
Age of Aquarius Changes How to Live: Time to Choose Favorite Lifestyle

Age of Aquarius changes how to live

Now is Age of Aquarius. The modern era has just entered the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces.  This shift makes drastic changes on the world from hierarchy dominant to  individual voluntary networking. 

The idea that the era is divided into 12 constellations and the present is the age of Aquarius originates from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato

Age of Aquarius changes how to live. For example, "Workation". 

"Workation" is a coined word that combines “Work” and “Vacation” made in the United States in the 2000s. 

At last in Japan, telework is almost forcibly promoted by the influence of the new coronavirus, and the way of working called "Workation" is beginning to attract attention. 

Especially in the past few days in Japan, "Workation" has been featured in a morning TV program.

"Workation" refers to a type of work where a remote work is also performed in a place where the environment is generally good, such as a resort. 

In other words, it's like going to work even though you're traveling.

Example of Japan Airlines (JAL)

In Japan, Japan Airlines (JAL) started a trial in 2017 and introduced it in the following year.  It was a very early case for a large company. 

Workation days are counted as work days. 

With the introduction of "Workation" , Japan Airlines (JAL) is said to have achieved an improvement in the paid acquisition rate and a reduction in overtime hours. 

Vacation named Workation

In the future, "Workation" may become even more common in Japan, and it may become normal. Of course, there may be some jobs that are difficult to introduce. 

Japanese people do not have the habit of enjoying long stays and vacations.

However, if the "Workation" spreads, the habit of enjoying long-term resort stays may become common.

I also want to stay for a long time in a cozy space where Wi-Fi is maintained while working at a reasonable price. 

I do want to enjoy real vacation like a French. 

There are many secondary merits by "Workation:" easing urban concentration, increasing the rate of paid leave taken, revitalizing regions, etc.

Small is Beautiful

Age of Aquarius may transform lifestyle into mobility, miniaturization, and regional regression. 

Economist E F Schumacher (1911-1977) advocated "Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People mattered" (1973), and "Small is Beautiful" is a slogan for people who seek a new society. It has become as Schumacher anticipates that the 21st century will shift lifestyles, shrink in size, and return to the region. 

Exactly as he predicted, the world system may be reorganized.

Services for using various types of transportation on a monthly basis

If the lifestyle becomes mobile, transportation is indispensable. 

Actually, there is already "Whim" that allows you to use multiple transportation methods such as trains, buses, and taxis with a fixed monthly fee. 

It is now available in Japan, but to a limited extent.


Fusion of home sharing and co-work, ZOKU

Opened in June of this year in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a completely new type of hotel that combines an office and a house, also called "WorkZoku". 

The origin of Zoku is "ka zoku (family)" in Japanese. The concept is that people who stay there and work will form a family-like community.

In addition to each guest's room, Zoku also has a social space where guests can interact with each other. 

Guests can also relax and interact with other guests while having a meal or table tennis.

For people practicing new work styles regardless of time or place, "WorkZoku" must  be an ideal environment. 

If local communities around the world, called Zoku, are connected by lines across national borders, a new global community may be created there. I hope such a society will be realized.


Age of Aquarius transforms our lifestyle. 

As economist E.F. Schumacher has advocated, Small is Beautiful ​​are firmly established to change our lifestyles. 

I want to enjoy a lifestyle that suits me.


Age of Aquarius: Key Concepts for Great Transition from Age of Pisces

Great Transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius: where we go heading for?

With the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, our values ​​are bound to change. 

The Age of Pisces lasted 2,000 years. The structure of our society has been built on the Age of Pisces. 

But now we are at a turning point from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. 

The Age of Pisces is, as symbolized by two fish moving in different directions, with their tails tied together. 

In other words, there is a conflict structure. 


On the other hand, the keywords of the Age of Aquarius are "transformation", "invention", "technology", "freedom", "individualization", "network", "information", etc. 

Social transformation based on these keywords will respond to changes in collective consciousness. 

