
No Regrets About the Past, No Worries About the Future.

Live only in the present moment.

People with the same consciousness vibrations are attracted to each other. Therefore, in order to build a happy relationship, it is effective to have a high level of consciousness vibrations. The state of selflessness as one with the now. It is the highest state of consciousness. It is a state of consciousness that does not regret the past and does not worry about the future.
Focus only on this breath

Vibrational States of Consciousness and Relationships 

Lately, I have stopped worrying about bad relationships. However, last month, a depressed and unreasonable staff member came to work. In the past, I would fight with her in my mind, even when she wasn't there. But as I leveled up, I hardly ever thought about her in my mind. Then, strangely enough, after about two weeks, she quit. Instead, a very bright woman came to work with me. I realized again that my vibrational state of consciousness is directly related to my relationships.
Kind calls a friend

Great text!

Focusing on the present moment, not the past or future, relieves stress and improves focus. There is a good book in understanding this; The Power of Now, A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle and can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_of_Now. School I wish a book like this could be a textbook in schools. What we learn in school now does not make life brighter.

Enjoy a happy story!

Stories based on intense sadness, pain, plant new seeds of suffering in the mind. That's why I don't watch such cartoons and plays. But since those stories are so popular these days, I'm concerned about the impact on the viewer.
Enjoy a happy story!

In the 1970s, horror manga was prevalent in Japan.

When I was about six years old, in the 1970s, horror manga was all the rage in Japan. The world I was looking at was getting darker because of horror manga. A pure child's mind is delicate and vulnerable. So now, I don't want my kids to watch horror comics.

Protecting the conscious body like a cocoon 

People with the same vibrations of consciousness are attracted to each other. Live only in the present moment, do not regret the past, do not worry about the future. Conscious vibrations protect my conscious body like a cocoon.

Ritual for a happy day first thing in the morning 

In the morning, when my consciousness comes back to this world, I imagine in my mind a beautiful drop falling into a mirrored spring and a beautiful ripple spreading out. May my consciousness be beautiful all day long. It's like a ritual for the highest protection. What you do first thing in the morning can easily affect your entire day. So this is very beneficial.
Water crest of peace


The best thing you can do for your happiness is to improve your current state of consciousness. No regrets about the past, no worries about the future.

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