
No Hostility. Beautiful and Peaceful Mind Makes You Happy

Truth suggested by Shinto Round Mirror 

If you go to a Shinto shrine, the temple usually has a round mirror in the back of the middle. What does a round mirror mean? Temples are supposed to have God in them, but they don't have a Buddha image. There are no statues in Shinto shrines. So when you look into God in the shrine, you see your own face in the round mirror. Furthermore, there is no scripture in Shinto. This is because Shinto suggests the truth of the world without the use of words. For example, the mirror suggests the truth of the world. Know thyself, that is.

round mirror

round mirror in a shrine

my home shrine

The Mirror Rule

According to "the Mirror Rule," by Yoshinori Noguchi, life is a mirror that reflects your mind. 

So it is not easy to try to control others or the environment in front of us. We tend to look outside ourselves for problems. But in order to change the environment and others, we need to change our own mind, our subconscious mind, which is the main source of the problem. The environment you are in, the circumstances you are in, how you interact with people and how they treat you, are all part of you. The first step is to take control of your own mind.

Make your mind a world where we are all good friends

The only way to control your own mind is to harmonize everything in your mind. If you ridicule others, even in your mind, you will eventually be ridiculed by others. In other words, the person you ridicule is yourself in your mind. The nasty people you associate with, such as people you don't like, people who are mean, people who are angry, etc., are yourself in your mind. 

Ever since I was a junior high school student, unpleasant guys have appeared on a daily basis. It continued until I was in my mid-40s. Of course, the jerks I met in my teens, 20s, and 30s were different people. But at some point I realized they were the same type. And I realized that they were my own inner beings.

So I envisioned in my mind, with all my emotions, a world where all people were getting along and helping each other. Within a few days, the people around me became very kind to me. Everyone I met smiled at me. When I looked at my face in the mirror in the morning, I saw that my face was smiling at me. I deeply understood that it was best not to make enemies in my heart. Since then, I have been trying to make my heart a world where everyone is good friends and helps each other.

Reconciliation with the inner children

All the happiness and unhappiness that comes into your life comes from within yourself. If the trauma from your childhood remains, it will continue to attract similar situations. If this is the case, the first thing you need to do is realize that the trauma in your mind keeps writing the same script. I have a memory of being kicked out of my home by my mother when I was a child. That memory became an inner child in my mind. She had been writing the script all along and distorting my life. 

For example, it's a story of not being able to stay home in peace. Because of that, I moved frequently after high school. But at some point, I realized that my inner child was there. And I made her understand that she didn't have to worry about anything else. 

Then I was finally able to live in the same place with peace of mind. The painful memories of the past become my inner children. It is important to reconcile with our inner children so that we don't let them distort our lives unconsciously.

Mindlessly cleaning and polishing your insides

My recommendation for cleaning your mind is to clean your room. For example, when I encounter difficulties, I clean my room for long periods of time, mindlessly, because I know that a clear mind makes the environment comfortable. 

Even though I know that a clear mind makes the environment more comfortable, it is actually difficult to do so. Moreover, in such times, thinking and worrying about it often clouds the mind instead. 

So one of the most effective things you can do at such times is to clean your room. I clean the mirror, polish the metal pipes in the bathroom, wipe the floor and many other places. In addition, I throw out anything that I haven't used in over a year. This gives me a good idea and improves the outside environment and solves the problem. 

For example, in the summer of my senior year of college, when I was looking for a job, I had five interviews with five companies in a row, and I didn't get any job offers. That's when I started wiping the floor. Eventually, my worries left me and my attention was focused solely on cleaning. Then the phone rang and I received a job offer. How did the situation improve in this way? It's because my mind was in tune with a brighter future. 

When you try to change your mind and it doesn't work, I recommend that you try to clean out your room.


When things don't work out, check your mind for enemies and traumas nestled in it. Make your mind a beautiful and peaceful world. Cleaning your room is a great way to clean out your mind.

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