
Best Food Ever for Longevity, What to Eat and What Not to Eat to Return to Heaven

Food and Life

What to Eat

Hotsuma Tsutae, un-official Japanese historical record, writes in great detail about what to eat and what to avoid. 

First, the best food is a crop that grows by receiving the energy of the sun and of the moon. Specifically, they are rice and vegetables.  

Rice grows by the spirit of the sun. On the other hand, the root vegetables such as carrot or turnip grow by the spirit of the moon. 

Therefore, if you eat rice and root vegetables, you will be able to receive the protection of the Sun-Moon gods while you are alive. Furthermore, you will be able to return to Heaven, the Sun-Moon Palace, even after you die.

Barely Good Food

Barely good are scale fish. But don't eat eels, catfish, crabs, shrimps, squid, or octopuses. Because they have no scales. But if you eat a fish with scales, you have to keep eating vegetables for three days to cleanse yourself. 

What to Avoid: Eating Meat Shortens Lifespan, Makes you a Beast after Death

Basically, you shouldn't eat meat, according to Hotsuma Tsutae.  Because eating meat increases nature of fire. What is worse, the spirit also changes impure. Therefore, after death, the soul will not return to the original world. 

And it will seek the seed of the beast. And finally, the dead are reincarnated as beasts. 

Meat eater's soul will lose the soul's string and will not be able to return to heaven. 

Hotsuma Tsutae Lecture on Correct Diet to Return to Heaven while Enjoying Longevity

In Hotsuma Tsutae, Amateru gives a lecture on the correct diet. Amateru is Amaterasu Omikami, who is said to be the goddess of the sun in Nihonshoki, but appears as a god in Hotsuma Tsutae. 

The contents of the lecture are as follows:  

"The best food is rice and field crops. Next is a scaled fish. Meat is bad.  If you eat meat, your body's flesh becomes stiff, gains weight, loses oil, and you will die quickly. 

So if you eat meat, eat radish for two and a half months.  

If you eat meat by mistake, your soul's code will be cut off, and your soul will not be able to return to the original heavenly palace.
After death, you will wander the ground while suffering, seeking for the seeds of the beast, and finally becoming a beast.  

On one hand, rice has the spirit of the sun. And the center of the heart responds to the spirit of the sun.
On the other hand, root vegetables have the spirit of the moon. And the leaves of the heart that derive from the heart respond to the spirit of the moon. Therefore, if you eat a meal with the spirit of the sun and the moon your soul will return to the Sun-Moon Palace after you die.  

I (Amateru) have always eaten a grass called "chiyomikusa" which is 100 times more bitter than the usual young rape.
"Chiyomikusa" is a long-lived herb. Thanks to this, I am 240,000 years old this year, but still young. Therefore, I think that the million-year-old will be able to live.  
Life is precious. If you die after longevity, you can enjoy to return to heaven.
Also, if you eat properly, you will smell like a chrysanthemum when you die. The corpse will soon turn into a god."

The above is a part of the lecture on food by Amateru in Hotsuma Tsutae.

What to Do if You Eat Meat

Fortunately, Hotsuma Tsutae has what to do if you eat meat. In other words, even if you eat meat, you can cleanse your mind by continuing to eat detoxified foods.

Effective detoxified foods:
  • Radish 
  • Beetroot
  • White bean grass (”seri”) 
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Ginger
  • Salt (crystals), roasted salt

The Period Required for Detoxification

The time to keep eating detoxified foods for detoxification is as follows:
  • Three days for fish
  • Twenty-one days for waterfowl
  • Two-and-a-half months for the meat of Japanese three-letter animals such as raccoon "" dogs "ta nu ki" and foxes "ki tsu ne" 
  • Three years for Japanese two-letter animal meats such as venison "shi ka", pork "bu ta" and beef "u shi" 

Best Food Ever: Chrysanthemum, National Flower of Japan

Since chrysanthemum is a plant that has both the spirit of the sun and of the moon, if you eat it, you will become sensitive to both the spirit of the sun and of the moon. 

Therefore, in Japan, cherish chrysanthemums. (By the way, I drink chamomile tea because chamomile is chrysanthemum. )

According to Hotsuma Tsutae, “Chrysanthemum has both the seed of the spirit of the sun and the spirit of the moon. So if you eat it, your eyesight will become clear. Then the light and shadow in your mind will harmonize, and you will seek God”.

Flower arrangement with chrysanthemum

Ornamental chrysanthemum
Edible chrysanthemum

Best Food Ever for Longevity: Herbs that are almost unavailable

The best food is "chiyomi kusa". Eating it will prolong 1,000 years of life according to Hotsuma Tsutae.   The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang(259 BC–210 BC)ordered him more than 2,200 years ago, to come Japan to search for the elixir of life. The herbs are almost unavailable. Then, where is it growing now?

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