
Enjoy Venus, a Good Star, for Fortune

Enjoy Venus, a Good Star, for Fortune

Venus & Moon

Recently, I often look at Venus. Venus is a star that shines near the moon. Especially on the day when I saw Venus in the early morning, the brilliance of Venus comes to my mind all day long. It feels great.

Venus can only be observed at dawn and evening, and is the brightest star after the Sun and Moon. Venus is the second planet in the solar system from the closest to the sun. Venus is a planet with the closest orbit to the earth. 

Since people are part of the universe, planets will definitely affect us.

Given the impact of planets on astrology, I think communication with Venus may be more important. This is because the day when I see Venus can be spent with an elegant feeling. 

Venus and mysterious Japanese priest Kūkai 

Speaking of Venus, the mysterious Japanese monk, Kukai (774-835), is famous. Kukai means the sky and the sea. The origin of his name is said to be: 

Venus jumped into his mouth while meditating in a cave along the coast of the cape. He felt that his exhaled breath was lightened and spread to heaven, earth, and space. Then, the sky (Kukai) and the sea (Kai) below became one, and his name was changed from Mao to "Kukai". 

When Kukai realized, there was a vast sky and sea in front of him.
Kukai is the founder of Shingon Buddhism, Esoteric Buddhism. He studied Nestorian Christianity as well as Esoteric Buddhism in China. As for Nestorian Christianity, it was the first Christianity introduced to China, and was introduced by the Iranian people. 

Kukai's life is diverse, in addition to the Grand Master who spread Buddhist teachings, medical doctor, scholar, poet, calligrapher, engineer, artist. His presence is also the theme of my life.

Experience with the help of Venus

When I was in trouble, when I was sad, I asked Venus. Mysteriously, I was able to receive inspiration. For example, when my second daughter had a skin problem, the advice I received from Venus was to massage her with evening primrose oil. That way, I was really able to cure it. Moreover, even whenever I am in trouble alone, Venus shines brightly and encourages me. 

Venus, which has been regarded as a special planet since ancient times in the World

In Europe, Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, has become the name for Venus,  which is more brilliant than anything else.

In Christianity, the Latin word "Lucifer," which means "the one who brings the light," and thus the morning star (Venus), is the only highest-ranked person who serves God because of its overwhelming light and nobility. It was given as the name of an angel (and the general commander of a fallen angel who later fell into the darkness of hell).

In Revelation 22: 16b, 20, Jesus is called the "shining morning star." (Though I do not understand "Lucifer" as Satan actually.)

In astrology, it is the dominant star of Taurus and Libra, and is a good star for wives, property, love, and art.

In harmony with the planets synchronize with good luck waves


Seeing Venus in the morning is an easy divine experience. By that, enjoy a graceful feeling all day long. It has long been a special star in the world.


When Yin Reaches its Peak, it will Begin to Transform into Yang.

Thinking of the gods of old

In Japanese mythology, there is a scene where the old gods give up their country to the new gods. It's so metaphorical that we don't know exactly when and how the old gods of Izumo were replaced by the new gods on Amaterasu's side. Was it military force that was the deciding factor? It is said that the chief of the old gods of Izumo, Okuninushi, ceded the country in order not to sacrifice his allies.

The last two thousand years of human history have been a series of wars. Poverty, environmental destruction, and inequality have been rampant. We have sacrificed too much. Enough is enough. 

In modern times, the property rights system of capitalist society has caused the indigenous peoples who are ignorant of the property rights system to lose their culture and livelihoods. How are the old gods doing now?

When Hawaii ceased to be a Hawaiian country, what happened?

Hanauma Bay, Hawaii

Hawaii is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. It has an ancient history of respecting nature, finding gods in nature, and living in harmony with nature. This is very similar to the "polytheism" of old Japan, where people believed in many gods. Perhaps because of such similarities, there is a branch of Izumo Taisha in Hawaii.

