
Nature Evolves in a Spiral in the Rhythm of Nature

The days will be getting longer and longer now after the winter solstice

The winter solstice of this year was December 21, 2020 (Monday). On the day of the winter solstice, the "shadow" is filled to the limit, so in Japan, we put yuzu Citrus) in the bath and eat pumpkin on this day. 
At the winter solstice, it is said that if you take a bath with Yuzu (Japanese Citrus), you will not catch a cold.

I enjoyed Yuzu (Citrus) and pumpkin at home. This winter solstice was more restless than usual. To warm my feelings, on the night of December 21, I lit a candle made of honey wax on the table and watched the flicker of the flame slowly. The candle flame is beautiful and mysterious. After the winter solstice, the element of "light" increases until the summer solstice. In other words, the days will be getting longer and longer until June 21st (Monday), the summer solstice of 2021.

Natural rhythm that controls the unconscious 

The natural rhythm that controls the unconscious is unobtrusive but certain. The rhythm of nature certainly affects our consciousness, our lives, and our society. The intervals between natural rhythms range from short to long. The rhythm of the day is day and night. The rhythm of the year changes the length of the day between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. Jupiter and Saturn approach each other in a cycle of about 20 years, but this is the first time since July 17, 1623, and it is the first time in 397 years. There is no way to know how this overlapping celestial event in Aquarius, where Jupiter and Saturn are the constellations of the wind, will affect society. After December 22, 2020, most great conjunctions will occur in the wind element.
Live in natural fluctuations

From the age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, which lasted about 2160 years

Now, for the first time in 2160 years, the era of Pisces has entered the era of Aquarius. Entering the Aquarius era, we will change to an era in which we can live freely and with originality. The intention of Aquarius is a network of independent individuals, indistinguishable freedom and peace.
The boy of aquarius, Ganymēdēs, is a first man to become a god in mythology.

Nature evolves in a spiral in the rhythm of nature.

The technology of managing people with AI, which would have been valid in the old days that brought about the class society and the gap between rich and poor, should not feel like it will become a technology for free and independent individuals to network. And anything that goes against nature will be eliminated by nature.

Natural light fills our heart


Let's entrust ourselves to the rhythm of nature. The limit of darkness is the turning point to light. Hold the light of hope.


Spirited Cleaning for a Good New Year

Year-end cleaning

In Japan, cleaning at the end of the year is an important event for every household. It is important to keep the house clean on a regular basis, but to make the new year a great year, we clean the whole house carefully. To make the new year shine, every part of the house is cleaned: closets, shoe closets, drawers, sinks, bathrooms, toilets, balconies, under beds, etc.

A house is so important to its inhabitants.

Get rid of unnecessary things before the end of the year.

2021 will be a year of rapid change. That's why I'll be cleaning up at the end of 2020 with more energy than ever. This is because a good state of affairs in the present will project into the future. A drastic action at the end of the year will bring a wonderful new year. If you are vague, it may be difficult to maintain good vibes in the midst of all the various disturbances in the world. It is wise to avoid painful news and topics, especially at the end of the year.
Organizing is a refreshing mood

To end the year beautifully and welcome the next year beautifully 

It's the end of the year, and you want to end the year on a high note, don't you? The end of the year and the beginning of the new year are important times of milestones. We especially want to have rich thoughts. It may be difficult to maintain good vibes among the various vibrations. It is important to take drastic actions in order to project the present good conditions into the future. That is disposal.
Good year end and great new year

Organize your closet before you clean it

But actually, there is a trick to cleaning. First, get rid of unnecessary items. Thoroughly. Clothing and shoes are especially important. This is because good clothes and shoes will take you to a place worthy of them. Also, get rid of any clothes that you don't wear at all. Clothes that are not worn at all should be thrown away, because clothes that are not worn will envy their owners. My daughter and I went through our closets last week. More than two-thirds of the clothes in the closet had not been worn in over a year. We got rid of three large plastic bags of clothes. I noticed that the space was now completely clean.
Organize your closet before you clean it

Empty out all drawers and shelves once and for all

Once you've emptied out all the drawers and shelves, wipe the bottoms and check for unnecessary items. This is also a ritual to clarify things that you have been putting off for some reason. For shoes, clean the backs of the shoes with wet wipes. Throw away any shoes you don't wear. Your living space is a part of you. A new, clean space will cleanse your life. Strangely enough, my mind became clearer and I suddenly remembered a procedure I had forgotten. It helped me to get rid of difficulties that might have occurred in the future.
Empty and wipe all drawers

Imagine that polishing various things is like polishing your soul

After throwing them away, polish the mirror, the faucet, the shower head, the table, the balcony railing, and many other things. Polish them with the intention of making your soul shine. You might want to wear rubber gloves to prevent your hands from getting rough. It is an act of polishing yourself, not for anyone else. It's also about taking care of yourself. Polish your daily living space with love. I believe that a house is like a living organism, and the people who live in it are part of that organism and are influenced by higher dimensions. That is why a house is so important to its inhabitants. If you build a good relationship with your house in a true sense, you will be happy.

