
Age of Aquarius Changes How to Live: Time to Choose Favorite Lifestyle

Age of Aquarius changes how to live

Now is Age of Aquarius. The modern era has just entered the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces.  This shift makes drastic changes on the world from hierarchy dominant to  individual voluntary networking. 

The idea that the era is divided into 12 constellations and the present is the age of Aquarius originates from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato

Age of Aquarius changes how to live. For example, "Workation". 

"Workation" is a coined word that combines “Work” and “Vacation” made in the United States in the 2000s. 

At last in Japan, telework is almost forcibly promoted by the influence of the new coronavirus, and the way of working called "Workation" is beginning to attract attention. 

Especially in the past few days in Japan, "Workation" has been featured in a morning TV program.

"Workation" refers to a type of work where a remote work is also performed in a place where the environment is generally good, such as a resort. 

In other words, it's like going to work even though you're traveling.

Example of Japan Airlines (JAL)

In Japan, Japan Airlines (JAL) started a trial in 2017 and introduced it in the following year.  It was a very early case for a large company. 

Workation days are counted as work days. 

With the introduction of "Workation" , Japan Airlines (JAL) is said to have achieved an improvement in the paid acquisition rate and a reduction in overtime hours. 

Vacation named Workation

In the future, "Workation" may become even more common in Japan, and it may become normal. Of course, there may be some jobs that are difficult to introduce. 

Japanese people do not have the habit of enjoying long stays and vacations.

However, if the "Workation" spreads, the habit of enjoying long-term resort stays may become common.

I also want to stay for a long time in a cozy space where Wi-Fi is maintained while working at a reasonable price. 

I do want to enjoy real vacation like a French. 

There are many secondary merits by "Workation:" easing urban concentration, increasing the rate of paid leave taken, revitalizing regions, etc.

Small is Beautiful

Age of Aquarius may transform lifestyle into mobility, miniaturization, and regional regression. 

Economist E F Schumacher (1911-1977) advocated "Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People mattered" (1973), and "Small is Beautiful" is a slogan for people who seek a new society. It has become as Schumacher anticipates that the 21st century will shift lifestyles, shrink in size, and return to the region. 

Exactly as he predicted, the world system may be reorganized.

Services for using various types of transportation on a monthly basis

If the lifestyle becomes mobile, transportation is indispensable. 

Actually, there is already "Whim" that allows you to use multiple transportation methods such as trains, buses, and taxis with a fixed monthly fee. 

It is now available in Japan, but to a limited extent.


Fusion of home sharing and co-work, ZOKU

Opened in June of this year in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a completely new type of hotel that combines an office and a house, also called "WorkZoku". 

The origin of Zoku is "ka zoku (family)" in Japanese. The concept is that people who stay there and work will form a family-like community.

In addition to each guest's room, Zoku also has a social space where guests can interact with each other. 

Guests can also relax and interact with other guests while having a meal or table tennis.

For people practicing new work styles regardless of time or place, "WorkZoku" must  be an ideal environment. 

If local communities around the world, called Zoku, are connected by lines across national borders, a new global community may be created there. I hope such a society will be realized.


Age of Aquarius transforms our lifestyle. 

As economist E.F. Schumacher has advocated, Small is Beautiful ​​are firmly established to change our lifestyles. 

I want to enjoy a lifestyle that suits me.

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