
When Yin Reaches its Peak, it will Begin to Transform into Yang.

Thinking of the gods of old

In Japanese mythology, there is a scene where the old gods give up their country to the new gods. It's so metaphorical that we don't know exactly when and how the old gods of Izumo were replaced by the new gods on Amaterasu's side. Was it military force that was the deciding factor? It is said that the chief of the old gods of Izumo, Okuninushi, ceded the country in order not to sacrifice his allies.

The last two thousand years of human history have been a series of wars. Poverty, environmental destruction, and inequality have been rampant. We have sacrificed too much. Enough is enough. 

In modern times, the property rights system of capitalist society has caused the indigenous peoples who are ignorant of the property rights system to lose their culture and livelihoods. How are the old gods doing now?

When Hawaii ceased to be a Hawaiian country, what happened?

Hanauma Bay, Hawaii

Hawaii is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. It has an ancient history of respecting nature, finding gods in nature, and living in harmony with nature. This is very similar to the "polytheism" of old Japan, where people believed in many gods. Perhaps because of such similarities, there is a branch of Izumo Taisha in Hawaii.

Events in Hawaii, also known as the Blount Report, is a collection of material on the history of Hawaii, focusing on the events leading up to the disappearance of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

First, the United States recognized Hawaii as an independent kingdom in 1842.

Next, in 1845, Hawaii changed its traditional land ownership system to allow non-Hawaiians to purchase land. As a result, by the 1890s, foreigners owned 90 percent of the land.

Queen Liliuokalani (1838-1917) attempted to regain the power that had been stripped from the monarchy. However, it was no longer the Hawaiians who owned the land in Hawaii, but the majority of Americans and Europeans who owned the land in Hawaii. They rebelled against the Queen and planned to have the Hawaiian Islands annexed by the United States.

Ultimately, Hawaii became a territory of the United States by a resolution of both houses of Congress signed by President William McKinley on July 7, 1898.

On August 21, 1959, Hawaii was established as the 50th state. Every resident of Hawaii became a citizen of the United States of America.

Where on earth we are getting for now?

The changing of the times may be a supernatural fluctuation that transcends personal right and wrong. 

The history of conquest began at some point in antiquity. Was it fear that drove the desire to conquer? The number of conquered peoples, land, gold, cash, etc., the objects of accumulation changed over time. 

But will the disparity continue to grow in the future? If this continues, the human race on earth will die out. Has the world now reached its limits? 

Intuitively, I am convinced that times are starting to head in the right direction for all of us. We are now at a great crossroads. 

From now on, like the pendulum swinging backwards, we will continue on our path to equality and peace. A new era, the Age of Aquarius, has begun. So structures that allow some people to gain wealth at the expense of the well-being of others will no longer exist. When yin reaches its peak, it will begin to transform into yang. I pray that the old gods will be restored. 

It's time to balance


The last 2000 years have been a history of increasing poverty and environmental destruction. It has already reached its peak. So now return to Nature.

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