whether the Meiji Restoration is really good for people, the Tokugawa Shogunate has ended. And Japan's population started to increase again.

Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation) tells Mt. Fuji eruption

Hituki Shinji, an oracles in Japan that predict the future, tells us that the climax of hardship will pass with the eruption of Mt. Fuji. 
”Endure anything until Mt. Fuji moves. It's hard to starve. But no matter what, don't rush to death.” 

Values of happiness in a new era

The next eruption of Mt. Fuji may be powerful enough to change the history of Japan, which will encourage the Japanese to value the happiness of a new era. 

I hope that people will find happiness that fits into the optimal population for an economic system that is in harmony with the environment.

May new values such as cooperation rather than competition, sharing rather than ownership, and harmony rather than conquest become commonplace.

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