
Nature Evolves in a Spiral in the Rhythm of Nature

The days will be getting longer and longer now after the winter solstice

The winter solstice of this year was December 21, 2020 (Monday). On the day of the winter solstice, the "shadow" is filled to the limit, so in Japan, we put yuzu Citrus) in the bath and eat pumpkin on this day. 
At the winter solstice, it is said that if you take a bath with Yuzu (Japanese Citrus), you will not catch a cold.

I enjoyed Yuzu (Citrus) and pumpkin at home. This winter solstice was more restless than usual. To warm my feelings, on the night of December 21, I lit a candle made of honey wax on the table and watched the flicker of the flame slowly. The candle flame is beautiful and mysterious. After the winter solstice, the element of "light" increases until the summer solstice. In other words, the days will be getting longer and longer until June 21st (Monday), the summer solstice of 2021.

Natural rhythm that controls the unconscious 

The natural rhythm that controls the unconscious is unobtrusive but certain. The rhythm of nature certainly affects our consciousness, our lives, and our society. The intervals between natural rhythms range from short to long. The rhythm of the day is day and night. The rhythm of the year changes the length of the day between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. Jupiter and Saturn approach each other in a cycle of about 20 years, but this is the first time since July 17, 1623, and it is the first time in 397 years. There is no way to know how this overlapping celestial event in Aquarius, where Jupiter and Saturn are the constellations of the wind, will affect society. After December 22, 2020, most great conjunctions will occur in the wind element.
Live in natural fluctuations

From the age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, which lasted about 2160 years

Now, for the first time in 2160 years, the era of Pisces has entered the era of Aquarius. Entering the Aquarius era, we will change to an era in which we can live freely and with originality. The intention of Aquarius is a network of independent individuals, indistinguishable freedom and peace.
The boy of aquarius, Ganymēdēs, is a first man to become a god in mythology.

Nature evolves in a spiral in the rhythm of nature.

The technology of managing people with AI, which would have been valid in the old days that brought about the class society and the gap between rich and poor, should not feel like it will become a technology for free and independent individuals to network. And anything that goes against nature will be eliminated by nature.

Natural light fills our heart


Let's entrust ourselves to the rhythm of nature. The limit of darkness is the turning point to light. Hold the light of hope.

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