
May the Force Be With You

May the Force be with you

"May the Force be with you" is a line from the movie, Star Wars. I understand that the Force is like the essence of the universe beyond human knowledge. No matter how advanced AI is, it will never be suitable for the Force.

The Milky Way seems to awaken the truth beyond human knowledge

Nature's network system is perfect.

One morning, I found a red dragonfly on my balcony. Nowadays, red dragonflies are a rare insect. Strangely enough, the same day at noon, my mother went to visit the family's grave and saw a red dragonfly. I happened to hear about it from her over the phone. 

a red dragonfly

It was Autumnal Equinox Day, which has long been considered to be the day when 'the other world and this world are closest together'. It is said that the other side, the other world, is on the west side of the Sanzu River and this world is on the east side. On the Equinox and Autumnal Equinoxes, the sun rises in the true east and sets in the true west. The red dragonfly was synchronicity. 

Synchronicity is a concept proposed by Carl Jung (1875-1961) and refers to "a meaningful coincidence". Synchronicity proves that the accuracy of Nature's network is perfect. 

If you received a call from someone you were planning to contact and met someone you wanted to meet. Such a coincidence is not actually a coincidence. It's the Nature's network system at work. 

Nature's network system

It is vastly more vast and highly accurate than today's internet and operating systems. On the contrary, no matter how much scheming is done, it often fails to work.

Backlash from social distortions

The force acts like a pendulum towards the center. Social distortions are unnatural. What was previously hidden has been brought to light as a social problem. That's because they are unnatural. 

The greater the distortion, the greater the repercussions for correction will be. The heavenly network system is immeasurable by human knowledge. The greater the distortions that have been made, the more turbulent the society will become. 

But as long as we live the way of nature, we have nothing to fear.

Calm the turbulence

Live in natural fluctuations: Even if there is some fluctuation, it should be natural.

Even the mighty Roman Empire was destroyed. Thus, we see in history a pattern of prosperity and then decline of power. 

If it is in accordance with nature, it may have some ups and downs, but it will last. It's tenacious in the long run.

If it goes against nature, it will be punished by nature. 

Punishment can come in many forms. In order to live in a way that you will not be punished by nature, you must not do unnatural acts. 

There are many different types of unnatural acts. Unjust accumulation of wealth, murder, lack of sleep, excessive patience, obsession, greed, etc. It is not good to be too stingy and not enjoy the services provided by others. So it's more natural to pay for a service that others are good at and help in moderation, as a money stream. Unnatural endurance can lead to illness and even more medical expenses. 

Therefore, it should be natural, even if there are some fluctuations. It's simple, but long breaths and sun exposure can be useful ways to restore nature.

Live in natural fluctuations

Nature in us

Nature is in our own hearts. Live honestly with the nature within you. If you have a gut feeling that you don't like it, quit. 

After experiencing many failures, I now, strangely enough, these days I have no competitive spirit, no attachment to power and authority, no pyramidal structure to fit into, no diligence to be appreciated, no obsession with being better than others. 

Instead, here's what I value: 
  • Live life on my own axis.
  • Choose my own standards.
  • Designing my personality as a value.
Values will become more and more diverse in the future. Above all, each individual will be required to value nature. It is the responsibility of each individual to do so.

value nature


If it is in harmony with nature, it will last even if there are some ups and downs. If it is too unnatural, it will be ruined. So may the Force be with you.

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