
How to Have a Good Child for a Couple

Mother's misfortune when a violent son is born

Chapter 5 of Hotsuma Tsutae, non-official ancient history in Japan, describes how ferocious Susanoo, the fourth child born between the two gods Izanagi and Izamani, was born in ancient Japan. Ultimately, mother Izamani ruined her life by the birth of her son, Susanoo.

Since birth, Susanoo has embarrassed mother Izamani by being violent, crying and screaming. He also plagued the people.  For example, he threw a horse in the field and broke the shore.  And mother Izamani paid the people the damage caused by Susanoo.   

To make up for his son's sins, Mother Izamani built the Kuamno shrine and prayed daily.  One day Susanoo set fire to the mountain. Izamani stayed at the shrine to pray to extinguish the fire. And she gave birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi to put out the fire. But she was finally burned to death. 

This point is different from the official Japanese history. For official Japanese history, she died from giving birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi. Meanwhile, Hotsuma Tsutae says she was burnt to death due to Susanoo.

Mother Izamani suffered from the birth of his son Susanoo. And finally, she died of Susanoo's wrongdoing. Izamani was beautiful. Burnt death is cruel. Curiously, her husband, Izanagi, didn't try to correct Susanoo. So she suffered doubly, by her son and her husband.

Condition at conception affects nature of a baby

Chapter 7 of Hotsuma Tsutae notes that Susanoo was determined to be violent when her mother conceived. In other words, the cause is that Isanami was conceived during her period. 

Because of that, Susanoo's soul strings were defiled. 

What is a soul string? The soul string is necessary for the soul to move between this world and this world. 

Hotsuma Tsutae attaches great importance to keeping this soul cord proper. Even after death. In other words, when you eat meat, the strings of your soul will rot and you will not be able to return safely to that world, and you will be reborn as an animal in this world.

How to Have a Good Child for a Couple

Chapter 7 of Hotsuma Tsutae conveys the lessons of the two gods, Izanagi and Izamani. And tell how to have a Good Child for a Couple:

・Couple should marry by coordination of intermediaries.
・ On the third day after menstruation, the woman purifies herself and worships the sunrise.
・Do not have sexual intercourse during her period.
・A man holds the earth of Mother with the heart of Heavenly Father.
・Woman sleeps with Heavenly Father with the heart of Mother Earth.



After all, for happiness, it is important for the couple to share the recognition that they cooperate to produce and raise good children. Of course, depending on the couple's family plan. Don't regret it later. In my case it was too late to know, but I would like to tell my daughters. Actually, I think everyone should know these things as basic tactics.

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