
8-phonic Mantra for Fortune "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me"

The simplest, deepest 8-phonic mantra for Fortune

The simple 8-phonic mantra is "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me". 

According to Hotsuma Tsutae, the unofficial history of ancient Japan, the sons of the founding god, Kunitokotachi, were eight gods. 

These 8 gods correspond to the 8 phonemes in Japanese, "to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," and "me." 

"To ho ka mi ye hi ta me" is a list of the initials of the eight gods. Therefore, chanting these eight phonemes has a special meaning.

Good words invite a good future

Since ancient times, in Japan, it has been thought that "words = events" and that "good words cause a good future, and bad words cause disaster." 

In other words, the words that people speak have energy. Words connect this world and that world.

48 Japanese phonemes and cosmic power

Each of the 48 Japanese phonemes is unique. Those 48 phonemes are in Japanese based on vowels, also affects the structure of the brain. So the mantra is to carefully sing all of the phonemes. 

And to recognize your voice firmly within yourself. 

If you chanted the mantra, you will feel the mysterious power of each phoneme, its vocalization into the space, and the feeling that they surround you.

Only human beings can clearly pronounce each phoneme.

I think that the spiritual power and mysterious function of phonology may be felt in some of the purposes born as human beings in this world. This is because human beings can clearly pronounce each phoneme. 

By phoning the phonology, we feel that the place where we invite God and that we recite becomes a sacred space. 

If you can communicate with the transcendental spiritual energy, you will be extremely happy.

"To ho ka mi ye hi ta me" and the seat map of the heavenly god "hutomani"

According to Hotsuma Tsutae, "hutomani" is a seat map of the god of heaven. A "hutomani" is a circle of five different sizes that overlap at the same center point.

The center circle contains three figures. The three figures mean "a" heaven, God's first breath "u" and earth "wa". 

And, they correspond to the three phonemes of "a wa u". 

They are also God Amemiwoya of the creation of the universe.

8 Phonological mantra and protection from the latent world

Eight figures surrounding the central circle correspond to eight phonemes "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me". 

The eight sons of Kunitokotachi, representing the eight gods. Then, chanting these eight phonemes, "to", "ho", "ka", "mi", "ye", "hi", "ta", and "me" in order, you can draw an octagonal star on this seat. 

When you draw "to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," and "me," the star is drawn counterclockwise on the "Hutomani" diagram. 

This means a lot. Because,  counterclockwise means the latent world.  In other words, by repeatedly chanting "to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," and "me," your unconsciousness connects with your guardian deity of the latent world.

imagine to face the mirror that reflects your higher self in light who protect you

8 Phonological mantra,
"to," "ho," "ka," "mi," "ye," "hi," "ta," "me,"
on the Hutomani

Points to keep in mind when chanting the mantra

This mantra is very sacred. The followings are points to keep in mind when chanting the mantra:
  1. prepare your breath and calm down
  2. imagine the shining star, "to ho ka mi ye hi ta me," the octagonal star god, in the "hutomani" 
  3. Imagine connecting with your guardian deity in the light 

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