
"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" predicts the near future

There are several oracles in Japan that predict the future. One of them is "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," which is the Sun and the Moon Revelation that came from "Kuni-no-Tokotachi" (the god of heaven and earth creation in Japanese mythology). "

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" predicts the near future

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" was written during World War II, but it was said that Tokyo would become a burnt field and then Japan would undergo a great reconstruction. Rather, what is worrisome is the upcoming changes in the world. 

According to the "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)", a real god appears in the world, reveals the power of the god, helps all the people, and rebuilt the world into an ideal world without any trouble. 

However, before that, humankind must face unprecedented catastrophes and trials. To be saved, we must constantly cleanse, polish and prepare our minds, minds and bodies. 

Even under such circumstances, it is interesting that the way of life for good luck is also written.

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)"

"Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" was written by Tenmei Okamoto (1897-1963), a scholar and painter, from 1945 to 1959, using an automatic clerk from the high-class spirit "Kuni-no-Tokotachi" (the god of heaven and earth creation in Japanese mythology) ". 

Numbers and symbols rather than letters

The original text consists of numerals, symbols, kana characters, and abstract pictures. Most of the "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" are written in numbers and symbols, but there is a reason for this. 

First of all, when it comes to advanced spiritual people, there are no letters. 

And numbers contain many secret meanings compared to other letters. The people of heaven are true.  therefore, they can convey all by numerals and symbols rather than other letters. 

How to purify the mind and body with a proper diet

One of the main themes of "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" is how to purify the mind and body with a proper diet. The correct diet is to eat small meals, eat grains and vegetables, and not eat meat.

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)", vegetarians and small meals help people get better and cure their illness. Don't eat full. Because it's the way to death. Give 20% of your meal to God first. People who eat a lot are possessed. Therefore, control your diet, in order not be possessed.   

Meaning of "If you hit your right cheek, put out your left cheek"

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  you can hit your cheeks because you have something in your heart that will hit your cheeks. You won't be able to hit the innocent face of a laughing baby. This is the true meaning of non-resistance that leads to peace. Don't be foolish enough to hit your right cheek and then stick your left cheek. 

You won't be able to hit the innocent face of a laughing baby.

Don't worry about tomorrow, thank you for being alive today

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," when you wake up in the morning, thank God for entrusting you with this life today, and live as hard as you can according to God's will. Pray that you can contribute to the prosperity of the world. God will tell you what to do that day, at that time. Don't worry about tomorrow. 

Cataclysms and wars on Earth

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  there have been six cataclysms and wars on Earth. It will be the last for the seventh time in the future. Until now, this was a change only in this world, but this time it will be a cataclysm in all dimensions including the world of God and the ghost world. There are various signs of cataclysm:
  • Cherry blossoms bloom in winter
  • 2-3 suns appear
  • It snows in summer
  • It finally starts from the beach
  • The color of the sun is black and the moon is red
What are the signs of a catastrophe?

It is necessary to judge whether the word of God is correct

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation),"  even the word of God must not be believed indiscriminately. It's the same as medicine can be poisonous. Don't be foolish, or you will lose track of the true path.

Don't worry about tomorrow

According to "Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)," when you wake up in the morning, thank God for entrusting you with this life today, and live as hard as you can according to God's will. Pray that you can contribute to the prosperity of the world. God will tell you what to do that day, at that time. Don't worry about tomorrow. 


Purifying the mind and body is important even in difficult times. You can get various hints on how to overcome the difficult situation by reading the mysterious ""Hitsuki Shinji (Revelation)" in Japan. For the time being, it looks good to have a small meal.

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