
Noosology, inspired by Pluto

Unique Japanese Channeler and Pluto’s Ocot

There are innumerable "channeling information" in the world. One of them is channeling with Pluto's "OCOT" by Japanese consciousness physicist Kosen Handa. He further develops a cosmology called noosology from the information obtained from this channeling. 

A completely new view of the world: Noosology 

Noosology discusses how our consciousness, space, and dimensions interact to create this world. For example, the world that is really visible is the world of the spirit, and only by such recognition can the world be spiritualized. The material world is just a concept. 

In Noosology, it goes beyond objective and subjective:
To something completely different world that is neither spiritual nor material.
To something completely different life that is neither dead nor alive.
To something completely different sexuality that is neither a man nor a woman.
And to something completely different, neither you nor me. 


            Noos Lecture 2019 Opening Movie

Above such a new view is similar with KATAKAMUNA, in which a physical-mind phenomenon is key to understand the world.


Sometimes it's good to doubt existing values. The completely new view such as  Noosology may actually be true. Our knowledge is really minimal. 


Imagination to create the world

Sense of time to expand and contract

One second is strictly defined and time looks absolute. But recently I have come to think of time as sensory rather than absolute. Sometimes I think the flow of time is fast, and sometimes I feel that time has passed in a blink of an eye.

Free from the curse of causal retribution

It is often said that good things happen when you do good things, and bad things happen when you do bad things. The law of causal retribution seems absolute. This is as if the future is a stack of the past. But I recently witnessed a vision for the future come true. This is because the sketch I drew in the hope that I would be like this in the future came true a few days later. A few days later, I got a bag that I drew. Therefore, it can be said that time may flow from the future to the present, not the accumulation of the past. I was clearly convinced of the existence of such a time axis.

Create the world by manipulating the time axis

We may be creators in nature. But in general we forget it. The feeling of moving along the time axis with a desirable vision for the future is the same as manipulating the time axis, which is like creating the world. I hope I can better manipulate the time axis and draw a bright future.


Now Introspection

Forgiveness is ultimate salvation

Forgiving the mistakes of others in Japanese is called "flowing into the water." Water is spiritually meaningful. 

Forgiveness will ultimately save you. I've always suffered from the same disgusting type of person, so I realized the secret. I realized that the unpleasant person in front of me was just a mirror image of my unconsciousness. So I thoroughly checked my memory, remembered each unforgivable event, and forgave it. The situation has changed dramatically since then.  Unpleasant persons no longer appear in front of me.

How to purify unforgivable feelings

In order to purify the unforgivable feelings, we first reveal the negative feelings that we unconsciously dropped. It's a good idea to write it down in a notebook or remember something that has been memorable since you were a child before bedtime. Then I added a series of confessions and forgiveness in my memory. Then, my regrets were purified and my feelings became clear.

All the people in heart are to be good friends 

Unforgivable feelings repeatedly hurt life

Life becomes heavier and more painful when there are many unforgivable feelings. If you don't like a hard life, forgive it thoroughly. This is an era of polarization, and it is especially beneficial to take the time to face it alone and thoroughly purify the unconscious. If you want to live like heaven.

Reconcile in heart

Forgive yourself by yourself

The greatest forgiveness may be to forgive yourself. It may start by forgiving oneself who did not live up to his parents' expectations when he was little. Forgive yourself thoroughly. I deeply forgive me. This saves my soul deeply.

The world is a mirror of the heart

After all, the world is a mirror of the mind. If you have a smile in your heart, you can spend your days laughing. 

A smile on your heart makes your world fun

Now, in the Age of Aquarius, if you want to raise your consciousness, reconcile with the ghosts of the past.

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