
How to Create Your Natural Rhythms for Happier Life

Body clock and natural rhythm match For a good night's sleep

Natural rhythms are:

phases of the moon, and

They are so great that they cannot be ignored. But we usually prioritize work and private events over natural rhythms. This disrupts the rhythm of the body clock. And the sleep rhythm of a person is easily disturbed. Indeed, lack of sleep or insomnia is painful. Therefore, I want to live with the rhythm of nature in mind. It is pleasant when the rhythm of life is in tune with the rhythm of nature, not by reason. Thanks to that, I feel better and happier than when I was young.

Relationship between cosmic rhythm and happiness

We are part of the universe, and the natural rhythm is also the rhythm of the universe. Riding the rhythm of the universe makes us do what we need, when we need it. In other words, improve your luck. The personality also becomes cheerful. Living in good balance works in many ways. It's the real richness of life, relationships, and life planning.

Work-Life Balance is Human Dignity

Work-Life balance occurs at sunrise. And I do not work after sunset. This rhythm is really good for the human body. The Japanese way of working in the 1970s had a higher priority than work at home. At that time, it was a virtue to work well. In Japan at that time, there was a broadcast on TV commercials asking if I could work 24 hours a day. It was a completely silly era. Society at that time ignored humanity to that extent. Therefore, there were many impatient people. The bad working environment leading to death from overwork has only recently been recognized in Japan.

What is the best time management

Best time management is not about maximizing working time. The essential point of the best time management is to harmonize daily life with natural rhythm. No matter how rich or poor, a person has the same 24 hours a day. So how you spend a day determines the true richness. But it's not a good idea to spend less time sleeping and maximizing your workday. It is against the rhythm of the universe. Of course, once in a while, you may be absorbed in forgetting time. But the basis is the natural rhythm. Otherwise, it will ruin your life eventually. Because we are part of nature, the basis of our time is the rhythm of nature.

Maximize the benefits from the spirit of the sun and moonlight

It is light that creates the rhythm of nature. There is sun and moonlight. Especially, the light of the sun permeates the soul. And it is sunrise that feels the power of the sun most strongly. The phases of the moon certainly affect humanity. The new moon is a good time to start something new. The full moon is a good time to thank. It is effective for diet when going from the full moon to the new moon. Hotsuma Tsutae, Japanese non-official historical record, explains how sunlight and moonlight greatly affect life. It also explains how to get sunlight and moonlight spirits into your body from food. Specifically, they are grains and vegetables.

Three points to get on the rhythm of nature

Here are three ways I've put it into practice and found it to be effective. I recommend establishing a style that suits you:

  1. Drink a glass of water as soon as you get up
  2. See the sun in the morning
  3. The best closing day after sunset

1. Drink water as soon as you get up

My morning begins with a glass of water. Grab a glass of water and thank you for having a new day. Water that remembers gratitude goes around the body. It deserves to start the day.

2. See the sun in the morning

Then, it is exposed to the morning sun. It is the stimulation of morning light that adjusts to the same 24-hour cycle as the rotation of the earth. Watch the light and set the body clock to the rhythm of the day. Many people wake up late on the morning of the day off, but this can cause your body clock to go crazy, so it is best to stop it. I want to adjust the lack of sleep by going to bed early.

3. The best closing day after sunset

After sunset, devote yourself to the cool-down time of the day. Here are my routines for days with no special events:
At 6:30 pm I brush my teeth in the evening and eat nothing after that.
Clean the room. To sleep in a well-equipped space and wake up comfortably in the morning.
Soak slowly in a bathtub. This has two effects. The first is to relax your mind and body. The other is to raise the body temperature. A person can fall asleep smoothly when the temperature in a deep body falls.
Have a drink while watching the candlelight. When you look at the flames, not the light of the population, you will feel at ease. When a little sake enters the bloodstream, the feeling of elation increases.
Check your position according to the moon phase and go to sleep. New moon is the time to start something new. The full moon is the time to thank.


  • Use a lifestyle that matches the rhythm of the sun and moon.
  • Establish your own way of spending the day.
  • Manage your time.

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