
Hidden Super Ancient Records in Japan: Longevity, Truth after Death, Spiritual Power

Hidden Super Ancient Records in Japan on Longevity, Truth after Death, Spiritual Power of Japanese Poetry, etc.

Japan has several records of super ancient times. Unfortunately, they are not officially recognized. Hotsuma Tsutae is one of them. Hotsuma Tsutae is a great textbook to know the depth of Japanese history. It has been stored by prestigious shrines. In fact, Hotsuma Tsutae is older and more detailed and older than Kojiki and Nihonshoki which are officially the oldest. 

Hotsuma Tsutae describes the diverse contents of the founding of Japan and ancient Japanese civilization. For example: The establishment of the Imperial Family of Japan, perpetuity and longevity, proper eating methods, methods of giving birth to wonderful children, funeral methods of ascending the dead to heaven, truth after death, the spiritual power of Japanese poetry. These contents will update your common sense. What's more, you can easily incorporate some of these into your daily life.

48 Phonemes of Japanese Language: Corresponding to the Five Elements of the Universe and Their Energy Streams

Hotsuma Tsutae is written in Hotsuma characters. They are older than Kanji that came from China. The number of Hotsuma characters is 48 regularly arranged. Deeply, their symbolic shapes represent the five elements of the universe, the sky, wind, fire, water, and soil, and their energy streams.  Furthermore, each sound of the 48 Hotsuma corresponds to each factor of the natural world. Therefore, every sound of Japanese is meaningful. Especially in the form of the waka, Japanese poem, seven-and-five syllable meter, enhances the connection with the universe. In other word, waka is important not only in meaning but also in its sound and rhythm. For example, Hotsuma Tsutae also has an episode of singing a poem to drive away the hordes of locusts. I also want to carefully pronounce each of the 48 Japanese sounds in order to adjust the rhythm of life for good luck.

The AWAUTA (あわうたawauta).
Reference to the "Hotsuma Tsutae"
(Manuscripts to OGASAWARA Nagahiro
(小笠原長弘ogasawara nagahiro) March 3, 1900)
Establishment kana to right of the character
(WOSITE jindai moji)hotsuma.gr.jp awa-no-uta).

Valuable Super Ancient Records: How to Access, Availability in English and French

Hotsuma Tsutae consists of the first part and the second part. The first part is from the chapter 1 to 28 and was edited by Kushimikatama (a minister of Emperor Jinmu). The second part is from the chapter 29 to 40 and was written by Ohotataneko. They are a poem format based on the Seven-and-five syllable meter.  The original text is all Hotsuma characters, so ordinary people cannot be read it. Fortunately, modern Japanese translated books have been published. If I buy it, it costs more than $30 (¥30,000) though, I was able to rent it at the library.  This is quite different from the Japanese history learned at school, and it's exciting. And, thankfully, there are many contents that are useful in daily life.

Books about Hotsuma Tsutae 


The hidden ancient records are precious. Particularly recommended is Hotsuma Tsutae, a super ancient Japanese record. There are also sites where you can read the full text in English and French. I recommend you to enjoy Hotsuma Tsutae, depending on your interest level. How about updating your common sense?

reference:鳥居 礼「完訳秀真伝 上下巻」八幡書店, 1988

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