
Ancient Model for The Age of Aquarius: Jōmon without Hierarchy 20,000 Years Ago

Age of Aquarius: Model 20,000 years ago is Jōmon, no hierarchy 

Japan's oldest Jōmon lifestyle and values ​​are perfect for the age of Aquarius. 

The modern era has just entered the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces.  This shift makes drastic changes on the world from hierarchy dominant to  individual voluntary networking.  Jōmon lifestyle is exactly like that, i.e., no hierarchy, no ownership and no battle. 

Japanese culture can be traced back to the Jōmon period. The oldest Jōmon pottery is 16,500 years ago.  Therefore, Jōmon period is quite old. 

Jōmon period lasted for nearly 20,000 years in a peaceful and equal society. 

The Jōmon people did not have the concept of land ownership or savings. 

There are various theories about when the age of Aquarius starts, but in any case, the former age, the age of Pisces accounts for most of the history textbooks we know.  And Jōmon is older than the age of Pisces.   

Transformation of Values: From Pisces to Aquarius

Aquarius is symbolized by "the person who carries the water." He is responsible for the fair distribution of wealth and opportunities. In other words, it is a society in which free thinking is allowed while assuming one's role in the whole. The Age of Pisces can be characterized by the evolution of religion, politics, and war based on material restrictions. In contrast, the Age of Aquarius is an era of evolving beyond material limitations. Information spreads beyond the boundaries of religion and politics and spreads to the world in an instant.

image of separation, control and hierarchy

image of network, no hierarchy

Why now is the Age of Aquarius

The idea that the era is divided into 12 constellations and the present is the age of Aquarius originates from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato

He considered history to be circular, and calculated the cycle as 36,000 years. 

According to Margaret E. Hone 2010, "The Modern Text-Book of Astrology Paperback," the constellations and civilizations of each age can be matched:

[The Age of Aries] Aries 2000-B.C.
[The Pisces era] Pisces BC-2000
[The Age of Aquarius] Aquarius Around 2000-4000 AD

The constellations in the direction of the sun each spring equinox orbit the 12 constellations in a cycle of about 25,860 years. 

And the characteristics of civilizations of each era reflect the characteristics of the constellations in the direction of the sun at that time. 

Carl Jung (1875-1961) also explains the great transformation from Pisces to Aquarius (“Collected Works Paperback – Jan. 21 1979” by C. G. Jung (Author), R. F.C. Hull (Translator)).

Fighting domination during the age of Pisces

In the 2000 years, during the age of Pisces, humanity has been devastated by war.  Yuval Noah Harari's online history lecture “A Breif History of Humankind” is the best way to look back on human history during the Pisces era.

The entire lecture is composed of Lesson 01 to Lesson 17 as following video:

The keywords in the age of Pisces

carp in the imperial palace in Tokyo

The keywords in the age of Pisces are
"control," and 

Pisces is a symbol that two fish traveling in the opposite direction are tied with a string. In other words, in the age of Pisces, is the separation of opposing pairs. Those are:
  • mind and body, 
  • spirit and substance, 
  • masculine and femininity, etc.
They are seemingly opposites which are not fused, but separated. 

In addition, the age of Pisces is an era of class society divided into the governing side and the dominated side. Due to the hierarchical structure of the organizational structure, power and financial power, limited people gathered power.

The fundamental values ​​of separation and control during the age of Pisces made "religion" segregated, hostile, and strengthened domination.

In Pisces society, femininity and masculinity are separated. That is, men belong to the company and work for the company, and women contribute for the family.

Thus, 2000 years in the past, the age of Pisces, can be said as a history of battle and is now moving into the age of Aquarius to be free from battles. 

The transition does not switch from one day to another. Human beings gradually transform society and humanity based on collective unconsciousness.

What is like the new age of Aquarius

The keywords in the age of Aquarius are "love", "integration", "harmony", "change", and "equal". 

Aquarius symbolize a boy with a water bottle as Ganymēdēs. He is a beautiful boy in Greek mythology and the only human being to enter the world of God. 

Therefore if you will be a water bottle carrier, i.e., a wealth distributer, you may be closer to God. 

By the way, it is Uranus, the guardian of Aquarius. The keywords that Uranus gives are:
  • Revolution
  • Invention
  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Freedom
In the age of Aquarius, materiality and spirit are fused to create new values ​​that are free and liberated. 

The energy to release the rule and integrate the things that had been separated until now will be strengthened more and more.  Furthermore, the idea of ​​sharing rather than ownership is standardized. 

We can expect the development of cutting-edge technologies that are environmentally friendly. 

The age of Aquarius is also the era of community, in which each person exerts their talents, harmonizes, and works to improve the world. 

And the value is that if the whole community works well, anyone's credit will do. Rather than the upper ones controlling the lower ones, everyone will be equal and the whole society will change to values ​​that respect each other.

Aquarius Lifestyle learn from the Jōmon period

Values ​​in the Aquarius era are similar to those in the Jōmon period. Surprisingly, the Jōmon period lasted nearly 20,000 years.

They had no concept of land ownership, struggle, wealth, or class.

The recent excavation of the Jomon archaeological site has revealed that the Jomon people had a high degree of culture, rather than the primitive people that have been considered so far. 

An excavation survey at the Sannai Maruyama Site in Aomori City, in Japan, has been excavated since 1992.  It revealed the following details of the Jomon period:
  • Even if he did not cultivate rice, he had a stable life of managing and utilizing natural resources such as chestnut forests.
  • We have the technology to make high-quality earthenware with an original design, and that earthenware belongs to the oldest category in the world.
  • Sophisticated items such as elaborate earrings and lacquered combs.
  • More than 20,000 clay figurines whose meanings and uses are still mysterious.
  • A large number of stones were carefully arranged to form a stone circle, where ceremonies were performed in line with the celestial bodies.
  • Jōmon people familiar with the movement of the sun and had already learned the concept of time.

Life in the Jōmon period was peaceful with no fighting. That age continued for nearly 20,000 years. This is amazingly long!!

Suffering caused by the ancient conversion: From the Jōmon period to the Yayoi period

When the transition from the Jōmon period to the Yayoi period took place, Japanese culture and social systems changed significantly. On top of that transformation, the current Japanese society continues.

In the Jōmon period, people had equal relationships based on hunting and gathering. In hunting and gathering, they basically got what they needed at that time. 

Therefore, they did not accumulate their own assets.  On the other hand, in the Yayoi period, people had an agricultural life based on orderly collective actions and plans. In an agricultural society, storing rice caused a gap between rich and poor, and caused competition for land. 

After entering to Yayoi period, the entire society became hierarchical, rationalization was promoted, wealth was concentrated on some people. 

Also, the planet Earth and all living beings that are its inhabitants are being hurt. In other words, now is the high time for reform. 

That is the age of Aquarius.


We have just entered the age of Aquarius, the age of "freedom," "equality," and "transformation" from the 2000 long-standing "separation," "control," and "material" advantages of Pisces. 

Breaking down the hierarchy and wealth sharing will be a major business theme. 

In the transformation, the "water carrier" of the age of Aquarius, Ganymēdēs, who distributes water (water metaphor), will be our targeted role who enters the world of God. 

To know the values ​​of the age of Aquarius rests in Jōmon culture. In other words, we must learn a new way of life from the days of the distorted ancient Utopia.

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