
Plain Living and High Thinking as Your Principle of Life

Plain Living and High Thinking

In times of rapid change, it is good to have a principle and a motto. 

I recommend to have a principle of life, plain living and high thinking. 

This principle is almighty. 

Whatever happens in the real world, it has shown me what action to take. 

There is a nice Japanese idiomatic phrase that combines "plain living" and "high thinking". 

"yu u zu u mu ge"

This is also my favorite motto. 

In this phrase, "yu u zu u" means "being flexible." 

On the other hand, mu ge means unobstructed.

"Yu u zu u mu ge" has various interpretations as follows:

  • Great flexibility and no obstruction exist at all on the behavior.
  • Mutually communicate heterogeneity without any obstacles.
  • Things go smoothly without any obstacles.
  •  Don't stick to one way of thinking, see things freely and deal with them better.

Either way, it teaches us that flexibility matters. 

I am convinced that there is real freedom beyond reason. To do so,

Therefore, I want to value the flexible sensibility that makes it possible.


"Serendipity" suggests that sensitivity is more important than reason 

The force of seizing the chance of good luck is known as "serendipity." 

Serendipity is essentially the same as "yu u zu u mu ge". 

Many scientists and artists prefer this phrase though, "serendipity" is also beneficial to the general public. 

The origin of "serendipity is "The Three Princes of Serendip,'' an old Persian fairy tale dating back over a thousand years.

The point is that if we use our sensibilities every day, there will be unexpected new discoveries other than those predicted, and they will become important in the future. 

If many people exercise their serendipity and generate unexpected ideas and discoveries, it may be possible to create a happier society than expected.


Practice of Plain Living and High Thinking 

The practice of Plain Living and High Thinking is to stop habitual reactions. 

Make sure you don't get involved in messy relationships. This practice is also effective in helping the four families live together. 

Changes in lifestyles due to coronasWe live in urban areas and our living space is more compact than in rural areas, so it is difficult to secure a private space. Finally my two children started a quarrel. 

I tried not to get involved in this messy relationship. 

In front of their serious quarrel, I took a deep breath and intuitively understood what I was supposed to do. I didn't stop the quarrel directly. 

Following my intuition, I began to throw away unnecessary things. Then, I cleaned up and started to create a space. 


In the process, I found foods near their expiration date and used them to cook. 

In the meantime, we invited them and enjoyed the dishes they cooked one by one. Mysteriously, when the living space was prepared, a smiley communication occurred to them.  That is synchronicity. A dynamic absolute harmony, often appears in front of us as synchronicity. 

I realized that the living space was being purified. I worked 100% positively for absolute harmony, even near the battle. 


Plain living and high thinking is a useful principle in a chaotic and rapidly changing world. The practice of this principle requires both flexibility and not losing sight of yourself. In particular, to keep your mind peaceful even if conflicts occur around you. Let's flexibly follow the path of absolute harmony without being bound by reason. There is nothing else.

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