The following are the keywords for adapting to the times:
  • From "management" to "stewardship"
  • From "hierarchy" to "networks"
  • From "strategy" to "harmony"

From "management" to "stewardship"

What does "management" mean to "stewardship"? “Management” is now a common concept and is like an organizational management strategy. 

On the other hand, it may seem strange that "stewardship" replaces "management." 

However, "stewardship" is considered to become the basis for organizing an organization in the Age of Aquarius. 

The noun "steward" means "housekeeper" and the noun "ship" means "quality". 

"Stewardship" means "asset management" with the nuance of "quality that a house manager should have".

“Stewardship” is more proactive and comprehensive than “management” in that it is responsible for the resources shared by all living things on earth. 

We don't own any part of the earth, we have a stewardship, a fiduciary responsibility to manage what we hold. So in the Age of Aquarius, the concept of ownership may disappear.

From "hierarchy" to "networks"

A “hierarchy” is an organizational structure that is convenient for a small number to efficiently control the large number. 

But this structure creates differentiation, disparity, and rich and poor. 

The limits have come to many hierarchical, rigid tissues. 

As if it had been planned, the IT information revolution in a timely manner is accelerating the shift from "hierarchy" to "networks." 

Every organization will be individualized and purposed based on "networks". 

After all, the Age of Aquarius is matched by a flat organization "networks" where freedom and individuality are respected. 

Individuals will become the mainstream in the future by building networks and relationships of trust with like-minded people. 

From "strategy" to "harmony" at Anthropocene

The Age of Pisces was an age that emphasized superiority in superior strategy. 

And for the 2,000 years of the Age of Pisces, every mechanism has been streamlined with excellent strategy. 

However, the earth is now at risk of environmental destruction and destruction by highly developed scientific weapons. 

The Earth is now considered to be in the geological era division of "Anthropocene". Paul Jozef Crutzen (1933-), Nobel laureate, atmospheric chemist, popularized the term "Anthropocene'' to describe a proposed new era when human actions have a drastic effect on the Earth.

The word combines "anthropo," meaning "human" with "cene," meaning "epoch." "Anthropocene" defines Earth's most recent geologic time period as earth system processes are now altered by humans.

At Anthropocene, humankind must not compete with each other. 

The most important thing is not the excellent strategy, but how to harmonize with others.

Past period, Jomon, that should serve as a model for the Age of Aquarius

The past period that should serve as a model for the Age of Aquarius is the Jomon period. 

The Jomon period lasted nearly 20,000 years in an ancient period with requirements for "stewardship", "networks" and "harmony". 

That is the Jomon period. Jomon people had no concept of ownership or class and never had a war. 

Jomon also possessed advanced cosmic knowledge. 

However, it is classified as a "pre-historical period". 

Because "History is written by the victors". For the victors, the conquered past is rewritten for convenience.


We are now at the turning point. In other words, it is a big shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The long 2000 years of the Age of Pisces are over. New age needs new values. They are "stewardship", "networks" and "harmony". We can learn a lot from the peaceful jomon period that has lasted for nearly 20,000 years in humanity. Pay attention to Jomon.


Seven Points of Theory by Mizuno Namboku (1760-1834): Eat little and Improve Fate

Mizuno Namboku's unique dietary theory is not limited to human thinking, but affects fate.

Mizuno Namboku (1760-1834) is the person who advocated the theory that fate can be improved by eating little food. He was insightful as a genius in reading people's physiognomy.

From a scientific point of view, we are what we eat. 

Source: Better brain health | DW Documentary

Mizuno Namboku's unique dietary theory is not limited to human thinking, but affects fate.

Mizuno Namboku inspired more than 200 years ago a revolutionary idea for Japanese food culture through his thorough human observation. The ultimate conclusion of his view of life is "how humans should live and die.

Here are seven points about his conclusions, the relationship between luck and food:

1. “Small food” centered on grains and vegetables is the best

People get unlucky if they eat wrong. That is, if you eat too much, you will be disproportionately positive and become obese. Also, if you eat unbalanced food, you will be biased in the shadows, and you will lose weight and become malnourished. For that purpose, "small meals" centered on grains and vegetables that are consistently distributed are the best.

