
Age of Aquarius: Key Concepts for Great Transition from Age of Pisces

Great Transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius: where we go heading for?

With the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, our values ​​are bound to change. 

The Age of Pisces lasted 2,000 years. The structure of our society has been built on the Age of Pisces. 

But now we are at a turning point from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. 

The Age of Pisces is, as symbolized by two fish moving in different directions, with their tails tied together. 

In other words, there is a conflict structure. 


On the other hand, the keywords of the Age of Aquarius are "transformation", "invention", "technology", "freedom", "individualization", "network", "information", etc. 

Social transformation based on these keywords will respond to changes in collective consciousness. 

The following are the keywords for adapting to the times:
  • From "management" to "stewardship"
  • From "hierarchy" to "networks"
  • From "strategy" to "harmony"

From "management" to "stewardship"

What does "management" mean to "stewardship"? “Management” is now a common concept and is like an organizational management strategy. 

On the other hand, it may seem strange that "stewardship" replaces "management." 

However, "stewardship" is considered to become the basis for organizing an organization in the Age of Aquarius. 

The noun "steward" means "housekeeper" and the noun "ship" means "quality". 

"Stewardship" means "asset management" with the nuance of "quality that a house manager should have".

“Stewardship” is more proactive and comprehensive than “management” in that it is responsible for the resources shared by all living things on earth. 

We don't own any part of the earth, we have a stewardship, a fiduciary responsibility to manage what we hold. So in the Age of Aquarius, the concept of ownership may disappear.

From "hierarchy" to "networks"

A “hierarchy” is an organizational structure that is convenient for a small number to efficiently control the large number. 

But this structure creates differentiation, disparity, and rich and poor. 

The limits have come to many hierarchical, rigid tissues. 

As if it had been planned, the IT information revolution in a timely manner is accelerating the shift from "hierarchy" to "networks." 

Every organization will be individualized and purposed based on "networks". 

After all, the Age of Aquarius is matched by a flat organization "networks" where freedom and individuality are respected. 

Individuals will become the mainstream in the future by building networks and relationships of trust with like-minded people. 

From "strategy" to "harmony" at Anthropocene

The Age of Pisces was an age that emphasized superiority in superior strategy. 

And for the 2,000 years of the Age of Pisces, every mechanism has been streamlined with excellent strategy. 

However, the earth is now at risk of environmental destruction and destruction by highly developed scientific weapons. 

The Earth is now considered to be in the geological era division of "Anthropocene". Paul Jozef Crutzen (1933-), Nobel laureate, atmospheric chemist, popularized the term "Anthropocene'' to describe a proposed new era when human actions have a drastic effect on the Earth.

The word combines "anthropo," meaning "human" with "cene," meaning "epoch." "Anthropocene" defines Earth's most recent geologic time period as earth system processes are now altered by humans.

At Anthropocene, humankind must not compete with each other. 

The most important thing is not the excellent strategy, but how to harmonize with others.

Past period, Jomon, that should serve as a model for the Age of Aquarius

The past period that should serve as a model for the Age of Aquarius is the Jomon period. 

The Jomon period lasted nearly 20,000 years in an ancient period with requirements for "stewardship", "networks" and "harmony". 

That is the Jomon period. Jomon people had no concept of ownership or class and never had a war. 

Jomon also possessed advanced cosmic knowledge. 

However, it is classified as a "pre-historical period". 

Because "History is written by the victors". For the victors, the conquered past is rewritten for convenience.


We are now at the turning point. In other words, it is a big shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The long 2000 years of the Age of Pisces are over. New age needs new values. They are "stewardship", "networks" and "harmony". We can learn a lot from the peaceful jomon period that has lasted for nearly 20,000 years in humanity. Pay attention to Jomon.

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