Events in Hawaii, also known as the Blount Report, is a collection of material on the history of Hawaii, focusing on the events leading up to the disappearance of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

First, the United States recognized Hawaii as an independent kingdom in 1842.

Next, in 1845, Hawaii changed its traditional land ownership system to allow non-Hawaiians to purchase land. As a result, by the 1890s, foreigners owned 90 percent of the land.

Queen Liliuokalani (1838-1917) attempted to regain the power that had been stripped from the monarchy. However, it was no longer the Hawaiians who owned the land in Hawaii, but the majority of Americans and Europeans who owned the land in Hawaii. They rebelled against the Queen and planned to have the Hawaiian Islands annexed by the United States.

Ultimately, Hawaii became a territory of the United States by a resolution of both houses of Congress signed by President William McKinley on July 7, 1898.

On August 21, 1959, Hawaii was established as the 50th state. Every resident of Hawaii became a citizen of the United States of America.

Where on earth we are getting for now?

The changing of the times may be a supernatural fluctuation that transcends personal right and wrong. 

The history of conquest began at some point in antiquity. Was it fear that drove the desire to conquer? The number of conquered peoples, land, gold, cash, etc., the objects of accumulation changed over time. 

But will the disparity continue to grow in the future? If this continues, the human race on earth will die out. Has the world now reached its limits? 

Intuitively, I am convinced that times are starting to head in the right direction for all of us. We are now at a great crossroads. 

From now on, like the pendulum swinging backwards, we will continue on our path to equality and peace. A new era, the Age of Aquarius, has begun. So structures that allow some people to gain wealth at the expense of the well-being of others will no longer exist. When yin reaches its peak, it will begin to transform into yang. I pray that the old gods will be restored. 

It's time to balance


The last 2000 years have been a history of increasing poverty and environmental destruction. It has already reached its peak. So now return to Nature.


May the Force Be With You

May the Force be with you

"May the Force be with you" is a line from the movie, Star Wars. I understand that the Force is like the essence of the universe beyond human knowledge. No matter how advanced AI is, it will never be suitable for the Force.

The Milky Way seems to awaken the truth beyond human knowledge

Nature's network system is perfect.

One morning, I found a red dragonfly on my balcony. Nowadays, red dragonflies are a rare insect. Strangely enough, the same day at noon, my mother went to visit the family's grave and saw a red dragonfly. I happened to hear about it from her over the phone. 

a red dragonfly

It was Autumnal Equinox Day, which has long been considered to be the day when 'the other world and this world are closest together'. It is said that the other side, the other world, is on the west side of the Sanzu River and this world is on the east side. On the Equinox and Autumnal Equinoxes, the sun rises in the true east and sets in the true west. The red dragonfly was synchronicity. 

Synchronicity is a concept proposed by Carl Jung (1875-1961) and refers to "a meaningful coincidence". Synchronicity proves that the accuracy of Nature's network is perfect. 

If you received a call from someone you were planning to contact and met someone you wanted to meet. Such a coincidence is not actually a coincidence. It's the Nature's network system at work. 

Nature's network system

It is vastly more vast and highly accurate than today's internet and operating systems. On the contrary, no matter how much scheming is done, it often fails to work.

Backlash from social distortions

The force acts like a pendulum towards the center. Social distortions are unnatural. What was previously hidden has been brought to light as a social problem. That's because they are unnatural. 

The greater the distortion, the greater the repercussions for correction will be. The heavenly network system is immeasurable by human knowledge. The greater the distortions that have been made, the more turbulent the society will become. 

But as long as we live the way of nature, we have nothing to fear.

Calm the turbulence

Live in natural fluctuations: Even if there is some fluctuation, it should be natural.

Even the mighty Roman Empire was destroyed. Thus, we see in history a pattern of prosperity and then decline of power. 

If it is in accordance with nature, it may have some ups and downs, but it will last. It's tenacious in the long run.

If it goes against nature, it will be punished by nature. 