2. Obesity reflects on facade, and downfall

Too much fat causes obesity, and a greedy (human) "karma" that is the original of human beings appears, becoming selfish and unlucky. Therefore, his personality is intimidating, arrogant, and arrogant. 

When such a character comes to the surface, it has the implication of falling. It appears in the facade, and when "deep nasolabial folds" flow toward the "corners of mouth," it has the implication of business failure or life depression.

3. Unbalanced diet ruins life

Unbalanced diet leads to malnutrition and a lean body shape (the limbs are thin but the belly is swollen), and the cheek skin is no longer resilient. 

Such people become reluctant, altruistic, overused by others, and have a marked lack of desire, trust, popularity, and independence.

4, Moderate diet is the best

Moderate diet is the best. Therefore, a person's body shape is an ideal body shape with the best middle-medium and medium-height.
well balanced meal

5. Thorough small meals overcome the adverse effects of fate

Generally, it is called "Eat until you're 80 percent full", but this idea warns of overeating by dedicating "20%" to the god and eating the remaining "80%". But even "80 percent full" is over-eating.

Therefore, "Eat until you're 60 percent full" is ideal. The body can move and work even with enough "hermit food".

People who thoroughly eat small meals will not be adversely affected even if they go in an ominous direction. 

That is, such a person will not be adversely affected by fate. 

Those who are affected by fortune-telling and fate studies are either obese or lean. 

Nourishment must take not only food but also clean Qi from nature. This is called “Food and Qi are same origin”.

6. The secret of destiny

A person who adheres to "Food and Qi are same origin" will never be upset by any circumstances. Moreover, such a person can turn disaster into good fortune, weak fortune and good fortune.

7. Breathing method

There is an emphasis on consciousness of the inner part of the lower abdomen, just beneath the navel.

A person who breathes by focusing on the emphasis has a cosmic consciousness established for himself.

Thus, such a person has no boundaries between himself and others, and has a mind and body that are united with nature, and when he approaches a bad direction, the intuition automatically comes in. 

Even if he approaches such a bad place, he is rarely affected. Even if there is a sign of disaster, it can be bounced back without being affected by it because it is protected by the cause of life.


Ancient Model for The Age of Aquarius: Jōmon without Hierarchy 20,000 Years Ago

Age of Aquarius: Model 20,000 years ago is Jōmon, no hierarchy 

Japan's oldest Jōmon lifestyle and values ​​are perfect for the age of Aquarius. 

The modern era has just entered the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces.  This shift makes drastic changes on the world from hierarchy dominant to  individual voluntary networking.  Jōmon lifestyle is exactly like that, i.e., no hierarchy, no ownership and no battle. 

Japanese culture can be traced back to the Jōmon period. The oldest Jōmon pottery is 16,500 years ago.  Therefore, Jōmon period is quite old. 

Jōmon period lasted for nearly 20,000 years in a peaceful and equal society. 

The Jōmon people did not have the concept of land ownership or savings. 

There are various theories about when the age of Aquarius starts, but in any case, the former age, the age of Pisces accounts for most of the history textbooks we know.  And Jōmon is older than the age of Pisces.   

Transformation of Values: From Pisces to Aquarius

Aquarius is symbolized by "the person who carries the water." He is responsible for the fair distribution of wealth and opportunities. In other words, it is a society in which free thinking is allowed while assuming one's role in the whole. The Age of Pisces can be characterized by the evolution of religion, politics, and war based on material restrictions. In contrast, the Age of Aquarius is an era of evolving beyond material limitations. Information spreads beyond the boundaries of religion and politics and spreads to the world in an instant.

image of separation, control and hierarchy

image of network, no hierarchy

Why now is the Age of Aquarius

The idea that the era is divided into 12 constellations and the present is the age of Aquarius originates from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato

He considered history to be circular, and calculated the cycle as 36,000 years. 

According to Margaret E. Hone 2010, "The Modern Text-Book of Astrology Paperback," the constellations and civilizations of each age can be matched:

[The Age of Aries] Aries 2000-B.C.
[The Pisces era] Pisces BC-2000
[The Age of Aquarius] Aquarius Around 2000-4000 AD

The constellations in the direction of the sun each spring equinox orbit the 12 constellations in a cycle of about 25,860 years. 

