
Revitalize Unconscious with Power of the Moon for Fortune

Lucky life focusing on the phases of the moon

The moon affects our unconsciousness. So living along the phases of the moon makes it very easy to get on the lucky rhythm. 

Unnatural light and social time keep us away from natural rhythms. 

Therefore, it is important to be aware and incorporate the phases of the moon into our lives. By living according to the phases of the moon, you can live a more fulfilling life by taking advantage of the power of the moon.

The lunar phase repeats four cycles:
  1. New moon
  2. waxing moon
  3. full moon
  4. waning moon

Life style suitable for each moon phase

Each lunar phase has its own characteristics. Then, with a lifestyle that suits each lunar phase, it will be synchronized with the happy rhythm.

  1. The new moon is a great time to plan and start something.
  2. The waxing moon period is the time to accumulate.
  3. The time of the full moon is the date of achievement and the time of gratitude.
  4. The waning moon is the perfect time to purify excess energy.

Natural life according to each moon phase

If you write the date of the new moon and the day of the full moon in the calendar, you can easily check the moon phase. 

The age of the new moon is 0. The age of the day after the new moon is 1. Therefore, the age of the moon shows how many days have passed since the new moon. 

If the age is around 15, the full moon is reached, and if the number is close to 30, the next new moon is near. 

It takes about 29.5 days to return to the original new moon. Therefore, the cycle from full moon to full moon is 29 days or 30 days. 

Life according to the moon rhythm is in tune with a happy rhythm. Why don't you live along the lunar phase to keep up with the happy rhythm? And let's live a more natural and healthy life.

Decrease your possessions for good luck: Effective during the waning moon

The period from waning moon to the new moon is effective in becoming the person you want to be. Because this time is the best time to purify the extra energy. The specifics are:
  • Detox, body fasting,
  • Cleaning, cleaning
  • Washing,
  • Tidy,
  • Organizing information,
  • Organizing memories,
  • Disposing of presents that do not make you feel happy,
  • Dispose of things that you don't like, etc.

Even if you regularly throw away garbage, various things will accumulate in your house. Therefore, you have to consciously take action to throw away unnecessary things and feel refreshed. And it is the waning moon period that is effective in doing that. The room is clean and the consciousness becomes clearer. And it also reduces the accumulation of waste.

Unwanted things are taking away your precious time, space and energy

Unwanted objects around you rob you of your time, space and energy without your realizing it. Moreover, the environment around you is a projection of your interior. 

So cleaning up clears your thoughts. Moreover, organizing things will change your life. This is a very effective way for a lucky life. 

Reducing unnecessary things is also regaining your true self. 

Living just surrounded by what you need is very pleasant. Especially when it comes to the new moon, the power to let go of extra things increases day by day. 

Take action with the help of this month. If you throw away things you don't need or don't use, the air flow in your living space will improve.

In the new moon, spend a clear state of mind and body

The new moon is the beginning of zero age. Prepare for the new moon with a clear feeling. 

The new moon is sacred. During this time, it is recommended that you have time to face your heart. 

It is also suitable for planning to improve the lifestyle with a clean feeling, with a focus on the phases of the moon.


Being natural is also important, so keep the following in mind when incorporating the phases of the moon into your life:
  • It is also important that you are naturally comfortable.
  • With a natural body that matches the "rhythm of the moon"
  • It is counterproductive to rush and work hard.
  • Don't throw away what you regret later.
  • Let's also set up a "day without having to clean up".


Let's live a more natural life by incorporating a life that focuses on the phases of the moon. As you approach the new moon, the power to let go of extra things increases day by day. With the help of this month, let's clean up unnecessary things around you. This will enrich your time, space and energy. However, don't overdo it. Let's acquire the ideal life by nature according to the rhythm of the moon.

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