
Outside the Rat Race

Overcome meaningless common sense

During the transition to the Age of Aquarius, we are moving from a hierarchical society to a free collaborative network. It's up to each of us to choose whether we will end our lives staying in the old era or leveling up to the new one. 

Which future door to choose ?

People today don't even notice when common sense are unnatural. When they reach school age, the children go to school. In order to acquire even more advanced knowledge, they receive higher education. When they grow up, they become useful to society. 

So what exactly is useful? In a capitalist society, the measure of usefulness is calculated in terms of profit.

Before the establishment of the central government What were people's lifestyles and values like before the establishment of the centralized state? 

Society worked very differently before the emergence of state power than it does today. 

Modern people perceive such a period as barbaric and uncivilized, but is it true? I don't think so. Rather, I believe that freedom, equality and benevolence were more advanced than they are now. In Japan, such a period is the Jomon period (theories, circa 14,000 BC - 10th century BC). There, communities and villages had a cooperative network of communities and villages. There was no hoarding, taxation, exploitation, or wealth. 
Elegant Jomon Lady and a dog

Outside the rat race

It's up to the individual to choose to stay out of the rat race. However, we have become totally tamed in a system of society where state power, exploitation and disparity are created. 

The average Japanese salaryman usually commute on a crowded train for an hour. To get off the rat race, I made a different choice than a regular office worker: I moved to a 5 minute walk from the office. The price of real estate per square meter is 10 times higher than where I used to live. And now I spend most of my income on housing. Moreover, my residence is small. 

But that choice freed me from the crowded commute and gave me more free time. I have more time to spend with my family. It was a generally unthinkable choice, but it was the best choice I could make. Time is precious.

Happiness: The story of a rodent's unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment. 

Life is a choice.

You have more freedom of choice than you think. The complex institutions and structures of our society make it difficult to find creativity. 

By choice, we gradually improve the common sense that we take for granted and put up with to a human-friendly lifestyle. 

So, arouse your creativity. A series of choices can change your life in a very different way. As long as you're alive, there's something you're willing to change.

To die better, live better.

How would you feel if you took your last breath of life while remaining a prisoner of common sense and habit? We were not born to be slaves to the economic system. We have to live better, in truth, to die better. It's not even close to being made to do someone else's will. 

A day is an equal amount of time, 24 hours. Morning comes and night comes. Morning comes again. What we think, how we feel, and how we create during our lifetime is life. Once we join the society, we forget about it. But I would like to be able to go beyond the norm and create as much as possible.


People have more freedom of choice than they think. The way the world works is complicated and hard to recognize, but when you realize it, it's easy.

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