And the characteristics of civilizations of each era reflect the characteristics of the constellations in the direction of the sun at that time. 

Carl Jung (1875-1961) also explains the great transformation from Pisces to Aquarius (“Collected Works Paperback – Jan. 21 1979” by C. G. Jung (Author), R. F.C. Hull (Translator)).

Fighting domination during the age of Pisces

In the 2000 years, during the age of Pisces, humanity has been devastated by war.  Yuval Noah Harari's online history lecture “A Breif History of Humankind” is the best way to look back on human history during the Pisces era.

The entire lecture is composed of Lesson 01 to Lesson 17 as following video:

The keywords in the age of Pisces

carp in the imperial palace in Tokyo

The keywords in the age of Pisces are
"control," and 

Pisces is a symbol that two fish traveling in the opposite direction are tied with a string. In other words, in the age of Pisces, is the separation of opposing pairs. Those are:
  • mind and body, 
  • spirit and substance, 
  • masculine and femininity, etc.
They are seemingly opposites which are not fused, but separated. 

In addition, the age of Pisces is an era of class society divided into the governing side and the dominated side. Due to the hierarchical structure of the organizational structure, power and financial power, limited people gathered power.

The fundamental values ​​of separation and control during the age of Pisces made "religion" segregated, hostile, and strengthened domination.

In Pisces society, femininity and masculinity are separated. That is, men belong to the company and work for the company, and women contribute for the family.

Thus, 2000 years in the past, the age of Pisces, can be said as a history of battle and is now moving into the age of Aquarius to be free from battles. 

The transition does not switch from one day to another. Human beings gradually transform society and humanity based on collective unconsciousness.

What is like the new age of Aquarius

The keywords in the age of Aquarius are "love", "integration", "harmony", "change", and "equal". 

Aquarius symbolize a boy with a water bottle as Ganymēdēs. He is a beautiful boy in Greek mythology and the only human being to enter the world of God. 

Therefore if you will be a water bottle carrier, i.e., a wealth distributer, you may be closer to God. 

By the way, it is Uranus, the guardian of Aquarius. The keywords that Uranus gives are:
  • Revolution
  • Invention
  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Freedom
In the age of Aquarius, materiality and spirit are fused to create new values ​​that are free and liberated. 

The energy to release the rule and integrate the things that had been separated until now will be strengthened more and more.  Furthermore, the idea of ​​sharing rather than ownership is standardized. 

We can expect the development of cutting-edge technologies that are environmentally friendly. 

The age of Aquarius is also the era of community, in which each person exerts their talents, harmonizes, and works to improve the world. 

And the value is that if the whole community works well, anyone's credit will do. Rather than the upper ones controlling the lower ones, everyone will be equal and the whole society will change to values ​​that respect each other.

Aquarius Lifestyle learn from the Jōmon period

Values ​​in the Aquarius era are similar to those in the Jōmon period. Surprisingly, the Jōmon period lasted nearly 20,000 years.

They had no concept of land ownership, struggle, wealth, or class.

The recent excavation of the Jomon archaeological site has revealed that the Jomon people had a high degree of culture, rather than the primitive people that have been considered so far. 

An excavation survey at the Sannai Maruyama Site in Aomori City, in Japan, has been excavated since 1992.  It revealed the following details of the Jomon period:
  • Even if he did not cultivate rice, he had a stable life of managing and utilizing natural resources such as chestnut forests.
  • We have the technology to make high-quality earthenware with an original design, and that earthenware belongs to the oldest category in the world.
  • Sophisticated items such as elaborate earrings and lacquered combs.
  • More than 20,000 clay figurines whose meanings and uses are still mysterious.
  • A large number of stones were carefully arranged to form a stone circle, where ceremonies were performed in line with the celestial bodies.
  • Jōmon people familiar with the movement of the sun and had already learned the concept of time.

Life in the Jōmon period was peaceful with no fighting. That age continued for nearly 20,000 years. This is amazingly long!!

