
Seven Points of Theory by Mizuno Namboku (1760-1834): Eat little and Improve Fate

Mizuno Namboku's unique dietary theory is not limited to human thinking, but affects fate.

Mizuno Namboku (1760-1834) is the person who advocated the theory that fate can be improved by eating little food. He was insightful as a genius in reading people's physiognomy.

From a scientific point of view, we are what we eat. 

Source: Better brain health | DW Documentary

Mizuno Namboku's unique dietary theory is not limited to human thinking, but affects fate.

Mizuno Namboku inspired more than 200 years ago a revolutionary idea for Japanese food culture through his thorough human observation. The ultimate conclusion of his view of life is "how humans should live and die.

Here are seven points about his conclusions, the relationship between luck and food:

1. “Small food” centered on grains and vegetables is the best

People get unlucky if they eat wrong. That is, if you eat too much, you will be disproportionately positive and become obese. Also, if you eat unbalanced food, you will be biased in the shadows, and you will lose weight and become malnourished. For that purpose, "small meals" centered on grains and vegetables that are consistently distributed are the best.

2. Obesity reflects on facade, and downfall

Too much fat causes obesity, and a greedy (human) "karma" that is the original of human beings appears, becoming selfish and unlucky. Therefore, his personality is intimidating, arrogant, and arrogant. 

When such a character comes to the surface, it has the implication of falling. It appears in the facade, and when "deep nasolabial folds" flow toward the "corners of mouth," it has the implication of business failure or life depression.

3. Unbalanced diet ruins life

Unbalanced diet leads to malnutrition and a lean body shape (the limbs are thin but the belly is swollen), and the cheek skin is no longer resilient. 

Such people become reluctant, altruistic, overused by others, and have a marked lack of desire, trust, popularity, and independence.

4, Moderate diet is the best

Moderate diet is the best. Therefore, a person's body shape is an ideal body shape with the best middle-medium and medium-height.
well balanced meal

5. Thorough small meals overcome the adverse effects of fate

Generally, it is called "Eat until you're 80 percent full", but this idea warns of overeating by dedicating "20%" to the god and eating the remaining "80%". But even "80 percent full" is over-eating.

Therefore, "Eat until you're 60 percent full" is ideal. The body can move and work even with enough "hermit food".

People who thoroughly eat small meals will not be adversely affected even if they go in an ominous direction. 

That is, such a person will not be adversely affected by fate. 

Those who are affected by fortune-telling and fate studies are either obese or lean. 

Nourishment must take not only food but also clean Qi from nature. This is called “Food and Qi are same origin”.

6. The secret of destiny

A person who adheres to "Food and Qi are same origin" will never be upset by any circumstances. Moreover, such a person can turn disaster into good fortune, weak fortune and good fortune.

7. Breathing method

There is an emphasis on consciousness of the inner part of the lower abdomen, just beneath the navel.

A person who breathes by focusing on the emphasis has a cosmic consciousness established for himself.

Thus, such a person has no boundaries between himself and others, and has a mind and body that are united with nature, and when he approaches a bad direction, the intuition automatically comes in. 

Even if he approaches such a bad place, he is rarely affected. Even if there is a sign of disaster, it can be bounced back without being affected by it because it is protected by the cause of life.

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