
Origin of Japan, Direct Kinship with Gods, Living Things Outside the Universe, Continued since 660 B.C.

Japan has continued since 660 B.C.

Origin of Japan is full of mysteries.  Japan's starting point of years upon the accession of Emperor Jinmu to the throne. The name of Emperor Jinmu was Kamu Yamato Iware Biko. The first Emperor Jinmu (reign period: 660 B.C.- 582 B.C.) established Japan on February 11 (on January 1 to the old lunar calender), 660 B.C. according to Chronicles of Japan, Nihonshoki. Emperor Jinmu’s parents were gods according to Japanese mythology. 

Photo: Detail of Emperor Jinmu - Stories from "Nihonki" (Chronicles of Japan), by Ginko Adachi. Woodblock print depicting legendary first emperor Jimmu, who saw a sacred bird flying away while he was in the expedition of the eastern section of Japan

Father of the First Emperor: God Named Ugaya Fukiaezu

Nihonshoki does not describe the parents of the first Emperor Jinmu. Emperor Jimmu's father is a god named Ugaya Fukiaezu. According to Hotsuma tsutae, he lived 800,000 years. Meanwhile, he lamented that the life expectancy of the common people was now 100, and that the number and frequency of meals for the common people had increased.

Photo: Ugaya Fukiaezu

Mother of the First Emperor: God Named Tamayori Hime

According to Hotsuma tsutae  Emperor Jimmu's mother is a god named Tamayori Hime.  Nihonshoki describes her as the sister of Ugaya Fukiaezu's mother. However, Hotsuma tsutae gives a different explanation. Tamayori Hime is a descendant of God who lived on Mount Hiei. Therefore, there were always five-colored clouds standing in the forest where she lived. After Ugaya Fukiaezu's ex-wife died, Ugaya Fukiaezu married her. 

Origin of Japan, Living Things Outside the Universe?

There are legends of Tenson Korin.  It’s about the descent on the earth of the descendants of the Sun-Goddess, Amaterasu Omikami.  She is that it is said to have direct kinship with the Japanese royal family. In addition, parents of Amaterasu Omikami, Izanagi and Izanami, created the land. I am interested in telling Hotsuma tsutae that Amaterasu Omikami is a man, not a woman as opposed to Nihonshoki.  Hotsuma tsutae is older than Nihonshoki  but is not considered to be orthodox. From this, I wonder if the origin of Japan is living things outside the universe. Simirally, in Kyoto, Japan, there is Kurama-dera's deity from the Venus 6.5 million years ago

Origin of Japan is mystical. If the descendants of God descended to the earth and Japan was created, would the roots of the Japanese be extraterrestrial life? Unfortunately, there are various ancient history, and the contents often conflict with each other. I hope that I can know the past history intuitively.

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