Suffering caused by the ancient conversion: From the Jōmon period to the Yayoi period

When the transition from the Jōmon period to the Yayoi period took place, Japanese culture and social systems changed significantly. On top of that transformation, the current Japanese society continues.

In the Jōmon period, people had equal relationships based on hunting and gathering. In hunting and gathering, they basically got what they needed at that time. 

Therefore, they did not accumulate their own assets.  On the other hand, in the Yayoi period, people had an agricultural life based on orderly collective actions and plans. In an agricultural society, storing rice caused a gap between rich and poor, and caused competition for land. 

After entering to Yayoi period, the entire society became hierarchical, rationalization was promoted, wealth was concentrated on some people. 

Also, the planet Earth and all living beings that are its inhabitants are being hurt. In other words, now is the high time for reform. 

That is the age of Aquarius.


We have just entered the age of Aquarius, the age of "freedom," "equality," and "transformation" from the 2000 long-standing "separation," "control," and "material" advantages of Pisces. 

Breaking down the hierarchy and wealth sharing will be a major business theme. 

In the transformation, the "water carrier" of the age of Aquarius, Ganymēdēs, who distributes water (water metaphor), will be our targeted role who enters the world of God. 

To know the values ​​of the age of Aquarius rests in Jōmon culture. In other words, we must learn a new way of life from the days of the distorted ancient Utopia.


Plain Living and High Thinking as Your Principle of Life

Plain Living and High Thinking

In times of rapid change, it is good to have a principle and a motto. 

I recommend to have a principle of life, plain living and high thinking. 

This principle is almighty. 

Whatever happens in the real world, it has shown me what action to take. 

There is a nice Japanese idiomatic phrase that combines "plain living" and "high thinking". 

"yu u zu u mu ge"

This is also my favorite motto. 

In this phrase, "yu u zu u" means "being flexible." 

On the other hand, mu ge means unobstructed.

"Yu u zu u mu ge" has various interpretations as follows:

  • Great flexibility and no obstruction exist at all on the behavior.
  • Mutually communicate heterogeneity without any obstacles.
  • Things go smoothly without any obstacles.
  •  Don't stick to one way of thinking, see things freely and deal with them better.

Either way, it teaches us that flexibility matters. 

I am convinced that there is real freedom beyond reason. To do so,

Therefore, I want to value the flexible sensibility that makes it possible.


"Serendipity" suggests that sensitivity is more important than reason 

The force of seizing the chance of good luck is known as "serendipity." 

Serendipity is essentially the same as "yu u zu u mu ge". 

Many scientists and artists prefer this phrase though, "serendipity" is also beneficial to the general public. 

The origin of "serendipity is "The Three Princes of Serendip,'' an old Persian fairy tale dating back over a thousand years.

The point is that if we use our sensibilities every day, there will be unexpected new discoveries other than those predicted, and they will become important in the future. 

If many people exercise their serendipity and generate unexpected ideas and discoveries, it may be possible to create a happier society than expected.


Practice of Plain Living and High Thinking 

The practice of Plain Living and High Thinking is to stop habitual reactions. 

Make sure you don't get involved in messy relationships. This practice is also effective in helping the four families live together. 

Changes in lifestyles due to coronasWe live in urban areas and our living space is more compact than in rural areas, so it is difficult to secure a private space. Finally my two children started a quarrel. 

I tried not to get involved in this messy relationship. 

In front of their serious quarrel, I took a deep breath and intuitively understood what I was supposed to do. I didn't stop the quarrel directly. 

Following my intuition, I began to throw away unnecessary things. Then, I cleaned up and started to create a space. 


In the process, I found foods near their expiration date and used them to cook. 

In the meantime, we invited them and enjoyed the dishes they cooked one by one. Mysteriously, when the living space was prepared, a smiley communication occurred to them.  That is synchronicity. A dynamic absolute harmony, often appears in front of us as synchronicity. 

I realized that the living space was being purified. I worked 100% positively for absolute harmony, even near the battle. 