Punishment can come in many forms. In order to live in a way that you will not be punished by nature, you must not do unnatural acts. 

There are many different types of unnatural acts. Unjust accumulation of wealth, murder, lack of sleep, excessive patience, obsession, greed, etc. It is not good to be too stingy and not enjoy the services provided by others. So it's more natural to pay for a service that others are good at and help in moderation, as a money stream. Unnatural endurance can lead to illness and even more medical expenses. 

Therefore, it should be natural, even if there are some fluctuations. It's simple, but long breaths and sun exposure can be useful ways to restore nature.

Live in natural fluctuations

Nature in us

Nature is in our own hearts. Live honestly with the nature within you. If you have a gut feeling that you don't like it, quit. 

After experiencing many failures, I now, strangely enough, these days I have no competitive spirit, no attachment to power and authority, no pyramidal structure to fit into, no diligence to be appreciated, no obsession with being better than others. 

Instead, here's what I value: 
  • Live life on my own axis.
  • Choose my own standards.
  • Designing my personality as a value.
Values will become more and more diverse in the future. Above all, each individual will be required to value nature. It is the responsibility of each individual to do so.

value nature


If it is in harmony with nature, it will last even if there are some ups and downs. If it is too unnatural, it will be ruined. So may the Force be with you.


Paris Hilton's Confession & Trauma from the age of Pisces

Paris Hilton's Confession of Her boarding School Experience

Trauma can be seen in the moon constellation?

Paris Hilton says she was abused at boarding school as a teen in new documentary. I was surprised by such Paris Hilton's confession. I hope you will watch her official video.   

The Truth Story of Paris Hilton ‘This is Paris’ Official Documentary

Such terrible treatment can never be tolerated. I salute her for her courageous actions. I also pray that other children in the same situation will be saved. By nature, people are equal. However, some authority, hierarchy, traditional mindset, etc. distorts that. 

Some people say that trauma is known by the moon constellation, but I think many traumas come from the age of Pisces which stands for authority, hierarchy, traditional mindset, etc. So that is the age of Pisces that has been going on for the past 2000 years. Now it is coming to an end. And now we are entering the Age of Aquarius. 

Good luck with Paris, a pioneer in the Age of Aquarius!

Why schools are dehumanizing

Schools were seen as closed communities and prone to unreasonable occurrences. Modern education in Japan began with the school system, which was promulgated in August 1872. According to that system, schools are places where people learn things that help them become self-reliant. This "foundation of one's standing" education in Japan is based on the voluntary participation of the people and the sharing of the cost of education by the beneficiaries. 

School athletic festival

Whether these original intentions are good or bad, I do not expect schools to function. Because schools are notorious for bullying, unreasonable curricula and teachers' negative impact on students. In the first place, schools constrain students' freedom. 

School class scene

At first glance, schools look like a symbol of children's rights, but in reality they are often deprived of their freedom. For example, students who do not follow the teacher are subject to corporal punishment. When I was a junior high school student, I just forgot my colored pencils and a music teacher hit my ass in a club. My hips were swollen and I couldn't sit in the chair for a few days. Hierarchy and authority seem to take precedence over human rights in schools.

Unreasonable authority and hierarchy are a product of the past.

Unreasonable authority and hierarchy is a product of the old days. Authority is invoked when various hierarchical relationships are established. And unreasonable authority distorts essentially equal relationships and destroys humanity. 

Hierarchical structure

The new Age of Aquarius will be one in which people will communicate with each other as equals. You are who you are. Therefore, you should not inherently allow yourself to be denied being you. Those who are unable to do so, due to trauma, would do well to settle for a product of the past.

Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku Yamabuki High School, Ideal for the Age of Aquarius.

There is a high school in Tokyo that is worthy of the Age of Aquarius. Established in 1991, Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku Yamabuki High School respects the freedom of students to study. The classes are available from morning to night. The school year lasts up to six years, compared to three years for a normal high school. 

