
Secret to bringing grace to fate

Benefits of Living with flowers

My living space has always been with flowers for the last few years, which makes me happy. Connections with nature are an essential source of nutrition for the soul, especially in the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Hanadouraku is a flower shop in the center of Tokyo. The flower subscription service there is great. With this service, if you open the store for about 3,000 yen in 3 months, you can receive new flowers once a day. 
Hanadouraku is a flower shop in the center of Tokyo
 Flower subscription service wagon


The flowers last for a few days, so I like to line them up in my favorite vases throughout the house.

Type suitable for the city

According to the fortune-tellers I know, there are human types suitable for cities and types suitable for rural areas. According to him, I'm the right type for the city. However, it is said that such a type is not good fortune unless you try hard to connect with nature. Of course it is beneficial to travel to the natural suburbs, but I can't travel that often. That's why the Flower Subscription Service is perfect for urban people like me.

Night view of Tokyo 

Countryside landscape 

Secret to bringing grace to fate

Isn't some kind of natural element the secret to bringing grace even to fate? If we were to work in an artificial and inorganic building surrounded by high-tech equipment, or to eat plants that grow in sterile rooms, people would no longer be natural and would be ruined by themselves. 

Even if you can succeed in the short term, the unnatural way of life will not last long. Therefore, it is important to be natural. 


It's Time for Transformation of Consciousness

Establish a new routine-for a good night's sleep

The coronavirus has changed my living environment. I came up with the idea of changing my daily routine, which doesn't match the new environment. That's because I realized that consciousness didn't match the times.
Life is for a good night's sleep

What to focus on

Thanks to covid19, I have been facing myself more time. And I came to think that the rhythm of one day is a lifetime. Especially for me, the quality of life depends on the quantity and quality of sleep. So I decided to live for a better sleep. What I value in my life is sleep for me. An expression similar to this is to live to die better. One day is also a life. Live cherishing every day. It's the same as getting a better night's sleep. Getting a good night's sleep may mean that you can have a better death. Of course, there is no screen time before going to bed.
The end of a happy life is due to a healthy daily sleep 

For Pure Sleep

Pillowcases and sheets should be washed frequently. Because they absorb negative thoughts while sleeping. For a good night's sleep, I don't eat for 3 hours before bedtime. After taking a bath, I dry my hair well with a hair dryer, and then I go to bed. The new routine is preparing to sleep better. That is, to sleep well, walk moderately, enjoy the natural scenery, eat less, take a bath, and spend less screen time. All to sleep well. 

Transformation of the sense of time

Time is changing for me because of my sleep-focused life. The real world has become softer. It's a feeling I've never felt before. It's a very comfortable and peaceful world. It may mean entering the world of the Age of Aquarius

I want to spend time with the sun shining in the clear blue sky 


Get out of the unconscious false self-image

Lunar deception

According to Japanese astrologist Mademoiselle Ai, in astrology, the moon means a defect. To be precise, please refer to the original on the Mademoiselle Ai's site (Japanese only). On the birthday chart, you can see how the moon is located in which constellation and how it affects it. To find out about the moon constellations, look at your birth chart (Horoscope). Lunar deception is deficiency in astrology like an unconscious habit that makes life painful. For example, my moon constellation Capricorn. The Moon constellation Capricorn makes me to misunderstand that social recognition is as if it were true my most important life goal. However, this is an opposite goal, which control me at the unconscious dimension. Therefore, I spent my long time unaware of it.

The moon gives off a mysterious glow. 

Unconscious false self-image

Everyone has an unconscious belief, but it is difficult to recognize a false self-image. Especially, at the unconscious dimension.  But to be happy, the first thing to do is to notice the gap between unconscious beliefs and real wish. That is the first step to really make yourself happy.

The mask you are wearing is not you. 

12 moon constellations and unconscious self-image

Unconscious false self-image differs depending on what the moon constellation is. For example, people in the moon constellation Taurus unknowingly think that their ego is strong, but that is wrong. The relationship between each of the 12 moon constellations and the unconscious self-image is as follows:

Moon constellation: false self-image
  • Moon Aries: Strong ego
  • Moon Taurus: Material abundance
  • Moon Gemini: Witty
  • Moon Cancer: Sensitivity of sympathy
  • Moon Leo: Full of confidence
  • Moon Virgo: Diligent and well-mannered
  • Moon Libra: A sense of balance
  • Moon Scorpio: Deep insight
  • Moon Sagittarius: High exploration power
  • Moon Capricorn: Socially recognized
  • Moon Aquarius: Genius 
  • Moon Pisces: Gentle
From the above moon constellations, you can understand the fake self-image. Deepening one's false understanding leads to overcoming it. 

How to overcome a false self-image

To overcome the false self-image, it is better to act like the opposite constellation of the Moon constellation. For example, in my case, it is the moon constellation Capricorn, so I just have to embody the opposite, Cancer-like, homely and gentle image of myself. Strangely, I was finally able to feel as if my shoulders were off.

Conversion to the opposite constellation of each of the 12 moon constellations

    • Moon Aries: Strong ego → Libra: Sense of balance
    • Moon Taurus: Material abundance → Scorpio: Deep insight
    • Moon Gemini: The rotation of the head is fast → Sagittarius: High quest power
    • Moon Cancer: Sensitivity of sympathy → Capricorn: Socially recognized
    • Moon Leo: Full of confidence → Aquarius: Genius
    • Moon Virgo: Diligent and well-mannered → Pisces: Gentle
    • Moon Libra: Sense of balance → Aries: Strong ego
    • Moon Scorpio: Insight → Taurus: Material abundance
    • Moon Sagittarius: High exploration power → Gemini: Rich in wisdom
    • Moon Capricorn: Socially recognized → Cancer: Sensitivity of sympathy
    • Moon Aquarius: Genius → Leo: Full of confidence
    • Moon Pisces: Kindness → Virgo: Diligent and careful
The opposite of the moon constellation is the real feeling. 

How to overcome my moon constellation

With the moon constellation Capricorn, I'm a tough person who, according to my daughters, prioritizes work over family. I can say that the moon constellation is captured by the illusion of Capricorn. Most of the clothes I wore were dark suits. So I tried to wear feminine dresses and cardigans, conscious of Cancer, which is the opposite constellation of Capricorn. Also, when communicating with people, I try to be conscious of kindness and empathy. Thanks to that, I'm definitely more happy than before.
The image of Cancer is the kindness of motherhood 

Is Astrology Taboo?

Sometimes astrology is taboo. There are various reasons for this, such as distrust of God and weakening the power to live. I once wondered how to understand this. But now, I see astrology as a highly accurate piece of information, out of a lot of information. I think that the truth may be an obstacle in faith. Therefore, I will continue to deepen my understanding of astrology in order to be truly happy.


Mademoiselle Ai's interpretation of the moon constellation in astrology is unique and informative. The moon constellation is an unconscious self-image. To be happy is to overcome that false self-image.

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