Plain living and high thinking is a useful principle in a chaotic and rapidly changing world. The practice of this principle requires both flexibility and not losing sight of yourself. In particular, to keep your mind peaceful even if conflicts occur around you. Let's flexibly follow the path of absolute harmony without being bound by reason. There is nothing else.


The Future is Non-linear, Bright Society Depends on Your Choice, Imagination and Creation

Future depends on your choice

In the doctrine of the Tendai sect, a school of Buddhism, "ichi nen san zen". It means that the three thousand realms are contained in one mind.

It is regarded as the ultimate principle of the Tendai sect among others.

In my interpretation, it means that people's thoughts include all possibilities. In other words, your future will change depending on which timeline you steer. 

So if you vaguely live without thinking, that's a big problem. It is very effective to draw a vision for the future that is as clear as possible. 

As for me, when I was in high school, I drew an image of my future home. It's a clean, modern living, and I live with my husband and two children. Twenty years later, I realized that was a reality. 

Life is not linear. Multiple future time lines spread in front of you in parallel. What future do you choose? Be aware of your future choices. You choose the future.

Imagination and Creation for Ideal Future: Better Paradigm Shift

We should reconsider the "image of a uniform future" that has been imagined as an extension of modernization and science and technology development, as an image of the "future" with multiple possibilities. In other words, by aiming for a better paradigm shift, we can choose a time line that leads to a brighter society and proceed. 

We are now in paradigm shift

Paradigm shift has the following meaning:

"a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely'' (Definition of paradigm shift from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

"a situation in which the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely: The widespread use of social media represents a paradigm shift in the way we communicate.'' (Definition of paradigm shift from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Paradigm shift is more important than it is now. So it's the worst to be vaguely tossed. This means that each person is responsible for the future of society. 

The future of the individual is closely related to the future of society. 

Therefore, for the sake of your happy future, many people would like to choose a timeline that will lead to a desirable global environment and social system.

Now we are in a wonderful paradigm shift like a miracle

Some people realize that a wonderful paradigm shift like a miracle is happening now. 

Mankind has been repeating wars, but I also feel that the current society is shifting to utopia. 

New possibilities are emerging for creating a sustainable and happy society. Otherwise, humankind will be extinct. 

I feel that a wonderful future another story already exists potentially. It is a society in which Basic Income that eliminates economic disparities, free energy that creates inexhaustible wealth, ecological industries are commonplace and flying cars.

The idea that each person has another reality, apart from this reality, creates a new era by imagining.

I was surprised last week when I found a site where Joseph Gregory Hallett was actually a real King of England

source:  https://www.kingof.uk/

I think there are many other stories out there. 

I realize that the times that were so heavy until now are already past. 


The doctrine of Buddhism teaches us that the three thousand realms are contained in one mind. In other words, the most important thing is to set the direction of your feeling vector to the brighter one. Then, a miraculous future will become a reality. That is true even in society.


Being Happy Through Synchronicity with Cosmic Will

Benefits of meditation to access Cosmic Will 

Shinto says that if you follow Cosmic Will, you will get what you need, when you need it, and when you need it, through connections with society and people. 

In order to access Cosmic Will, daily meditation is effective. 

Cosmic Will is a dynamic absolute harmony in that what you need comes while you don't store what you don't need. 

Continuing meditation on a daily basis improves your intuition for the dynamic absolute harmony.


Cosmic Will Appears as Synchronicity

Cosmic Will, a dynamic absolute harmony, appears in front of us as synchronicity. Synchronicity is simply defined as "meaningful coincidence." Synchronicity, although not yet scientifically proven, is something that many people experience. For example:

  • Contact from someone who wants to meet,
  • The other person suggests what you wanted to do, 
  • See repdigit continuously Meet unexpected people


Synchronicity: Tips for keeping the subconscious with Cosmic Will 

Synchronicity is also the key to keep the subconscious with Cosmic Will. So it's a real signal from yourself. 

When your subconscious mind is with Cosmic Will, a miracle-like event happens to you. It looks like a coincidence, but it is an inevitable event. 

We can find out about our wonderful state of subconsciousness by encountering a series of favorable synchronicities.