After cleaning, fill the room with fragrant vibrations

Music and Scents to End the Year on a Beautiful Note 

It's the end of the year, and we want to end the year on a high note, don't we? After cleaning up, tuning forks, music, and scents may be effective in maintaining good vibrations, and I would like to enjoy Joy to the World or other seasonal music with my family and loved ones.

[Official Video] Joy To The World – Pentatonix


Manners to end the year beautifully: disposal, cleaning, and finishing with music and scents. A good year-end makes the following year happy.


Heresy may be the Truth behind the Authority

Sometimes it's good to consider the possibilities beyond common sense such as heresy. Because heresy may be the truth behind the authority.
Is heresy evil?

Is authority good?

Authority is the power to coerce others into submission. Authority is distinguished from the power to coerce consent and obedience by threats or force, which appears to encourage consent and obedience voluntarily. Those who do not receive approval from authority become heretics. Is heresy evil? Is authority good?

There are many heresies in the world

Katakamuna, a document describing the science, technology and philosophy of ancient Japan
Katakamuna Utahi No.5, 6, 7

Kikuo Chishima (1899 -1978) :  a Japanese medical researcher. The Chishima Doctrine is characterized by a doctrine that is quite different from the conventional wisdom of modern medicine. It is as follows: 
  1. Blood is made from the villi of the small intestine. (In modern medicine, the idea that blood is made from the bone marrow).
  2. Cells are modified red blood cells (modern medicine believes that cells are made from the same cells).
  3. Blood transfusion is dangerous
  4. Bone marrow transplants are dangerous.
  5. Cancer should not be removed. Cancer cells are made up of red blood cells. Even if it is removed, it will metastasize if the root is not addressed. And so on.

Gaston Naessens (1924-2018)  Naessens said a somatid is the tiny living blood particles and described them as part of a complex life cycle. However, his theory as such has not been accepted by the academic community.
New Biology - Gaston Naessens theory of Somatides

Nephilim: Nephilim is the name of a tribe that appears in the Old Testament books of Genesis and Numbers, as well as the Old Testament exoteric (sequel) books of Job and Enoch, commonly referred to as "giants". The name means "the one who came down from heaven".

King Tutankhamun of ancient Egypt was Japanese.
Was Tutankhamun a Japanese boy!?

George Adamski (1891 - 1965)  I enjoyed reading The Complete Works of Adamski (Visitors from Outer Space), translated into Japanese by Kubota Hachiro in the 1980s.

After questioning common sense, let's get back to nature.

I think it's important to question common sense, get enough rest, eat a well-balanced diet, travel to scenic places, take a walk in the woods, listen to good music, look at beautiful flowers and paintings, and make time to truly enjoy yourself. This will increase your sense of well-being and boost your body's immunity. To live smoothly and cooperatively with others.

After all, what is important

May society respect diverse values and personalities and be tolerant of "heretics". 
Good time


No Regrets About the Past, No Worries About the Future.

Live only in the present moment.

People with the same consciousness vibrations are attracted to each other. Therefore, in order to build a happy relationship, it is effective to have a high level of consciousness vibrations. The state of selflessness as one with the now. It is the highest state of consciousness. It is a state of consciousness that does not regret the past and does not worry about the future.
Focus only on this breath

Vibrational States of Consciousness and Relationships 

Lately, I have stopped worrying about bad relationships. However, last month, a depressed and unreasonable staff member came to work. In the past, I would fight with her in my mind, even when she wasn't there. But as I leveled up, I hardly ever thought about her in my mind. Then, strangely enough, after about two weeks, she quit. Instead, a very bright woman came to work with me. I realized again that my vibrational state of consciousness is directly related to my relationships.
Kind calls a friend

Great text!

Focusing on the present moment, not the past or future, relieves stress and improves focus. There is a good book in understanding this; The Power of Now, A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle and can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_of_Now. School I wish a book like this could be a textbook in schools. What we learn in school now does not make life brighter.

Enjoy a happy story!

Stories based on intense sadness, pain, plant new seeds of suffering in the mind. That's why I don't watch such cartoons and plays. But since those stories are so popular these days, I'm concerned about the impact on the viewer.
Enjoy a happy story!

In the 1970s, horror manga was prevalent in Japan.

When I was about six years old, in the 1970s, horror manga was all the rage in Japan. The world I was looking at was getting darker because of horror manga. A pure child's mind is delicate and vulnerable. So now, I don't want my kids to watch horror comics.

Protecting the conscious body like a cocoon 

People with the same vibrations of consciousness are attracted to each other. Live only in the present moment, do not regret the past, do not worry about the future. Conscious vibrations protect my conscious body like a cocoon.

Ritual for a happy day first thing in the morning 

In the morning, when my consciousness comes back to this world, I imagine in my mind a beautiful drop falling into a mirrored spring and a beautiful ripple spreading out. May my consciousness be beautiful all day long. It's like a ritual for the highest protection. What you do first thing in the morning can easily affect your entire day. So this is very beneficial.
Water crest of peace


The best thing you can do for your happiness is to improve your current state of consciousness. No regrets about the past, no worries about the future.

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