
Tips for Fortune Suggested by Shrine Mirrors

Shrine mirrors suggest God we encounter deep in our inner consciousness

There are no god statues at shinto shrines. Instead, there is a round mirror in a shrine. 

So in that mirror you see your own face, not the deity.

Once at a shrine, I saw my face in the mirror and experienced the wonders of this world.  And I was impressed by the idea of ​​the ancients. 

What they wanted to pass on to posterity is, in the end, God will appear when we deepen our inner consciousness. 

And we will find that the God who appeared is ourselves. Thus, in Shinto, people approach God.

Fortunate life depends on where you focus your attention

Fortunate life depends on where you turn your "consciousness". Then, the situation in the world changes according to the direction of consciousness.

Don't confuse "consciousness" with "thinking."  Being conscious is not the same as the will to forcefully change the surroundings. This is because "consciousness" and "thinking" are two different things.  It is the consciousness, not the will to forcefully change the surroundings that can change the surroundings into a desirable world.  

So if you can control your "consciousness," you can transform your surroundings as you wish.  That is, your soul goes where you are aware, and the world around you changes accordingly.

Therefore, controlling "consciousness" is the essence of happiness. 

So the first step is to be aware of what you are aware of.  Once you can control your "consciousness," your life becomes more comfortable.

Tips to control "Awareness" 

If you can control what you are aware of, you can make your life more comfortable. So how can we do that? Here are some tips for controlling what you're aware of:

  • Focus on a fascinating future
  • Focus on your breathing (especially exhaling)
  • Write your thoughts in a notebook and check your thoughts

Why don't you try to do the things you can while arranging the above?

The secret to entrust to the subconscious

The ultimate ideal way of life is to leave it to the subconscious. 

The subconscious here is not the consciousness of others, but our own deep consciousness, which is God. 

Subconsciousness works on everything we are aware of. For example, if you wake up in the morning and feel the gratitude of having a new day, it will be a wonderful day. 

On the contrary, if you feel uncomfortable from the morning, something unpleasant happens. Using the subconscious is not simple. 

The reason for changing reality is that negative reactions often occur. First, accept as it is. Then, through the dialogue with the subconscious, you will find comfort from them. 

When in good harmony with the subconscious mind, unnatural powers and thoughts disappear, eventually leading you to the desired stage of life.

Do not let the ego rule your mind

To control the subconscious, it is important not to let the ego control the mind. 

The ego is a strong concentration of consciousness. 

Since it is an unnatural force, a reaction occurs. Reactions, even temporary desired outcomes, ultimately result in illness, incompatibility, conflict, and so on. 

So we have to distinguish between ego and harmonious peace. 

Harmonious peace is based on a natural sense. On the other hand, the ego is a selfish force that is separated from harmony. 

We must not let the ego destroy ourselves. 

To keep your mind from being controlled by the ego, you should occasionally relax your brain and body.


Shrine mirrors eventually suggest that God appears when we deepen our inner consciousness. And controlling consciousness is the sign of happiness. 

First, accept as it is. 

And through dialogue with the subconscious you will find harmonious peace in the world around you. 

When in good harmony with the subconscious mind, unnatural powers and thoughts disappear, eventually leading you to the desired stage of life. 

The important thing is to keep a soft subconscious mind, not unnatural concentration.

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