Make synchronicity your side for prosperity 

It would be great if we could take advantage of synchronicity and upgrade to a happier life. 

In fact, synchronicity hides the message of trying to make life better. So, if you put synchronicity on your side, the universe will support you every day like a mysterious miracle. 

A coincidence means a spiritual sign. It's an amazing sequence of synchronicities, a reflection of your own spiritual world. 

Depending on your subconsciousness, freedom, abundance and joy will come to you. So be proactive and bring Cosmos to your side and enjoy a joyful life. 

Cosmos is hoping that people with Cosmic Will will prosper.


Tips for Synchronicity

In order to prosper in a series of miracles called synchronicity, in addition to meditation, you need a well-balanced state in every sense. 

For example:


I haven't fully accomplished all of the above, but I've done much better than before. This made life much easier for me than before. And, more often, in my daily life, I am more thankful and inspiring. 

In other words, it can be said that my flow of time is in the torrent of prosperity, the "Cosmic Zone." 

Originally, we can accept this "Cosmic Zone" as the "Base Position". That is very natural in nature.



Shinto says that if you follow Cosmic Will through social and human connections, you will get what you need, when you need it, and when you need it. 

Cosmic Will appears in front of us as synchronicity. 

Cosmos hopes that people with Cosmic Will will prosper. 

In order to prosper in a series of miracles called synchronicity, in addition to meditation, a well-balanced state in every sense is required.



Less Screen Time Means a Better Mind and Body

Less Screen Time Means a Better Mind and Body

The great people who lived a happy life wrote down how important the optimal lifestyle is for a lucky life: Luigi Cornaro (1464-1566) and Mizuno Namboku (1760 to 1834), who Improved their destinies by eating less. 


But that is not enough now. What we have to keep in mind is also how to shorten the screen time. Because we cannot live without screen time now. But it has negative impact on both mind and body. 

When I was little, my parents advised me to stay five meters away from the TV screen. However, now the PC screen is only about 30 cm away from my face. As for the iPhone and iPad, I am touching the screen, and the screen and I are in close contact.  What does that mean!

Radio waves that stiffen a relaxing sense that harmonizes with nature

While walking through the forest, I could enjoy the wonder of nature. 

However, now that I always have a mobile phone in my hand, which locks in my true freedom of mind.

It is like the iron sand is forced to form by magnets.  In other words, without a magnet, mind tunes to the beautiful vibrations of nature.

Negative impact of screen time on mind and body

You should be aware of minimizing screen time. Otherwise, you'll waste your life. 

Let me introduce my recent mistakes. Last weekend, I spent 12 hours surfing the internet.  However, my primitive body is not accustomed to the rays from electronic devices. Therefore, the next morning, I felt a physical sickness as well as self-loathing.

I know that especially screen time is not good for children. Moreover, I often see that screen time is not good for children's growth


It is beneficial to decide to make a No Screen Time Day and limit the screen time of the day. The rest is how much you can tame yourself at your will.


Tips for Fortune Suggested by Shrine Mirrors

Shrine mirrors suggest God we encounter deep in our inner consciousness

There are no god statues at shinto shrines. Instead, there is a round mirror in a shrine. 

So in that mirror you see your own face, not the deity.

Once at a shrine, I saw my face in the mirror and experienced the wonders of this world.  And I was impressed by the idea of ​​the ancients. 

What they wanted to pass on to posterity is, in the end, God will appear when we deepen our inner consciousness. 

And we will find that the God who appeared is ourselves. Thus, in Shinto, people approach God.

Fortunate life depends on where you focus your attention

Fortunate life depends on where you turn your "consciousness". Then, the situation in the world changes according to the direction of consciousness.

Don't confuse "consciousness" with "thinking."  Being conscious is not the same as the will to forcefully change the surroundings. This is because "consciousness" and "thinking" are two different things.  It is the consciousness, not the will to forcefully change the surroundings that can change the surroundings into a desirable world.  

So if you can control your "consciousness," you can transform your surroundings as you wish.  That is, your soul goes where you are aware, and the world around you changes accordingly.

