
Fluctuations Between Possibility and Reality

Encounter with Another possible world

It would be fantastic if we could control another possible world. Of course, for a peaceful and prosperous world. 

On August 1, 2020, I and my two daughters saw the same another possible world. It was a sight that my favorite restaurant was closed. We were sorry: in the restaurant industry, many stores have recently gone bankrupt due to the new coronavirus. 

But the next moment, the restaurant was opening as usual. All three of us had the same illusion. By this, I understand that possible worlds are not assertive. 

We saw the store's fluctuations between possibility and reality. 

On the flip side, I'm convinced there is room to control another possible world. Of course, for a peaceful and prosperous world.

Flexible and soft reality

There is no solid real world. 

I think the reality is flexible and soft. Besides, it can be said that the real world is not solid, everything is vibration. 

Even the appearance is different depending on the observer. 

For example, the world is black and white for dogs. 

Even with the same observer, the world changes depending on what he sees and what he looks at. 

Even weight is one-sixth in a low gravity month. 

So the reality is flexible and soft. 

And, in the real world, there are adjacent fluctuations between possibility and reality.

Seeing the ideal reality in the possibilities

I think that what one really desires is that it can happen. 

In other words, I think that the world you want already exists on the invisible dimension. 

To put it another way, the world we can imagine is likely to come true.

Therefore, the following two points are shortcuts to happiness:
  • Picking up the ideal reality from various possibilities, and
  • Looking at it with a relaxed feeling

Enjoy the ideal reality, habitually

Some people are customarily good at enjoying the ideal reality. 

Such people are always cheerful and straightforward. Moreover, they are lucky. 

In human knowledge, such a causal relationship is immeasurable. It doesn't seem to have a direct causal connection, but the following three points are great for happiness:
  1. Small meal,
  2. Cleaning, and
  3. Meditation
Practicing the above three points on a daily basis eliminates the negative habits of the mind. 

And from various possibilities, it makes it easy to pick up and see the ideal reality. And every day comes with peace and abundance.

Regarding small meals

Mizuno Namboku (1760 to 1834) advocated the theory that fate can be improved by eating little food. 

Regarding cleaning

Interior advice based on Feng Shui also say that it is good for good luck by maximizing your space and harmonizing your environment. If you organize the environment around you, your thoughts will become clear. 

Regarding Meditation 

Meditation is useful in terms of cognitive control, emotional control, and positive thinking, as can be inferred from the practice of many power elites. 

Why not make use of meditation to make your life more meaningful? 

I feel that the real world has become so flexible and happy that I have grown accustomed to waking up and meditating before going to bed.


We live in the fluctuation between possibility and reality.

For happiness see the real world as flexible by small meals, cleaning, and meditation. 


 “Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit,” Nikolajs Hartmanis(1882-1950) ,1938

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