
How the Language Affects the Way We Think, Japanese Vowels and Cosmic Languages

Japanese-based brain recognizes natural sounds as words

People who speak Japanese as a mother tongue sound natural sounds like a meaningful language. For example, they are insect sounds, animal calls, rain, wind, waves, and stream sounds.

According to Tadanobu Tsunoda (1926-), a Japanese medical professor and an emeritus professor at the Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, when a child lives in a complete Japanese environment until the age of nine, the brain structure causes vowels to linguistic brain. It will be processed in. Then, a person with a brain structure based on Japanese recognizes many sounds in the natural world as "voices" in the left brain. This is because the human left brain is responsible for intelligent and linguistic information processing, while the right brain is responsible for nonverbal activities.

Koichi Tsunoda shows in his paper the "reproducibility" of his father Tsunoda's theory. It is a paper "Near-infrared-spectroscopic study on processing of sounds in the brain; a comparison between native and non-native speakers of Japanese" published in the peer-reviewed journal "Acta Oto-Laryngologica" in 2016. 

Japanese vowels and cosmic languages

In Hotsuma Tsutae, an unofficial ancient record, the five sounds of "a, i, u, e, o" mean Heaven (space), wind, flare, aqua, and soil (Earth), respectively.
     A=Heaven (space)
O=soil (Earth)

Heaven (space), wind, flare, aqua, and soil (Earth), the five elements, that is, the five tones of "a, i, u, e, o" are united into a person. Therefore, each vowel "a, i, u, e, o" has its own meaning. Moreover, Japanese phonemes are based on vowels. 

Ancient Japan rebuilt with 48 Japanese phonemes

Hotsuma Tsutae, an unofficial ancient record, describes that in ancient Japan, a god and a goddess taught the Japanese 48 sounds. Because at that time, the nation was devastated because the words of the people were so blunt that they could not communicate with each other. To correct their words, the goddesses and goddesses made the song "a wa." The song "a wa" consists of forty-eight sounds, starts with "a" and ends with "wa".

First, the god and the goddess played musical instruments. Next, the goddess sang the twenty-four phonemes of the upper phrase. And then, the goddess sang the twenty-four phonemes of the lower phrase. Finally, Japanese was standardized. The country was rebuilt by that.

"a wa" song

Here's the "a wa" song:

Upper phrase
a ka ha ma na
i ki hi ni mi u ku
hu nu mu e ke
he ne me o ko ho no

Lower phrase
mo to ro so yo
wo te re se we* tsu ru
su yu n chi ri
si wi* ta ra sa ya wa

"we [(u)e] " and "wi[(u)i]" disappeared after the war, what are the effects?

By the way, of the 48 characters, the two characters "we" and "wi" disappeared in 1946. Because the government abolished.  I am worried about the impact of the loss of these two phonemes. How does it affect the structure of the Japanese brain?

48 Japanese phonemes grow a child into a naturally harmonious person

The language system acquired in the process of human growth has an unconscious effect. Knasaki, an ancient man who had a long history of language education, recognized that having a child sing an "a wa" song was an important language education. He also thought that the 48 phonemes were the beginning of an education connected with the natural god.

A wonderful educator, Kanasaki raised Princes Waka, the eldest daughter of Izanagi and Izanami. That made Princes Waka beautiful and smart. 

Knasaki said, 

"When you sing the song "a wa" along with the harp accompaniment, your voice becomes clear. And your five organs and your soul's soul will be adjusted by the spiritual power of the forty-eight phonetic gods. And finally, the spirit of God goes around your mind and body, and you don't get sick, and you get longevity. "


In ancient Japan, the god and goddess made Japanese with 48 phonemes. Japanese is a language in which vowels are predominant, and five vowels "a, i, u, e, o" correspond to the five elements of Heaven (space), wind, flare, aqua, and soil (Earth). In other words, each of the 48 Japanese phonemes has meaning, and each corresponds to 48 gods. In the process of learning Japanese, the structure of the brain becomes to recognize natural sounds as words. Why don't you sing 48 phonemes, including the two erased characters, in an "a wa" song?

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