Therefore, controlling "consciousness" is the essence of happiness. 

So the first step is to be aware of what you are aware of.  Once you can control your "consciousness," your life becomes more comfortable.

Tips to control "Awareness" 

If you can control what you are aware of, you can make your life more comfortable. So how can we do that? Here are some tips for controlling what you're aware of:

  • Focus on a fascinating future
  • Focus on your breathing (especially exhaling)
  • Write your thoughts in a notebook and check your thoughts

Why don't you try to do the things you can while arranging the above?

The secret to entrust to the subconscious

The ultimate ideal way of life is to leave it to the subconscious. 

The subconscious here is not the consciousness of others, but our own deep consciousness, which is God. 

Subconsciousness works on everything we are aware of. For example, if you wake up in the morning and feel the gratitude of having a new day, it will be a wonderful day. 

On the contrary, if you feel uncomfortable from the morning, something unpleasant happens. Using the subconscious is not simple. 

The reason for changing reality is that negative reactions often occur. First, accept as it is. Then, through the dialogue with the subconscious, you will find comfort from them. 

When in good harmony with the subconscious mind, unnatural powers and thoughts disappear, eventually leading you to the desired stage of life.

Do not let the ego rule your mind

To control the subconscious, it is important not to let the ego control the mind. 

The ego is a strong concentration of consciousness. 

Since it is an unnatural force, a reaction occurs. Reactions, even temporary desired outcomes, ultimately result in illness, incompatibility, conflict, and so on. 

So we have to distinguish between ego and harmonious peace. 

Harmonious peace is based on a natural sense. On the other hand, the ego is a selfish force that is separated from harmony. 

We must not let the ego destroy ourselves. 

To keep your mind from being controlled by the ego, you should occasionally relax your brain and body.


Shrine mirrors eventually suggest that God appears when we deepen our inner consciousness. And controlling consciousness is the sign of happiness. 

First, accept as it is. 

And through dialogue with the subconscious you will find harmonious peace in the world around you. 

When in good harmony with the subconscious mind, unnatural powers and thoughts disappear, eventually leading you to the desired stage of life. 

The important thing is to keep a soft subconscious mind, not unnatural concentration.


How to Accumulate Virtue by Eating for Fortune

A good way to live is a trick

The most important thing to live is how much you can accumulate virtue in this life. A good way to live is a trick. If you don't know this rule, it will be a big problem later. However, usually people don't notice the cause and effect.

Virtue does not mean taking a high social position or acquiring a huge fortune.  In other words, virtue is accumulated by daily attitudes and has nothing to do with the results achieved.  

And the amount of virtue you accumulate will determine how lucky you are in the next life. But we tend to value results. Too much concerning the result reduces the amount of virtue.  

In fact, it's easy to accumulate virtue by optimizing your daily living attitude.

Premortal virtue and luck in this world

We are born into this world, taking over the virtues of the previous life.

If the amount of virtue in the previous life was small, the fortune of this life becomes bad. Therefore, some people are lucky and some are unlucky since they were born. 

The law of nature is equal. It doesn't favor anyone. 

So don't overestimate good luck just because you're lucky in this world. 

If you are living a terrible life, you will quickly run out of your fortunes saved in your previous life.

saving virtue

wasting virtue

How to Improve your Destiny by Eating

Any fate can be changed with a proper diet for three years. Nanboku Mizuno (1760–1834), a Japanese master of physiognomy, proved that. 

Nanboku Mizuno was born in a poor family. He sinned and entered prison. However, he improved his tragic fate by eating and chewing well. 

Despite his lowly status, he established a high degree of credibility and advised many high-ranking aristocrats and lords, including the Emperor. 

He recommends three good ways to eat for good luck:
  1. Eat less and eat less
  2. Eat at a fixed time
  3. Chew well when eating


It's easy to get lucky. That is how to eat. 

This life is only once. But you will still exist after death. 

Even if you are unlucky in this world because you didn't have the virtues of the previous life, it's okay. 

All you have to do is practice a good meal for three years. 

If you do that, you'll definitely be in luck.

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