In Japan, students from poor families are struggling to make ends meet. For example, the poverty rate of single-parent households in Japan was 50.8% in 2015.

At the school, students who are willing to learn can work during the day and study at night. Adults who didn't have the opportunity to study in high school can learn there too. 

Some of the students are older than their teachers, which is what makes that school unique. So the teachers don't unreasonably invoke authority over the students. 

Surprisingly, the school also has a nursery. It's for the benefit of the students who are raising their children. 

It would be nice if the whole world could have a standardized school like Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku Yamabuki High School. I chose the school for my daughter. It's one of the few things I am proud of as a mother. Because not as much as Paris Hilton, but I also had a bad experience at school. 

Keep in mind that we have the freedom to choose. 

Keep in mind that we have the freedom to choose. Take good care of yourself even if you are threatened by unreasonable authority. 

Some may say that the old traditional way of thinking is correct. (For example, my mother is one of them.) But think twice. 

We have been accustomed to the bad traditions of the age of Pisces for 2000 years. You are you Taking good care of yourself is the first step. Don't lose sight of yourself. 

The age of Aquarius is that we can regain ourselves.

choose the way you proceed


Unreasonable authority and hierarchical systems are not appropriate for the new Aquarius era. Remove the trauma and have free and equal relationships.


Outside the Rat Race

Overcome meaningless common sense

During the transition to the Age of Aquarius, we are moving from a hierarchical society to a free collaborative network. It's up to each of us to choose whether we will end our lives staying in the old era or leveling up to the new one. 

Which future door to choose ?

People today don't even notice when common sense are unnatural. When they reach school age, the children go to school. In order to acquire even more advanced knowledge, they receive higher education. When they grow up, they become useful to society. 

So what exactly is useful? In a capitalist society, the measure of usefulness is calculated in terms of profit.

Before the establishment of the central government What were people's lifestyles and values like before the establishment of the centralized state? 

Society worked very differently before the emergence of state power than it does today. 

Modern people perceive such a period as barbaric and uncivilized, but is it true? I don't think so. Rather, I believe that freedom, equality and benevolence were more advanced than they are now. In Japan, such a period is the Jomon period (theories, circa 14,000 BC - 10th century BC). There, communities and villages had a cooperative network of communities and villages. There was no hoarding, taxation, exploitation, or wealth. 
Elegant Jomon Lady and a dog

Outside the rat race

It's up to the individual to choose to stay out of the rat race. However, we have become totally tamed in a system of society where state power, exploitation and disparity are created. 

The average Japanese salaryman usually commute on a crowded train for an hour. To get off the rat race, I made a different choice than a regular office worker: I moved to a 5 minute walk from the office. The price of real estate per square meter is 10 times higher than where I used to live. And now I spend most of my income on housing. Moreover, my residence is small. 

But that choice freed me from the crowded commute and gave me more free time. I have more time to spend with my family. It was a generally unthinkable choice, but it was the best choice I could make. Time is precious.

Happiness: The story of a rodent's unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment. 

Life is a choice.

You have more freedom of choice than you think. The complex institutions and structures of our society make it difficult to find creativity. 

By choice, we gradually improve the common sense that we take for granted and put up with to a human-friendly lifestyle. 

So, arouse your creativity. A series of choices can change your life in a very different way. As long as you're alive, there's something you're willing to change.

To die better, live better.

How would you feel if you took your last breath of life while remaining a prisoner of common sense and habit? We were not born to be slaves to the economic system. We have to live better, in truth, to die better. It's not even close to being made to do someone else's will. 

A day is an equal amount of time, 24 hours. Morning comes and night comes. Morning comes again. What we think, how we feel, and how we create during our lifetime is life. Once we join the society, we forget about it. But I would like to be able to go beyond the norm and create as much as possible.


People have more freedom of choice than they think. The way the world works is complicated and hard to recognize, but when you realize it, it's easy.

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